Yes, yes it does.
Trek accepts all movies and live action shows as "canon". Just because an individual, or even groups of individuals do not like "whats on offer" does not remove it from canon.
SG-1/A/U form the "television canon" of Stargate, again, no matter if you like or hate it. The MOVIE however remains the only "canon" from the original creators and it is THIER call if something is canon or not.
Its AU canon within the Trek canon.
"Just because an individual, or even groups of individuals do not like "whats on offer" does not remove it from canon."
It can and frequently does. This goes in both directions. Uhura's first name, Sulu's first name and many names of shuttles and devices and even corridors (like the Jeffries Tube which is named after a Trek art designer from TOS) were made canon because novel authors made them such. Other things seen in Enterprise like the Xindi and the Suliban are removed from canon by virtue of them being non-existent in reference or presence in TOS which came after the timeline of Enterprise, as well as the other series and movies which have come after (in the timeline). If making a movie about Darth Vader, one does not write his story as a young Storm Trooper raised from birth by two Ewoks and then kidnapped by Sith Lords before becoming Darth Vader in a movie slotted before The Phantom Menace. If such a film was made, would that make it canon in Star Wars? When you say "Trek accepts....", what exactly do you mean? Trek purists are a small (and much older) group. We have been around long enough to have seen the original series whilst it was being broadcast on its first run.
In James Bond...the Casino Royale with David Niven and Woody it Bond canon? NO. But the new one done by Daniel Craig IS being considered Bond canon. See how it works? The fans can edit the canon as much as the producers. To me SGU will never be canon for the TV series of Stargate. Beat me with a whip and threaten death and I will still believe the same.