Defiance Ratings and Predictions Thread (Awards Given)

When will Defiance be cancelled by Syfy?

  • Midway into the second season, with the remaining episodes airing after cancellation.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • At the end of the second season after all episodes have aired.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Defiance will get a season 3, but will be canceled before season 4.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Defiance will not get canceled.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

CONGRATS! I need to craft a new triple ball for you. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Sad to say Defiance is better than Dominion. Of course, when you say that you have to also ask....

"Better than what?....."

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sad to say Defiance is better than Dominion. Of course, when you say that you have to also ask....

"Better than what?....."

Everything is better than Dominion. :) The Leftovers is in that club too. Tank Girl is better than Dominion.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Everything is better than Dominion. :) The Leftovers is in that club too. Tank Girl is better than Dominion.

time for another Tank Girl rewatch........:smiley-015:


What ship is this?
Staff member
Teen Wolf gets better ratings than Dominion and costs a lot less to produce. So of course it would get renewed. It's also better written and acted than Dominion, granted that is a pretty low bar to hurdle.


Earl Grey
Teen Wolf gets better ratings than Dominion and costs a lot less to produce. So of course it would get renewed. It's also better written and acted than Dominion, granted that is a pretty low bar to hurdle.
We will know in a few weeks time of when syfy decides cancel to renew this series. I just noticed that the air date for the last 4 episodes is on 2 concurrent weekends...Cancelled already? I don't know anyone who burns the entire season in just 2 weekends. Especially one that's a scripted/new show. Stargate never did it; nor did anything else.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
We will know in a few weeks time of when syfy decides cancel to renew this series. I just noticed that the air date for the last 4 episodes is on 2 concurrent weekends...Cancelled already? I don't know anyone who burns the entire season in just 2 weekends. Especially one that's a scripted/new show. Stargate never did it; nor did anything else.

Cancelled. No other reason I can think of for this. :) Not at all unexpected. But I am sure they will make it "official" soon enough. It really does not make sense to do anything else, with the dismal ratings and dead game which was supposed to be such a hit.


Earl Grey
Cancelled. No other reason I can think of for this. :) Not at all unexpected. But I am sure they will make it "official" soon enough. It really does not make sense to do anything else, with the dismal ratings and dead game which was supposed to be such a hit.
Dominion isn't doing it, so my only other guess is that they are trying to keep it on air by paring the two episodes together...Hoping that will bring in the numbers.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Maybe the combined Defiance/Dominion fiasco will finally cause SyFy's owners at Comcast to say "enough is enough" and do a long overdue decapitation of the entire executive staff and put a new staff in place that may get that the current lineup and image gives the channel no identity - nothing they are known for (except for throwing lots of money at bad ideas and showing no sense in what they decide to cancel and renew).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

That is just a hopeful comment from one of the showrunners, methinks. The ratings trajectory for Defiance is actually climbing from a low of 1.43, but the game is not becoming more popular. It went "free to play" this summer, pissing off the people who paid for the game like I did. Even free, the game is dead online. Also, we know that the show got a two year deal from the start. This is the second year.

Who knows? Could go either way.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Maybe the combined Defiance/Dominion fiasco will finally cause SyFy's owners at Comcast to say "enough is enough" and do a long overdue decapitation of the entire executive staff and put a new staff in place that may get that the current lineup and image gives the channel no identity - nothing they are known for (except for throwing lots of money at bad ideas and showing no sense in what they decide to cancel and renew).

Isnt it too late for that? Syfy now is known for crappy, cheesy shows and silly B-movies. Whatever reputation was left from the Scifi Channel is gone now. For them to have a new identity, they would have to dissolve and become something entirely different without the Syfy name.


Earl Grey
Maybe the combined Defiance/Dominion fiasco will finally cause SyFy's owners at Comcast to say "enough is enough" and do a long overdue decapitation of the entire executive staff and put a new staff in place that may get that the current lineup and image gives the channel no identity - nothing they are known for (except for throwing lots of money at bad ideas and showing no sense in what they decide to cancel and renew).
I doubt it. They survive on reruns and WWE
Last edited:


Earl Grey
When does Syfy show reruns of their successful shows like Battlestar Galactica or Stargate?
Stuff like the matrix and all these ancient movies are shown on syfy. Most of the content on that channel is stuff we have already seen. Most of the so called original NEW content barely gets through season 2 these days, and then dies soon after.

I can't see the channel gaining back its reputation. I am sure there will come a time where Syfy will be asked go into administration and all of its assets sold off. I am hoping it comes soon. The management board has been shocking to say the least.