Defiance Ratings and Predictions Thread (Awards Given)

When will Defiance be cancelled by Syfy?

  • Midway into the second season, with the remaining episodes airing after cancellation.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • At the end of the second season after all episodes have aired.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Defiance will get a season 3, but will be canceled before season 4.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Defiance will not get canceled.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 4

Heisenberg - 1.322M
Overmind One - 1.1m

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 4
Heisenberg - 1.322M
Jim of WVa - 1.200 million
Overmind One - 1.100 million


Well Known GateFan
Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 4
Heisenberg - 1.322M
ShavedApe - 1.25 (had to correct as I didn't see other predictions)
Jim of WVa - 1.200 million
Overmind One - 1.100 million


Well Known GateFan
People are IDIOTS...1.65M tuned in to watch this crap and Dominion. Then again people do watch shit like this

I can only assume that people are tuning in because there's nothing else new on to watch. And yes, these people are idiots. I caught 5 minutes of Dominion and was bored out of my mind. As it is I have no idea who these losers are that are tuning into this garbage. It's not exciting. It's not dramatic. It's not sexy. The characters are not unique. The "plot" is beyond stupid. And the styling of the show is laughable.

So the question remains: What kind of pathetic loser wastes their time watching this turd?


Earl Grey
I can only assume that people are tuning in because there's nothing else new on to watch. And yes, these people are idiots. I caught 5 minutes of Dominion and was bored out of my mind. As it is I have no idea who these losers are that are tuning into this garbage. It's not exciting. It's not dramatic. It's not sexy. The characters are not unique. The "plot" is beyond stupid. And the styling of the show is laughable.

So the question remains: What kind of pathetic loser wastes their time watching this turd?
There was a time where TLC was the Learning Channel, like the discovery channel,and showed actual science documentaries. This change for realitytv crap has really devalued the product, but hey, the economics says otherwise. That mean I must be wrong, right? Not really.

As for syfy they are no different.You would that people would stand up for them boycotting a channel, after what these people have done to science fiction, but nope!

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
There was a time where TLC was the Learning Channel, like the discovery channel,and showed actual science documentaries. This change for realitytv crap has really devalued the product, but hey, the economics says otherwise. That mean I must be wrong, right? Not really.

As for syfy they are no different.You would that people would stand up for them boycotting a channel, after what these people have done to science fiction, but nope!

Boycotts would work, if it were possible for a person to subscribe to cable/satellite TV without getting the Syfy channel.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So, did Heisenberg win?


Well Known GateFan
"Overmind One, post: 870655, member: 1"]Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 4

Heisenberg - 1.322M
Overmind One - 1.1m
Tripler - 1.009 M


Well Known GateFan
Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 4

Heisenberg - 1.322M
Overmind One - 1.1m
Tripler - 1.009 M
ShavedApe - 1.23


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well, Defiance actually got a reaction out of me tonight. However, I don't think it was the reaction the show runners wanted. Did they expect laughter? Hysterical laughter? Because that is what this "drama" provoked.

It seems the town of Defiance is basically composed of drug addicts, people who hallucinate and Gestapo types. Add in the bizarre conflict with Datak and Stahma was comical too. Basically nothing anyone does makes any sense. Now there is an underground reaching out to the Votanis Collective? Whatever.


Well Known GateFan
I haven't seen this one yet but what you describe doesn't sound surprising. The characters and their motivations on this show are a mess. I do like Stahma but have gotten tired of the power struggle story line they are doing with her. If she truly wanted power she would have had Datak killed, not just beaten up. The writers have made her a smart, clever, devious and cunning person, yet we're somehow expected to believe that someone as smart as she is still dumb enough to keep her biggest threat alive. :rolleye0014:

They try to make it that she's struggling against her patriarchal culture while at the same time showing us that she has long ago shaken off the cultural shackles that keep women subservient. That makes no sense. She's smart, she's crafty and she's pathological therefore it's impossible to believe that she would leave Datak alive because it's a given that he will retaliate and be a definite threat in the future.

This show is dumb.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Heisenberg won again.

And so he did! CONGRATS for the double ball, heisenberg!

Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 5

Jim of WVa - 1.5 million
Overmind One - 1.1 million


Earl Grey
Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 5

Jim of WVa - 1.5 million
Overmind One - 1.1 million
Heisenberg - 1.63 million.


Well Known GateFan
"heisenberg, post: 871151, member: 138"]Predictions for Defiance Season 2 Episode 5

Jim of WVa - 1.5 million
Overmind One - 1.1 million
Heisenberg - 1.63 million.
Tripler - 1.34 million watching Defiance :tealcanime23::tealcanime23::tealcanime23:


Earl Grey
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