Copyright gone crazy

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


This is all the fault of that little old lady and her stupid frakin hot coffee lawsuit with Mickey D's. :mad:
I blame her for all these darn nuisance lawsuits. :facepalm:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

LMAO! What's even more bizarre is Monsanto's patenting of seeds. They are going worldwide and patenting seeds which are natural and then forcing farmers to pay them a fee to grow them. They are also genetically modyfying the seeds to make them "roundup ready" which makes them immune to Round Up herbicide. Monsanto even claims that natural resistant plants to Round Up are evidence that the plants are "mixed with" Roundup Ready plants and thus fall under the copyright laws. In the future, Monsanto will most likely be denied rights they think they have secured. What bothers me is that the genetically altered plants have already entered the food supply. In theory, Monsanto could release a plant plague which would kill off all non-altered plants. Could they do this to humans? Make them "plague ready" and then release a plague which would only affect people who were not inoculated against it?

I know that was off topic, but it seems that Astrolabe is one of the early claimants. They are going to sue for timezone data? LOL!


My avatar speaks for itself.
LMAO! What's even more bizarre is Monsanto's patenting of seeds. They are going worldwide and patenting seeds which are natural and then forcing farmers to pay them a fee to grow them. They are also genetically modyfying the seeds to make them "roundup ready" which makes them immune to Round Up herbicide. Monsanto even claims that natural resistant plants to Round Up are evidence that the plants are "mixed with" Roundup Ready plants and thus fall under the copyright laws. In the future, Monsanto will most likely be denied rights they think they have secured. What bothers me is that the genetically altered plants have a;ready entered the food supply. In theory, Monsanto could release a plant plague which would kill off all non-altered plants. Could they do this to humans? Make them "plague ready" and then release a plague which would only affect people who were not inoculated against it?

I know that was off topic, but it seems that Astrolabe is one of the early claimants. They are going to sue for timezone data? LOL!
refreshing to se an ACTUAL american that knows this man monsanto is the devil incarnate for sure and during my schooling we had ALOT of hated debates about their worldwide BS, and yes in theory they could and if the pursuit is profit only i feel that they WILL.

what they have been doing in india the last 15-20 years have been espescially nasty imo.

personally im am really glad that the EU is refusing these geneticly modded plants on a large scale but if i could have it my way they would be banned no matter how much you americans try to lobby for it here in the EU, earlier this year here in sweden there were 100s of people that basicly stormed a field were geneticly modded plants were being grown as an experiment and they ripped them out of the ground unfortunatly police came and beat the shit out of them before they could finish so the field remains...


Council Member & Author
Monsanto also has the very nasty habit of making any seeds from their plants are sterile, so you can't use them for future crops, thus forcing you to go back to them for more.

They hate the heirloom seed market with a fire that burns.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Monsanto also has the very nasty habit of making any seeds from their plants are sterile, so you can't use them for future crops, thus forcing you to go back to them for more.

They hate the heirloom seed market with a fire that burns.
another one? oh my im... so... happy :D

and yes they do not like that as farmers wont have to buy new seeds each season which means less profit... imo they are really the nastiest form of a buisness there can be...


refreshing to se an ACTUAL american that knows this man monsanto is the devil incarnate for sure and during my schooling we had ALOT of hated debates about their worldwide BS, and yes in theory they could and if the pursuit is profit only i feel that they WILL.

what they have been doing in india the last 15-20 years have been espescially nasty imo.

personally im am really glad that the EU is refusing these geneticly modded plants on a large scale but if i could have it my way they would be banned no matter how much you americans try to lobby for it here in the EU, earlier this year here in sweden there were 100s of people that basicly stormed a field were geneticly modded plants were being grown as an experiment and they ripped them out of the ground unfortunatly police came and beat the shit out of them before they could finish so the field remains...

Next time instead of trying to pull the plants from the ground they should try to spray them with gasoline and set fire to the whole lot.

Genetically modified food is the enemy.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Next time instead of trying to pull the plants from the ground they should try to spray them with gasoline and set fire to the whole lot.

Genetically modified food is the enemy.

No, the COMPANIES making the genetic modifications are the enemy. :icon_e_wink:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
another one? oh my im... so... happy :D

and yes they do not like that as farmers wont have to buy new seeds each season which means less profit... imo they are really the nastiest form of a buisness there can be...

The average American does not are right. But I can vouch for Illiterati as I have met her in person and she is quite aware on the most esoteric levels as am I.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
LMAO! What's even more bizarre is Monsanto's patenting of seeds. They are going worldwide and patenting seeds which are natural and then forcing farmers to pay them a fee to grow them. They are also genetically modyfying the seeds to make them "roundup ready" which makes them immune to Round Up herbicide. Monsanto even claims that natural resistant plants to Round Up are evidence that the plants are "mixed with" Roundup Ready plants and thus fall under the copyright laws. In the future, Monsanto will most likely be denied rights they think they have secured. What bothers me is that the genetically altered plants have already entered the food supply. In theory, Monsanto could release a plant plague which would kill off all non-altered plants. Could they do this to humans? Make them "plague ready" and then release a plague which would only affect people who were not inoculated against it?

I know that was off topic, but it seems that Astrolabe is one of the early claimants. They are going to sue for timezone data? LOL!

On the contrary, it's right on topic. I should have titled this thread, "Copyrights and patents gone crazy". The US is patent crazy and I have a serious problem with companies trying to profit from bogus patents on natural processes and mathematical algorithms. There are companies that are dedicated to doing nothing else except acquire patents and sue and that is exactly how their business plans are written, too.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Next time instead of trying to pull the plants from the ground they should try to spray them with gasoline and set fire to the whole lot.

Genetically modified food is the enemy.
oh i agree with you!

what pisses me off is our governments fold like little bitches as soon as the mighty american companies do some lobbying (bribery) and get the american state involved thretening tax add on on our products if we do not accept this geneticly altered crap here... its blackmail/extortion and they get away with it? i dont get it...

The average American does not are right. But I can vouch for Illiterati as I have met her in person and she is quite aware on the most esoteric levels as am I.

hear hear!


The Belle of the Ball
On the contrary, it's right on topic. I should have titled this thread, "Copyrights and patents gone crazy". The US is patent crazy and I have a serious problem with companies trying to profit from bogus patents on natural processes and mathematical algorithms. There are companies that are dedicated to doing nothing else except acquire patents and sue and that is exactly how their business plans are written, too.
yep too many lawyers, too many lawsuits. I remember during th "cold fusion" excitement of the early 90's two MIT professors tried to patent their explanation of how it worked...they were not the scientists involved in any way (it was two BYU profs) and insisted that it didn't work..but incase it did they wanted the money! :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
yep too many lawyers, too many lawsuits. I remember during th "cold fusion" excitement of the early 90's two MIT professors tried to patent their explanation of how it worked...they were not the scientists involved in any way (it was two BYU profs) and insisted that it didn't work..but incase it did they wanted the money! :P

Software patents are causing a big stink in the IT universe because it is a weapon used by big tech companies to stifle innovation and maintain a stranglehold on their segment of the industry.

Now bankrupt SCO, formerly Caldera, tried such an idiotic move by claiming it owned code in Linux and that Linux was a derivative of Unix System V, for which it falsely claimed to have acquired the rights from Novell. It sucked IBM into that suit hoping to force an acquisition to make it all go away. Had SCO won, every copy of Linux would have instantly become illegal unless a license was paid to them. The entire thing backfired on them and they ended up fighting IBM *and* Novell in court and had to deal with a backlash from the IT world, which led to their demise.

The EU, under pressure by US companies like Microsoft, Oracle and other software giants, has been trying to pass US-style software patent legislation that would allow patents on software. So far, it's been met by a very vocal resistance and it hasn't been too successful in pushing it through the last few rounds. Software code is just a collection of logic and algorithms, which fall into math and patents on math are just stupid.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Patents on "business methods" are even more absurd and more proof that the US patent system is completely broken and run by morons.

Patent-whores are no better than the big financial firms like Goldman Sucks. They both make absolutely nothing and contribute zero of any real substance or value.


GateFans Noob
This is all the fault of that little old lady and her stupid frakin hot coffee lawsuit with Mickey D's. :mad:
I blame her for all these darn nuisance lawsuits. :facepalm:

There's a little more to that "hot coffee" lawsuit than most people realize. This wasn't normal hot coffee you'd have at home, it's kept at a temperature that can scald a person severely in a matter of seconds, and this woman had third degree burns on some very sensitive parts of her body.

It was an eight-day stay in the hospital, with skin grafts and debridement (which I'm told hurts like a motherfreller), and in her original claim, she asked to settle for $20K. I doubt that would have even covered all of her medical bills.

I too just blew this off as a "Duh, hot coffee burns!" thing until I read more about it. This has good summary.



I am sorry. It is scalding hot coffee. Don't put it between your legs when driving. She should have been given a ticket for inatentive driving and sent on her way. What happened to common frakin sense. Every car in the US has cup holders. She had it between her legs. Those lids are not airtight and no idiot should assume they are.

No, I am sorry that she got burnt. But she is no better than any that got hurt by playing with the radio or putting on their makeup while driving.
She put it between her legs because she was drinking it.

That lawsuit created an onslaught of every twit and loser in the book suing for ridiculous things. I stand by my comment and I very much meant what I said, that woman's lawsuit is what created the CYA mentality of the USA. She sued and now Mickey D's has to say, "very hot coffee". This is just like the bucket company that has to say, Don't stick your head in it, or the ladder company that has to say, Don't stand above this level. We are becoming a bunch of morons that need to be told what we can and cannot do and cannot take care of ourselves.

You want to talk about tangent? I deal with the reprecussions of that lawsuit everyday. Where do you think HIPAA came from, and now 5010?
Mommy and Daddy raised us a long time ago, time to grow up and stop blaming others for our stupid as#$%@ decisions and then making money off it when we can. Her medical bills most likely back then would have been covered by her insurance company, BTW. And they have and always will accept payment plans. I put my Mom on a 25 a month payment plan for my Dad's 20 grand in bills. She got 2 million dollars, which today is more like 10. That is nuts.


My avatar speaks for itself.
GB are you seriously racking down on someone that got 3rd degree burns from inzanly warm coffey?
remind me to return that favor when something bad happens to you then mkay.

also are you seriously blaming this person far everything? how about blaming your own damn judicial system that allows lawsuits for even the most inzane things aswell as allows them time in court to do just that instead :facepalm:


Okay, it was not insanely warm it was "hot coffee", that is what they called it before the lawsuit. They did not advertise "cold coffee" or "lukewarm coffee". It was "hot coffee" and now it is "very hot coffee". I fault her for her decision to put it between her legs. She did it to drink it while driving that is how she got burnt on her thighs. If she had put it in a cup holder, she would not have been burnt. Would you pity a drunk driver that gets hurt? This happens all the time. The get broken bones, head trauma, and die. The also kill others. She could have too, but she did not. She is responsible for her own actions. I don't pity her at all for that.

My judicial system was not like this before that lawsuit. That is why I take so much issue with it. I took some legal courses and had a whole class on this lawsuit known as the mother to all nuisance lawsuits.


Council Member & Author
GB are you seriously racking down on someone that got 3rd degree burns from inzanly warm coffey?
remind me to return that favor when something bad happens to you then mkay.

also are you seriously blaming this person far everything? how about blaming your own damn judicial system that allows lawsuits for even the most inzane things aswell as allows them time in court to do just that instead :facepalm:
Not excusing the lawsuit, but for a point of clarification...

McDonalds used to make its coffee extra hot, with the idea that people might take longer to drink it, so they wanted it to be hot/warm as long as possible.

That's how this woman (who was a fool to put the cup in her lap in the first place) ended up with seriously burned bits.

Also, the damages were dropped significantly on appeal, as well they should have been.


Not excusing the lawsuit, but for a point of clarification...

McDonalds used to make its coffee extra hot, with the idea that people might take longer to drink it, so they wanted it to be hot/warm as long as possible.

That's how this woman (who was a fool to put the cup in her lap in the first place) ended up with seriously burned bits.

Also, the damages were dropped significantly on appeal, as well they should have been.

Yes, but the damage was done.
Too many others smelled the money and so began the onslaught of nuisance lawsuits that barrage this country even today.