Copyright gone crazy


The Belle of the Ball
My new political goal!

Yep. Many of them make MORE in their public appearances than they do as a politician. There should be a tax for that, especially when that revenue is DIRECTLY related to the office they hold. Furthermore, those visits should be APPROVED by the state legislature before they can be made. Take away the financial incentive and then we dont have greedy businessmen trying to get into the White House. Citizens should be able to sue the state when damages occur with regard to losing civil rights or being unfairly represented.

they can and they do. Look at Jaycee Dugard in california...the parole officers of the man who kidnapped her had NOT been thorough and thus the state contributed to the 18 years she was held by the perv and his wife, she and her daughters (products of the man raping her) got a HUGE payout from the state. There are also many states who have set up wrongful conviction funds for those men and women who were wrongfully convicted. many people sucessfully sue states all the time. :)

Hell, there are so many politicians out there who want to put a cap on how long people can receive welfare...they seem to like a figure of about five years.

How about we put a five year cap on how long a former politician can receive his pension and benefits? Say...five years?

I wonder WHY a politician should get any sort of pension for any length of time from a political office....our founding fathers beleived in citizen statesmen...politics was NOT to be a full time job. many of them railed against the "professional political class" of england - they would be turning in their graves at the idea of men and women staying 30 or 40 or 50 (or more) years in office!
I am working right now to defeat Indiana's "elder statesman" Senator Richard Lugar...besides being a RINO, he's also been a senator since 1976! WAAAAY too long. a president has constitutional term limits (due to FDR's 4 terms) I think it is time for congressinal term limits. 3 terms for members of the house (total 6 years) and one (also 6 years) for the senate. I also would like repeal of the 17th amendment and have the senators once again appointed by state legislators- the unintentional consequences of that amendment was to remove the states & their interests from the governing body of the country. one example: with 26 states filing suit against Obamacare, one must ask if the law would have been passed by the senate if the senators had to answer to the their state legislators for their vote instead of their party. There were many senators who chose to "reture" after that being democrat Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana...his internal polls showed the people of Indiana were 75% against that particular piece of legislation...but his party made threats about his senate committee memberships (FYI, a senator's base pay is adjusted upwards for his/her service on the various committees and for the length of service on the committees as well), etc, so he decided to not run for re-election. he is a fairly young man and had served only 2 terms in the senate. He answered to his party, not his state. the dem running to replace him had also voted for obamacare and did not win the seat...sen. Dan coats came out of retirement (he served 10 years in the senate- one full term and 4 years of the term held by VP Quayle) and "rescued" Indiana... coats has said he only has one term left in him. :)
These changes would get rid of so many problems caused by perpetual campaigning. Big lobbyist money would be a thing of the past...if there are term limits each rep/sen would only have so much influence. We would stop using offensive phrases like "the Kennedy seat" and "Byrd's seat". it would allow new ideas to gain greater traction (not so many old dinosaurs in the place) and remove a HUGE burden from the taxpayer shoulders...think how long Obama will live to draw his pension! Yet like clinton and other former presidents, he will probably make millions in speaking fees annually!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I say McDonalds countersues her for being an idiot and wasting their time.

While I don't agree McD's should have been sued for one woman's stupidity, I'm ok with McD's finding itself having to pay the piper every so often for having misled the public about the all-beef patties they use and the years of shoving trans-fat into their cooking and for blatantly misleading articles like this:

How McDonald's Plans to Make Happy Meals Healthier

Any derivative of the word "healthy" to describe anything coming from McDonald's should be outlawed.


Well Known GateFan
Haha, yeah, there are worse things McDonalds should be sued for but the famous one is that coffee one for some reason. To me, it just shows stupidity of the masses in general, caring more about hot coffee than the things you mentioned and person suing over their own stupidity. We seriously need to reevaluate priorities and values.