Copyright gone crazy

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes, but the damage was done.
Too many others smelled the money and so began the onslaught of nuisance lawsuits that barrage this country even today.

I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes, but the damage was done.
Too many others smelled the money and so began the onslaught of nuisance lawsuits that barrage this country even today.
I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.

BTW, your evening gown is BEAUTIFUL!


I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.

BTW, your evening gown is BEAUTIFUL!

:joy:Thanks OM1. :D


What ship is this?
Staff member
I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.

BTW, your evening gown is BEAUTIFUL!

It is beautiful - the only thing that would improve it would be a tiara.

And BTW, I agree that we have gotten way too litigation happy.


Council Member & Author
I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.
My personal favorite lawsuits are the latest ones alleging "wrongful life" because the parent(s) claims they weren't told about their forthcoming child's birth defect. It just makes me sick.


The Belle of the Ball
head full of useless info somedays.......

Not excusing the lawsuit, but for a point of clarification...

McDonalds used to make its coffee extra hot, with the idea that people might take longer to drink it, so they wanted it to be hot/warm as long as possible.

That's how this woman (who was a fool to put the cup in her lap in the first place) ended up with seriously burned bits.

Also, the damages were dropped significantly on appeal, as well they should have been.

Coffees were supposed to be kept very hot to prevent bacteria growth in the is a health code thing.
hubby grumbles every time he sees the 'warnings" on things to not be stupid (that is what they should say!). Think of all the wasted money these lawsuits cause.

I agree with this. I have even heard of people trying to sue barber shops and massage parlors because they "didnt feel right" after getting their haircut or getting a massage.

we graduate over 40K lawyers a year in the USA and there are just not the jobs so they have to "find" does a lawyer do that? by filing lawsuits. :P Lawyers do not have the burnout rate that teachers and nurses have so we have wayy too many lawyers....on average one per every 200 people.

My personal favorite lawsuits are the latest ones alleging "wrongful life" because the parent(s) claims they weren't told about their forthcoming child's birth defect. It just makes me sick.

that is why the abortion rate for down's syndrome is about 90% in the one wants a less than perfect child it seems. The parents forget that they aren't perfect to begin with. :P


Just think of the crisis that would develop if people stopped filing lawsuits. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Just think of the crisis that would develop if people stopped filing lawsuits. :D

But the American economy is driven by litigation! In the 80's, we had banks and towns built on drug money (i.e. Miami and its failed banks). Now, it's all built on lawsuits. Some very large companies would disappear if they stopped litigating.


But the American economy is driven by litigation! In the 80's, we had banks and towns built on drug money (i.e. Miami and its failed banks). Now, it's all built on lawsuits. Some very large companies would disappear if they stopped litigating.

So the American economy is primarily based on fastfood, drugs, weapons and lawyers? :)


The Belle of the Ball


What ship is this?
Staff member
And here I thought it was all based on magical devices (at least if you believe Apple; they like to call their stuff magic)...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
And here I thought it was all based on magical devices (at least if you believe Apple; they like to call their stuff magic)...

It is magical. Look at how it makes stupid people appear out of thin air in rock-concert like lineups for the latest version of nothing new.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Yep...the iSheeples...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It is magical. Look at how it makes stupid people appear out of thin air in rock-concert like lineups for the latest version of nothing new.

Its disgusting. What I love is to be at Starbucks with those morons flashing their iPhones and comparing the iPhone shells they got from some online store, then asking them if iPhones ever "solved the Flash issue". :) Or, casually tell them just to pause their app and open another (no multitasking). Apple even filters some web content! The Apple screen looks positively DIM in comparison to the bright super AMOLED screen on my Samsung. Apple has no bragging rights other than having the Apple that a bragging right? :roll:


Sinister Swede
Its disgusting. What I love is to be at Starbucks with those morons flashing their iPhones and comparing the iPhone shells they got from some online store, then asking them if iPhones ever "solved the Flash issue". :) Or, casually tell them just to pause their app and open another (no multitasking). Apple even filters some web content! The Apple screen looks positively DIM in comparison to the bright super AMOLED screen on my Samsung. Apple has no bragging rights other than having the Apple that a bragging right? :roll:

Of course it is. Apples are delicious don't ya know? :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I love blackberries.


So rich in antioxidants.

If RIM opens up BBM to other platforms as promised, I'll dump my Blackberry in a heartbeat for an Android. I'm tired of those two egotistical co-CEO clowns recycling the same old phones and re-releasing them with slightly different specs.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Its disgusting. What I love is to be at Starbucks with those morons flashing their iPhones and comparing the iPhone shells they got from some online store, then asking them if iPhones ever "solved the Flash issue". :) Or, casually tell them just to pause their app and open another (no multitasking). Apple even filters some web content! The Apple screen looks positively DIM in comparison to the bright super AMOLED screen on my Samsung. Apple has no bragging rights other than having the Apple that a bragging right? :roll:

Is it just me or are most Apple users almost like a cult?