When do you think it will get cancelled?


GateFans Noob
Ok, I'm going to be the pessimist and predict that SGU will be renewed in December. They've been screwing us over for 2 years, why would they stop now?


GateFans Noob
Ok, I'm going to be the pessimist and predict that SGU will be renewed in December. They've been screwing us over for 2 years, why would they stop now?

They will stop now because they have no money to continue. The ratings are so bad that it is not cost effective to continue pissing money away on this pig. Money is the arbiter, not sentiment and not animosity. There is no way that SGU will get renewed.


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
ok don't kill me but i think it will get its third season. Im a glass half full kinda girl and because i wont it to end it will kewep going!

Mr. Anderson - December 20, Last episode: 2x10
SexyDexy - November 17, Last episode: 2x8 (probably too optimistic, but you never know!)
SG-Rocks - December 7, Last Episode 2x20. Pearl Harbour for the Bridge.
SerenityS - November 12, Last Episode: 2x7 (also optimistic!)
Overmind One - December 20, Last Episode: 2x10
piginpoo - December 01, Last Episode 2x10 ( Christmas cheer all round )
OCgatergal- December 14, Last Episode: 2x09
THX1138 - December 13, Last Episode 2x20
Jim of WVa - December 1, Last Episode 2x20
Stclare - December 12 2011 Last ep 3x13

yep i think it will probably get a short season 3, just to keep stargate on the air. whilst they (syfy) conjure up something to fill the spot.


GateFans Noob
Mr. Anderson - December 20, Last episode: 2x10
SexyDexy - November 17, Last episode: 2x8 (probably too optimistic, but you never know!)
SG-Rocks - December 7, Last Episode 2x20. Pearl Harbour for the Bridge.
SerenityS - November 12, Last Episode: 2x7 (also optimistic!)
Overmind One - December 20, Last Episode: 2x10
piginpoo - December 01, Last Episode 2x10 ( Christmas cheer all round )
OCgatergal- December 14, Last Episode: 2x09
THX1138 - December 13, Last Episode 2x20
Jim of WVa - December 1, Last Episode 2x20
Stclare - December 12 2011 Last ep 3x13
Geijin - November 18, Last episode 2x8 (SexyDexy had my date, but I figure it took SyFy is slow to realize how bad it is, so it will take them an extra day to cancel it)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

They will stop now because they have no money to continue. The ratings are so bad that it is not cost effective to continue pissing money away on this pig. Money is the arbiter, not sentiment and not animosity. There is no way that SGU will get renewed.

BINGO! Its not about people liking it or about art or fan reaction or blame...its about money. Low viewership means low advertising revenue, which means no income for future production, means cancellation. Its simple economics. It would be cheaper to rerun all of SG-1 and SGA in the Tuesday slot than it is to allow Stargate Universe to remain on the air, or to renew the actor's contracts. Renewal is no longer within the realm of possibility. Now, its all about WHEN they will cancel the show...mid season break, or after the entire season has been aired?


The Belle of the Ball
a girl can dream!!!!

Mr. Anderson - December 20, Last episode: 2x10
SexyDexy - November 17, Last episode: 2x8 (probably too optimistic, but you never know!)
SG-Rocks - December 7, Last Episode 2x20. Pearl Harbour for the Bridge.
SerenityS - November 12, Last Episode: 2x7 (also optimistic!)
Overmind One - December 20, Last Episode: 2x10
piginpoo - December 01, Last Episode 2x10 ( Christmas cheer all round )
OCgatergal- December 14, Last Episode: 2x09
THX1138 - December 13, Last Episode 2x20
Jim of WVa - December 1, Last Episode 2x20
Stclare - December 12 2011 Last ep 3x13
Geijin - November 18, Last episode 2x8 (SexyDexy had my date, but I figure it took SyFy is slow to realize how bad it is, so it will take them an extra day to cancel it)
Rac80- December 6 @ 11:42 am (eastern time) last ep will be 2X8 (they will do special movies for the last two weeks of nov. :P )

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Logic prevails...there is no reason for the show to uptick.

Wouldn't the decision have to be made before production starts in February. If they wait until the entire season airs then they would be half way through production for season 3.

The decision will have to be made before January so that production won't go head and the actors contracts can be terminated.

I can't see how they can be making a profit with these dismal ratings and considering SGpoo is soo expensive I can't see them being able to afford a third season either, but Brian has indicated that if the ratings were to increase and remain around 1.3 then it could be renewed :facepalm:

Okay, Ill go with his theory, but to me the logic is clear: there is no reason for this show to suddenly uptick to 1.3 :) All I have to do is read the season synopses here: http://www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com/wiki/Stargate_Universe:_Season_Two

The links in this paste work. Go ahead and read the summaries, then add that in with what was there for what you have already seen in season 2.0, and you would be hard pressed to find a reason for the show to suddenly uptick to 1.3, and then remain there. I personally dont see it...do you? Its not really a guessing game. Its not like we dont know whats in the pipeline, and its not like we dont know how viewers react to certain plot lines in this show. We really dont have to say "Well, maybe it will uptick", or "Well, nobody knows the future, it could get renewed". How could that happen? I just dont see it.

2.09 "Visitation" Crewmembers left behind on a seemingly ideal world over a year earlier make a mysterious return.

Guide | Transcript

2.10 "Resurgence" All is not as it seems when Destiny follows a remote energy signature that leads them to a sea of damaged and lifeless ships.

Guide | Transcript

2.11 "Deliverance"
"Meanwhile, Paul has started work on the second part of the mid-season two-parter and he’s elected to abandon all three place-holder titles “Resurgence II: The Heretic”, “Resurgence II: Electric Boogaloo”, and “Still Resurging” in favor of the much more understated “Deliverance”." — Joseph Mallozzi, May 27, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.12 "Twin Destinies"
"Rush comes back from the future, and tells people on the ship not to do something, but of course no one listens to him. Robert Carlyle had to play against himself." — Daemon's TV SDCC report, July 23, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.13 "Alliances"
"This one explores one of the more interesting relationships aboard Destiny and I’m eager to see what Linda does with it." — Joseph Mallozzi, May 14, 2010; Don writes: "One thing I’ve been curious to see is a story where someone uses the stones to come to Earth and something big is happening there." Answer: "Like in season two’s Alliances?" — Joseph Mallozzi, July 11, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.14 "Hope"
"Carl was in my office, discussing the fourth act twist to his new episode..." — Joseph Mallozzi, May 17, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.15 "Seizure"
"Robert Picardo and David Hewlett will be reprising their roles as Richard Woolsey and Dr. Rodney McKay for a late season two episode titled Seizure. As for who is experiencing the seizure and/or what is being seized – stay tuned!" — Joseph Mallozzi, July 23, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.16 "The Hunt"
"Delivered [my] first draft of The Hunt this afternoon. This one is going to have a bit of everything: exotic locations, tricky builds, cool visual effects, and, of course, one hell of an episode budget." — Joseph Mallozzi, August 20, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.17 "Common Descent"
"Today, we had a discussion of Rob’s new story that eventually devolved into a heated debate about gate travel, subspace sensors, and Swiss Family Robinson. Don’t ask." — Joseph Mallozzi, June 1, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.18 "Epilogue" "Carl, meanwhile, is multi-tasking – being on set for his episode, Hope, while simultaneously hammering out the story for his final script, Epilogue." — Joseph Mallozzi, September 2, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.19 "Blockade" "201: Intervention, 202: Aftermath, 203: Awakening, 204: Pathogen, 205: Cloverdale, 206: Trial and Error, 207: The Greater Good, 208: Malice, 209: Visitation, 210: Resurgence, 211: Deliverance, 212: Twin Destinies, 213: Alliances, 214: Hope, 215: Seizure, 216: The Hunt, 217: (Rob’s script), 218: (Carl’s script), 219: Blockade, 220: Gauntlet. Yep. All we need are a couple of titles." — Joseph Mallozzi, July 10, 2010

Guide | Transcript

2.20 "Gauntlet" "We finally finished breaking episode 20 today...now retitled Gauntlet, it’s a fitting end to SGU’s spectacular second season." — Joseph Mallozzi, September 15, 2010

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I agree...

I think if SGU was going to have a sizeable uptick it would have happened by now, so no I don't think the ratings will increase enough to save this show, but logic hasn't always applied in the past.. they cancelled SGA.. they renewed SGU for a second season.. they continue to do things that have boggled the mind... but hopefully the bottom line is profit and I can't see how they can be making a profit with this failed experiment... and someone will take the decision sooner than later to put it out of its misery.

I'm hoping for a December decision..

Very true...but it actually WAS logical for them to renew for a second season. Remember, TPTB are running STARGATE...the show which ran for 15 years and grew a fanbase of several million fans. The same Stargate fans who loved SG-1 and Atlantis. It took a whole season of the failure of Stargate Universe to show that this time they made a HUGE mistake. The network had no reason to doubt the show, since they were going on past performance. Besides that, the show already had the season 1 episodes in the can, and the first season of SG-1 wasnt its best in ratings. So, logic called for allowing the show to run at least a whole season. But then there was the "what comes after season 1?" That gave us season 2, but it has been a dismal failure since the beginning of the season, and the show hasnt even managed to hit 1.3 in 7 episodes. So, although logic did not come into play when SGU was created and put in place of Atlantis, TPTB at Syfy willl apply logic to deciding whether or not it will be canceled, because there is more than just logic in play here....there are millions of dollars at stake.

But to think that there is even a remote chance of this show getting renewed seems silly to me. Way back in season 1, Briangate stated that the show needed to get 1.6 to stay afloat, then later when those numbers seemed high, he said 1.3 or 1.4. But this season they cant even manage to hit 1.3, let alone try to reach it and stay at that level. :icon_lol:. I am hoping for a December decision too, but the only things on the "possibilities" list that I can see are:

1) Cancel the show after the first 10 episodes have been aired.
2) Cancel the show after the whole season has aired.
3) Cancel the show abruptly before season 1 is over.
4) Start airing season 2, then cancel shortly into the second half.

The item "Renew the show" is not even on the list at all. Its already lost too much money and too many viewers. Somebody else here said that they feel the show was already canceled but the decision hasnt been made public (Mr Anderson!). I happen to agree with that, but everybody has their own ideas. I hope you are right about December! I predicted December as well. :)


GateFans Noob
Mr. Anderson - December 20, Last episode: 2x10
SexyDexy - November 17, Last episode: 2x8 (probably too optimistic, but you never know!)
SG-Rocks - December 7, Last Episode 2x20. Pearl Harbour for the Bridge.
SerenityS - November 12, Last Episode: 2x7 (also optimistic!)
Overmind One - December 20, Last Episode: 2x10
piginpoo - December 01, Last Episode 2x10 ( Christmas cheer all round )
OCgatergal- December 14, Last Episode: 2x09
THX1138 - December 13, Last Episode 2x20
Jim of WVa - December 1, Last Episode 2x20
Stclare - December 12 2011 Last ep 3x13
Geijin - November 18, Last episode 2x8 (SexyDexy had my date, but I figure it took SyFy is slow to realize how bad it is, so it will take them an extra day to cancel it)
Rac80- December 6 @ 11:42 am (eastern time) last ep will be 2X8 (they will do special movies for the last two weeks of nov. :P )
PSW - January 10, 2011, Last Episode 2x20

I'm with PSW here. SyFy will show the whole season. Mh, I am pessimistic so I would say the Good News will break after 2.15. Because SyFy will see if McKay and Woolsey would be able to bring in better numbers.

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
And the poll winners are...

Mr. Anderson - December 20, Last episode: 2x10
SexyDexy - November 17, Last episode: 2x8 (probably too optimistic, but you never know!)
SG-Rocks - December 7, Last Episode 2x20. Pearl Harbour for the Bridge.
SerenityS - November 12, Last Episode: 2x7 (also optimistic!)
Overmind One - December 20, Last Episode: 2x10
piginpoo - December 01, Last Episode 2x10 ( Christmas cheer all round )
OCgatergal- December 14, Last Episode: 2x09
THX1138 - December 13, Last Episode 2x20
Jim of WVa - December 1, Last Episode 2x20
Stclare - December 12 2011 Last ep 3x13
Geijin - November 18, Last episode 2x8 (SexyDexy had my date, but I figure it took SyFy is slow to realize how bad it is, so it will take them an extra day to cancel it)
Rac80- December 6 @ 11:42 am (eastern time) last ep will be 2X8 (they will do special movies for the last two weeks of nov. :P )
PSW - January 10, 2011, Last Episode 2x2

Congratulations OCgatergal for getting the announcement date to within 2 days! :joy:

Of the people who correctly predicted 2x20 would be the last one, THX1138 came closest. Congrats! :beckettu: :shepsalute:


GateFans Noob
You think "Sanctuary" is getting canceled? Why?
Oh, no, I meant they will renew Sanctuary the same time as they cancel SGU. Long live Sanctuary!
Yes my first victory!!