The Skin jobs in the beginning of NuBSG were not even supposed to speak of these FF. Then later it just becomes about the tech, hence the yesterday's soup. Even if Daniel was first Hybrid, which is sick since this means his skinjob daughter turned him into one or Clarice or Lacey/Mother. Just feels icky to me. It was still just about tech. For Capricans tech is old news. They have a piece of paper that acts like a laptop, remember on the train right before human Zoe died?
They allude that Lee "will not be back" and so unless they break their golden no tech rules, then neither Adama or Lee or Saul can ever bro up again. Adama used his shuttle to fly to his cabin with Laura and Lee uses a Viper and speaks of far south. TBH, I don't even know where Saul and Ellen end up. How would any of them either with no tech?
What you are saying about Lee/Apollo BTW would make him a dirty stinking liar. He agreed to no tech and he was former pres.
This poor guy tried to sit through Caprica.
Why would a manufacturer waste time and money installing a complicated "neural network" into a weaponized drone? There would be no need for this as the robot's functions would be limited to carrying out specific actions that wouldn't require independent decision making capabilities. Any change of plan "decision" in the battle field wouldn't require a decision at all. The robot would simply utilize the basic algorithm that it has been pre-programmed with the exact same way your computer uses an algorithm when you do a Google search. Or the way your Xbox uses an algorithm to have video game opponents "attack" you. These mechanical functions don't require sentience, they don't require independent thought, so why install a neural network capable of independent thought inside of drones to begin with? That would be akin to installing a neural network inside your microwave oven. It would be pointless, expensive and dumb.
And please don't anyone try to claim that Craprica showed how it could happen. The show was cancelled for a reason: It was dumb. In fact, the "explanation" for robotic sentience was the dumbest part of the show. I mean really, the combination of religion and high school girl angst as the catalyst for the achievement of artificial intelligence? Puh-leez!
thats why the shows are called "Science fiction"
not "this could probably happen" fiction
Yeah, well, nuBSG/Caprica is missing the "science" part when it comes to the fiction. Hell, if I wanted to see a bunch of assholes trapped in cyberspace and fighting it out I'd watch a Tron movie.
Yeah, well, nuBSG/Caprica is missing the "science" part when it comes to the fiction. Hell, if I wanted to see a bunch of assholes trapped in cyberspace and fighting it out I'd watch a Tron movie.