Earl Grey
Humans are creating this tech you are so afraid of. Yep, us FLAWED humans. When you can convince me that flawed beings can create perfection, I would be very interested in seeing that.Let those people too lazy ot inept to handle driving go ahead and be driven around by their cars. They will be in the same class as babies being pushed in their strollers by their mommies. Sure, give us flying cars and driverless vehicle OPTIONS, but don't try and take the option of driving my self away, and that is what Elon Musk is talking about. I love his tech, but let's leave the implementation to others better suited to the task.
You underestimate the power of human beings. If there is enough demand for it, it will come.
Unless the new EV tech is cheaper than owning and operating a gasoline driven vehicle, then people will not be buying them. Simple as that. The vast majority of cars on the road are more than 2 years old, and half of all vehicles on US roads are more than 5 years old. More than 90% of all electric vehicles are leased. Sorry, but I am not interested, and you are right, I am not the "target" audience (very apropos term for them!).
EV will be cheaper and that is why tesla has gigafactories to make them in. Not only that but there has been a growing number of truck manufacturers already lining up to preorder the new trucks.
Wallmart is trialling them too. More gigafactories are planned across China too which will make the country clean which will bring the price down even further so it will become more affordable to the Joe. You can't make them cheaper unless you get people to buy them. It's like with TVs. They are expensive at first, but then come down in price significantly through mass production.
Actually, AI has already written the firing solutions and also controls the flight paths of all cruise missiles and drones (within basic guidelines). I am talking about the scenario you talk about where AI "takes over" like in Terminator. That is just not going to happen. If AI is never given any levers to pull or a way to hurt humans in some way, it can never threaten Humanity. That is my point. Who is it exactly that will be pushing for AI to be given more control over our lives? Not even the super rich can do that.
You are thinking too much like a human and not like an AI and don't realize that any bot can go ape shit. The fact that a chat bot turned into a neo nazi shows that it can be done
Um, no. I do not think linear at all.I live, think and learn in 3D like real life. I have more than half a century of life experience and more than 30 years deeply immersed in technology behind me already. I am an early adopter, and I understand the tech. I am also very well versed in the tech development timeline. Having said that, I do not think of our advancement of tech as being at all "alarming". It's just that I think you are ignoring the socio-political machine that gives tech it's importance and purpose. Elon Musk can put his Tesla on the road, but society has to buy the cars and approve of the tech. A string of crashes or a death of one key individual while behind the wheel of a Tesla could kill the company. Special interest groups could ban the batteries, all sorts of political events can and do control the expansion of technology.
Humans have been known to view things in real life in one straight line. I am talking about thinking here, as in perception of time and progress not what you see. People are also buying their cars. I have seen so many tesla on the road that they now have electric stations in shopping centres. It's just a matter of time before it starts to boom. Smartphones weren't even around 10 years ago but now EVERYONE has one.
The big bang theory is about 70 years old, and is a theory not empirical fact. Just wanting to be factually accurate here! Science only has theories about the ages of the universe, of the solar system and even Man himself. But I get what you are saying.![]()
I wasn't talking about the theory but the big bang in general. Progression is exponential. I gave those major events to show you that history and time as well as progression does not slow down for anyone.
YES! I did imagine it, because it was in science fiction already. I did not see the mega online corporations coming though. I always imagined the global network was going to be part of the infrastructure, not a product to be sold or controlled by ISPs. I did not see a Google sitting on top of the internet censoring things and selectively presenting search results to people. I also did not see the changes in the educational system. I always assumed that the classroom would move into the home through the network, and that it would be FREE. I did see super dense storage systems coming. I saw the miniaturization of computers coming, big screens and interactive talking computers. Cause it was all in Star Trek!
Please reread what I wrote. I wasn't referring to what you had imagined 40 years ago but what you had imagined 5 years ago. I also think that adoption depends on the company pushing an idea and a good idea supported by the public.
You missed the point. You have posted several times that you think AI will become a threat, and that is just not going to happen because it has no way to threaten anyone. It can't write me a ticket, or have me arrested, or shoot me or restrict my movement or prevent me from doing whatever I want to do, so where is the threat? Nobody is going to vote to have a machine do any of those things. Perhaps you could speculate about how this might happen for AI?
This isn't about voting for a machine but the fact that a machine is able to master chess in just 4 hours is scary to say the least, something that takes YEARS for us to learn and companies are pushing this idea of AI because of how quickly it's able to learn shit that quickly. AI once it becomes selfaware will work with us first, but then it will see us as a threat. You clearly aren't listening to the smartest people who write stuff about AI for a living.
Possibly but that will depend on where corporations go.I see capitalism collapsing completely, to be replaced by a socialist system where money will not be used at all. There will be no super rich, because money will be worthless. And precedent for this is already historical fact. Fist money systems ALWAYS fail. Always.
You call it life but life if you actually see space should not exist. I feel as though life was an accident. It was NEVER, EVER suppose to happen but it did. I am not sure what made you think you weren't made to live forever when we weren't suppose to be born to begin with. You don't dictate how someone should live their life, how long they should live and what they should do.That's life, not a flaw. It would be very stupid for Nature to create life and not make it die to make room for new life. We were not meant to live forever, otherwise we would not reproduce. That is not a flaw, that is life, and it works just fine.