I was distracted and didn't catch all of the episode last night. Doesn't look like I missed much though. Not sure how I feel about the android becoming "human". Sure it gives the actress more latitude with the role but at the same time it blurs the lines and becomes cartoonish.
I absolutely LOVED the episode. Android can now dress up as a hottie and interact with humans and pass for one. It came in very handy in the episode, and the way they introduced the tech was both logical and not nearly as hokey as what they did with The Doctor on Star Trek and his mobile emitter. It also has limitations. And it can be used and removed by Android herself. I like her as human Android and also her original, and they have preserved both characters. Six is back in action, and he has proven that he can be trusted. One (the actor) briefly returned but Two dispatched him so that actor is gone for good since both his personas have been killed. The new chick is a perfect compliment to this crew as is the medic. Android is BADASS as a fighter and is more fun to watch than even Two. Sexy ass new chick is being set up (I think) as a 'ship for Three. At least as a steamy encounter. Four, well his Sword Boy schtick was framed by Space Yakuza pursuing him, so if they drop that whole thing and put a gun in his hand instead of that sword, he will be fine. He fits well in the crew.