Earl Grey
OMG this is hilarious. NSFW warning due to language and crude content but it's hilarious. @Lord Ba'al A bit silly but still gives you a good laugh based on the situation comedy and the delivery.
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They like to push the boundaries and that's what comedy is suppose to do. There is nothing malicious about this and anyone with a good heart can see this that this is just casual fun making fun of stereotypes which is what most comedy does.Three wogs and an aboriginal? Wh-o-o-ah, why not 3 Hebs and a Frog.
Naughty there, gentlemen.
OMG this is hilarious. NSFW warning due to language and crude content but it's hilarious. @Lord Ba'al A bit silly but still gives you a good laugh based on the situation comedy and the delivery.
They like to push the boundaries and that's what comedy is suppose to do. There is nothing malicious about this and anyone with a good heart can see this that this is just casual fun making fun of stereotypes which is what most comedy does.
It's not intended towards your conservative mindset. Stereotypes exists everywhere and the only reason why people get upset over is because it's a self reflection on themselves and that they are too ashamed to admit that they are a stereotype. It's censorship that you can't joke about something that isn't malicious from the get go. The fact that youtube hasn't removed it, b) there are millions of people that love it, shows that none of them find it offensive. A joke needs a subject and it can be any subject, it needs an exaggerated claim and a scenario. Any intelligent person will have a laugh at a joke whether it's picking on a sterotype or not. I guess Russell peters is 'racist' too because he makes fun of Indians/Chinese and every race but he doesn't do it an offensive way. Do we really want a world where you can't laugh anymore and everyone's a mute or do we want to grow thicker skins and have a light hearted conversation? Maybe laugh once in a while.I find nothing funny about them. Also, "casual fun making fun of stereotypes" is not acceptable to me.
Your PC mindset is why we can't have nice things. It's a joke. Jerry Seinfeld made fun of Jews vs Nazis in seinfeld all the time but no one back then found it offensive. Any sane/rational intelligent human being can tell the difference b/w a joke vs something that's reality.Stereotypes are not cool or funny. That you don't realize that is a problem. If you tried to joke around like that in the US, you risk losing your job or a couple of teeth.
Look at who likes stereotypes, and you will mostly see white males. This Indian is playing to that audience, not Indians.
Minstrel shows were for white people, not the blacks.
I don't like this thread.