Just like SGU they won't be able to redeem nasty, unappealing characters. Rewatching SGU on COMET TV reminded me just how much of a turn-off Dr. Rush was. He's an A-hole from the very first episode and he remained an A-hole well into the show. I honestly don't understand how the writers expected us viewers to find him appealing. Was he supposed to be an antagonist or protagonist? Mixing the two doesn't work when it comes to a franchise based upon clearly defined character archetypes (good guys/bad guys).
(I will never forget how Rush completely dismissed the importance of the seeder ship and how the stargates were placed on each planet, something SG fans had never seen explained before and would like to have had explored more. A genuine scientist would have been interested in that process. Instead Rush made a snarky, angry comment and moved on. Dude was always angry, always a douche. Is it any wonder he was unlikable? Is it any wonder characters like Berman and Lorca are unappealing? What kind of writer thinks that these characters are actually appealing? That makes no sense. You have to be a deluded fool to think such characters are going to be relateable to the average viewer.)
The rest of the SGU characters (and their individual stories) were uninteresting and/or outright unappealing. Dr. Wray the shrill, angry token lesbian? No thanks. Commander Young the alcoholic, spineless whiner who couldn't command the Mens room at a McDonalds? No thanks. Chloe the boring, cliche vapid slut? No thanks. The whole cast of characters was unappealing. STD shares that same problem with their characters.
Just like the way Stargate fans walked away from SGU Star Trek fans have walked away from STD. Getting them to return seems highly unlikely. There is no rewind in life. The producers can't go back and erase the first season of this lousy show. It exists and it's left a bad taste in everyone's mouths. Expecting them to return is nothing but a desperate fantasy.
Let's think about this in a way that we all can relate to: Imagine there was a pizza place that has been in existence since the 1960's. It's a local favorite that generations of people grew up loving because the pizza they made was exceptionally good. The business enjoyed a large, loyal following for decades. Fast forward to 2018. The pizza joint is under new management. They make changes in the pizza recipe -- radical changes. The taste and style is completely altered and is unrecognizable from the original pizza that made the restaurant famous to begin with. Loyal patrons stop by for a pizza but they find the change in recipe to be completely unappealing. It doesn't taste or look anything like the pizza they have known for years. Some loyal patrons complain (but are ignored by the new management) while other loyal patrons simply leave without complaining; both groups never to return. The business begins to tank. Management finally has no choice but to accept reality. They desperately announce that they are returning to using the original pizza recipe. It's too little, too late. The loyal patrons don't return and the business closes with the management pointing accusing fingers at everyone and everything other than themselves for the demise of the restaurant. The end.
That's pretty much what we're seeing with STD.
Star Trek fans simply are not going to return to this show. And casual viewers aren't going to be attracted to it because quite honestly the first season is an unappealing mess. Again, the first season can't be erased and no amount of retconning will fix it and turn it into a ratings success. It's just not going to happen.