Question to ask RDA


Well Known GateFan
Forgot to mention the guy who handles the visuals and the presentations was playing old episodes at the convention and I noticed that the version the guy was playing was pirated from Sky One channel and did not look like a legitimate dvd rip.

That shows that everyone pirates or leaks some information.


Well Known GateFan
So did you get to ask any question at all?
Yes, I sure did I got to ask him if he plays golf, he mentioned that he no longer does anymore because of his back problems and he misses playing golf.

I also asked what he thinks about the new Macgyver and if they ever approached him for it? He mentioned how they never approached him initially for it to get his blessing and he mentioned that it premiered the pilot performed badly and then after they approached him. They allowed 1 hour for each actor it would have been nice if they allowed a banter between the characters as well.