Back to the topic of the thread. Not ALL Millennials, but damn....
I think Singularities comments are very relevant to this topic. He's displaying all the blame game etc that's inherent to the snowflake millenial generation.
For my money it comes across as being immature whinging but it is representative of a generation and therefore interesting or at least relevant.
Hi Overmind One.
Doesn't Lord Baal state he is 41? In that case he is Generation X not a millenial.
Society does not owe you anything.
One thing I love about Millennials is their optimism. But it is not tempered with logic or action towards their lofty goals.
i am pretty sure this Handler woman is not a millennial, but she is like 'millennial cadre'--that is those who are older but are leading the millennial down the path they are on.
she says she made this film to "determine her responsibility as a white person of privilege to the african american community"
the path of 'get woke' and self flagellation for things like being white, or for being a minority who is successful but must feel guilty for being successful when so many ppl of color are not. etc,etc is explored in this film
here is her netflix special documentary on getting woke to her white privilege
in the first 5 minutes you can hear a black woman say things like "white ppl all know where they come from, black ppl have to take a dna test to find out where we came from BEFORE we can find out where we are going"
"WHAT the fuck kind of bullshit logic is that?"
there are very very few white people in america who 'know where they came from' in reference to their ancestors. we are a very mixed population with most of us having dna from all parts of europe and many of us with dna from the mid east and africa as well.
and, white ppl. NO ONE needs to know who their ancestors are before they can decide what they will do with their future
that is just wall to wall 'prepped for failure' right there. a cop out of massive proportions. if black ppl in america really do this before they can do anything, then they are truly in worse situations than thought
i mean, if they are all saying they got to get $99 to do a dna test to find out if "they are related to kings and queens" before they decide on a career path then they are screwed beyond all hope of repair
i mean, you cant fix stupid as the saying goes. And, if white millennials are as fucked as they are, then the beliefs of the ppl in this film suggests that black millennials are doubly screwed = they're millennials and their black.
but i know, in their hearts, the people in this film all believe what they are saying, white or black
By doing this, they ignore the millions of successful,
they are also ignoring the millions of white, asian, hispanic and others who have absolutely no interest in any of this BS and have never been the beneficiary of any 'privilege'
I am not even sure these white 'celebs' even believe in what they are saying, i think they only believe it as they are saying it. to make a joke, or make a film or show all of which is to make money
that is- wokeness, and the whole lib agenda is just another way for them to make money and up their social credit score. they have really no interest in ever really helping anyone or improving conditions for anyone
The great thing about these so-called "social credit scores" is that they are only really tallied by people hooked into social media. I couldn't care less about them. I am banned from my local Starbucks because I refuse to accept that the man at the counter is a woman just because he claims to be one. I called him by his new chosen name, but I refused to use female pronouns or any pronouns rather than to cave in. What does my coffee have to do with his trans agenda? No more than my razor has anything to do with toxic masculinity, whatever that is.
This is what I am referring to when I said it was a "thing" for white females to be offended and feel victimized "on behalf of" people of color and "marginalized" people.
continued.. (AND ON THE Millennial theme, not any 'racist' thing. skin color is a variable but not the object)
in obverse to the white woman's criticism of TIME TRAP above, when shows have been inclusive, they succeed at face value, but they often fail in depth
we have the one black family and their son in the group of friends-and his sister in the last season
ok, black characters as two smart and 'good guy' kids, right? yup it appearance, so box checked
but really, black ppl should be offended by this inclusion. the way they interact and live their life in the show is entirely like their white friends and what's the point if african american culture of the family is not included?
how's about we just write a show or film and put out a casting call that is inclusive for all PEOPLE OF ACTING ABILITY, then cast based on talent displayed in audition
so if a black kid IS cast as a main character, THEN cast supporting black actors to play his family if needed
I think you're confused between the Cosby Show abd the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.You find that strange (bolded)? My own personal family story is EXACTLY defined by the bolded. Do you have some particular idea of what "African American culture" is? My family interacts and lives just like any white American family right down to spoken English, furniture tastes, music, foods, and culture in general. I was actually more offended by The Cosby Show situation. An upper middle class black family would not have a person like Will Smith's character living in their home, and would not likely have such a person in their family unless their success was a one off and not generational. Also, other than a general housekeeper and gardener, not many affluent black families would hire a butler or servant for reasons of principle.
I do understand what you are trying to say though.But I think you should re-evaluate your preconceptions if you think that all black families are part of some separate form of Americana. Some are, some aren't. Just like all white, Asian and Latino (and mixed) families are not the same. Just sayin...
There was a certain unnamed person in an unnamed company that worked in a team with another unnamed get the point.
Anyhoo. Each one wanted to progress to the next level of seniority in the team for an upcoming promotion.
1. One joined every single committee they could find on the company's social media platform and lead them all. They baked cakes for this cause, and walked for that cause, they rallied other employees for another cause, sent out email blasts and guilted and/or shamed anyone who did help to promote the company's mountain of chosen causes and raised gobs of money. All good causes but none had anything to do with the actual work product of the company. They did this during work hours as permitted and off work hours, which took about an extra 5 hours a week of their own time, while still performing their normal day to day level of work activities in time for their SLA.
2. The other picked up new work tasks for other team members that were struggling, analysed team process guidelines and founds gaps of knowledge that was damaging productivity and costing the company valuable man hours, and damaging relationships with major stakeholders. They devised new processes to correct these gaps and worked with senior management proactively to gain approval to adjust company policies to correct the problem at source and prevent any future occurrences going forward. They went back to school to learn the newest techniques, concepts and qualifications desired by the company. They came in early, worked through breaks, left late and worked unpaid to cover emergencies remotely. They exceeded all their own SLA, while also covering for the manager when on leave.... They did not however attend one function for any above mentioned requests, even after the first team member made this apparent to the manager and was questioned on this. They put all their effort into doing their action job and ignored repeated requests to join a committee.
Both were considered the superstars of the team by the manager, who also made the decision for who to promote.
Who do you think got the promotion? Who do you think deserved the promotion with all other things being equal?
And of course, who do you think was the millennial?
I am curious to see what everyone thinks.