Kathleen Kennedy picks her successor...


What ship is this?
Staff member

From what I can tell this is a very "Meh" choice. She has zero Star Wars knowledge it seems and her practical experience is working as an assistant for JJ Abrams. On the upside as far as I could find out she does not seem to be as over the top "woke" as Kathleen Kennedy.

To me this is like a pea in a pod with the teaser trailer for Episode IX which to me said "we learned nothing from The Last Jedi disaster" which bled over and at least partly also caused Solo to flop.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

From what I can tell this is a very "Meh" choice. She has zero Star Wars knowledge it seems and her practical experience is working as an assistant for JJ Abrams. On the upside as far as I could find out she does not seem to be as over the top "woke" as Kathleen Kennedy.

To me this is like a pea in a pod with the teaser trailer for Episode IX which to me said "we learned nothing from The Last Jedi disaster" which bled over and at least partly also caused Solo to flop.

I agree. Her biggest claim to Star Wars fame is her work on The Force Awakens? I am not impressed, just as I was not impressed with The Force Awakens. Star Wars will not be any better because of it, maybe worse. I think that if Kathleen Kennedy picked her, she is as woke as all the other women she has picked. We won't have to wait long, since The Rise of Skywalker is going to come out before the year is out.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Kind of hard to see how it can be worse at this point. Kennedy is a stew of both incompetent and woke - Rejwan so far is just inexperienced. Assuming she is as woke as Kennedy and as incompetent we just wind up in the same place.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Kind of hard to see how it can be worse at this point. Kennedy is a stew of both incompetent and woke - Rejwan so far is just inexperienced. Assuming she is as woke as Kennedy and as incompetent we just wind up in the same place.

Worse would be if there is another Solo type financial disaster, which right now is being considered a fluke. Disney has chalked Solo up to "Star Wars fatigue", underfunded marketing, everything except fandom rejection. If it happens again, heads will roll. Disney usually does not mess around with their valuable IPs, and I think Kathleen Kennedy was kept on longer just because of her long tenure with George Lucas. I am not seeing an upwards trajectory for Star Wars under this Rejwan person.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Not surprised to hear the things mentioned in this video:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I saw a political panel discussion with women demanding equality of outcome and men agreeing the other day.

Its like the villagers are out with pitchforks.

Has the world become retarded?

I can't even watch Star Wars anymore without that nonsense. I don't see it getting any better either.

This woke nonsense is behind everything crazy going on in media these days. I think I may understand how this is happening now. Graduating woke millennials who have journalism and sociology education are being hired by the media and print corporations, and are acting INDEPENDENTLY of the corporate policy. Once in, they advance or demande promotions where they can choose their teams and new hires and interns. They invariably are chosen by these new woke Managers for their wokeness as well (and most are female). I did not think about this until I took a look at the Public Relations department and also the Human Resources department at the media studio where I work. Almost ALL millennials, woke and far far left. So much so that an internal memo has banned "unconventional" hair colors and all sloganed clothing unless it has the corporate slogans or logos on them. I do not want to generalize and beat up ALL millennials, because many are not at all like these silly wokesters. Many are hard working, more traditional and conservative. Also, the top level executive management is basically all old white males and that is not going to change any time soon. Ultimately, the top level of management is entrenched, and there is no public Board to change that because it is not traded on the open market. This insures that we will never be quite as woke as these youngsters want the corporation to be.

This is happening at Google, Yahoo, everywhere there are journalists being hired from the college graduate pool. The good thing is that it can't last. Things will swing the other way VERY soon, considering how wokeness is killing profit and damaging corporate reputations.