"Dear Abby Van Netflix"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Looks like a human in that picture to me. Which turns into a dog at times. It does not mean anyone is having sex with animals. They symbolism is about the "benefits". The scene above is most likely from when she snuck into the brother's motel room to spy on them and turned back into a person while still wearing her dog collar. I am a women and I don't find it the least bit offensive. It is not degradation, it is a costume for her role that is a Familiar who lives as a human and can become a dog to assist the Witch. Vampires turn into bats and have sex when human, so I don't see any difference.

As far as the degradation, it's a TV show with tons of characters with sex appeal.
Lots of male degradation too in SPN....


The actual ep is about Witches and their Familiars. The women turns into a dog and spies for her Witch along with having a relationship. Later in the episode you meet another Witch that has a male Familiar that is a cat. Portia, the woman in the first picture above was completely willing participant of being the Familiar for the Witch and later works with the brothers to solve the mystery. The picture of Sam in the link above is from an ep when he had no soul and was really pointless to show in a towel, but who cares?
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Looks like a human in that picture to me. Which turns into a dog at times. It does not mean anyone is having sex with animals. They symbolism is about the "benefits". The scene above is most likely from when she snuck into the brother's motel room to spy on them and turned back into a person while still wearing her dog collar. I am a women and I don't find it the least bit offensive. It is not degradation, it is a costume for her role that is a Familiar who lives as a human and can become a dog to assist the Witch. Vampires turn into bats and have sex when human, so I don't see any difference.

As far as the degradation, it's a TV show with tons of characters with sex appeal.
Lots of male degradation too in SPN....


The actual ep is about Witches and their Familiars. The women turns into a dog and spies for her Witch along with having a relationship. Later in the episode you meet another Witch that has a male Familiar that is a cat. Portia, the woman in the first picture above was completely willing participant of being the Familiar for the Witch and later works with the brothers to solve the mystery. The picture of Sam in the link above is from an ep when he had no soul and was really pointless to show in a towel, but who cares?



Well Known GateFan
Seriously? I just can't.
Oh, don't worry dude, it's only symbolic. The degradation of the hot chick as a female dog that gets diddled by her male owner isn't literal so that makes it okay, tee hee. ;)
Looks like a human in that picture to me. Which turns into a dog at times. It does not mean anyone is having sex with animals. They symbolism is about the "benefits". The scene above is most likely from when she snuck into the brother's motel room to spy on them and turned back into a person while still wearing her dog collar. I am a women and I don't find it the least bit offensive. It is not degradation, it is a costume for her role that is a Familiar who lives as a human and can become a dog to assist the Witch. Vampires turn into bats and have sex when human, so I don't see any difference.

As far as the degradation, it's a TV show with tons of characters with sex appeal.
Lots of male degradation too in SPN....


The actual ep is about Witches and their Familiars. The women turns into a dog and spies for her Witch along with having a relationship. Later in the episode you meet another Witch that has a male Familiar that is a cat. Portia, the woman in the first picture above was completely willing participant of being the Familiar for the Witch and later works with the brothers to solve the mystery. The picture of Sam in the link above is from an ep when he had no soul and was really pointless to show in a towel, but who cares?

When I saw this ep I was reminded of the CW's motto

"DARE TO DEFY" I believe it is?


It doesn't offend me, but this ep along with some of the other "edgier" stuff society/SJW wise makes me wonder just WHY does the CW have such a big millennial and younger base of viewers?

they are the SJW's--the "warriors" and protesters on the 'front lines, yet they are also a very large part of who the CW targets wit there programming

most of it is everything anti-SJW


The Belle of the Ball
Right there is the reason I am very picky abt TV shows!


Well Known GateFan
I am in s 10 of this show now and I can say, with honesty i believe, that it is getting better then it was, and it was good already.

Like the way the writers are leaving small hints that the whole angel/demon heaven/hell thing is more of a sep physical existence thing. that angels have stuff like "programming" "angel radar" "angel radio" and that if mechanically probed, they will go into a type of base code operating system type of thing.

giving groundwork for the show to get into the religious as being less supernatural and potentially more physical and "real" or technical.

of course, they may never go further with it..still have 2 more seasons to catch up on and s13 is on air right now i believe.