I find it inappropriate to dress up a cat. A cat would never choose to dress itself up even if it were capable of doing so. It's an example of humans "humanifying" animals. In my opinion it is borderline animal cruelty. No human on the planet has any way of knowing whether a cat wants to be dressed up or not, appreciates it, likes it or hates it, no matter how adorable they think it looks. They see the cat respond in a certain way to wearing the clothes and conclude that they are okay with it as long as the cats are not totally freaking out. Well, just because it is not freaking out doesn't mean that it doesn't hate it. Now if the cat was in an icecold environment where it needed clothes for protection or it would actually die, that would be a different matter. Or if it needed protection from the sun or other weather elements, ala. This is just humans being cruel to animals for entertainment value.