Agriculture and Climate across the United States


Well Known GateFan
So I am correct that you have never been here

oh i have been there

San Bernadino area

saw all i needed to

have you ever been over here? NOT a city but our "flyover" areas? that is where all the stuff is grown and produced?

and not just pa--NY state, Ohio, Virginia all of the east coast?


Well Known GateFan
Oranges, lemons, limes, pineapples, bananas, avocados, kiwi, strawberries, grapes, plums. There are lots more, but I am making a point.

Perhaps new thread on this?

Pineapples and bananas in Cali: who would of thought?

My sister has a kiwi tree and hot house plantations are huge here, so anything is possible.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
oh i have been there

San Bernadino area

saw all i needed to

have you ever been over here? NOT a city but our "flyover" areas? that is where all the stuff is grown and produced?

and not just pa--NY state, Ohio, Virginia all of the east coast?

Yep, drove it while stationed at NAS Memphis (Millington, TN). I drove through NC, VA, MD and PA on my way to NY. Beautiful land. But not the farmland. I saw tobacco fields in VA. :) I also saw sheep. But I was more interested in the cities. Dude, San Bernardino (nicknamed San Berdoo) is the boonies, just like Riverside County. It is nothing like west of there. And most certainly nothing like LA or the mountains. San Bernardino and Riverside are on the edge of the desert. The area where the ginormous fires are burning is the northern part of the state which is very very rural, and is also home to the massive MM grow farms.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Pineapples and bananas in Cali: who would of thought?

My sister has a kiwi tree and hot house plantations are huge here, so anything is possible.

Yep, kiwi is tricky. It will grow most anywhere, but the fruits will be different depending on the grow conditions. A hothouse give you the ability to grow anything you want. I think that California is taking advantage of the natural climate to grow so much produce. I wish I had a greenhouse. :) And yeah, we grow pineapple and bananas (several varieties including plantains) here:

People say its weird that there are palm trees lining streets here, along with cactus. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
why is the mother jones link "funny"?

its mostly data and charts

Its funny because its bullshit. :) Most everything they said on there is assumption. Plus, it is from 2016 when we had a mild "drought". In 2017, we got two years worth of rain. Needless to say, the decades of living in this state has given me its personality. The Mother Jones video was funny to me.


Well Known GateFan
Its funny because its bullshit. :) Most everything they said on there is assumption

seriously? :)

you are going to turn this into a "sky is blue; no its not" argument?

there is no question that it rains far more on the east coast, that there is fr more surface water and acres and acres-- nearly whole counties in some states-that are setting idle and can be put to cultivation

i am still trying to get over you said we cant grow strawberries here...why would you ever think that?


Well Known GateFan
A hothouse give you the ability to grow anything you want.

did you look at the link for the kiwi farm in PA? all grown in the open--no hothouse

the only thing one would need a hot house for here would be for citrus


Well Known GateFan
The area where the ginormous fires are burning is the northern part of the state which is very very rural, and is also home to the massive MM grow farms.

yeah wildfires, another we dont have--shucks!!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
yeah wildfires, another we dont have--shucks!!

Even WITH the fires, California is still feeding most of the nation. :) At least the produce part. PA, at 46,055 sq mi, can fit 4 times in California with space left over. Also we have lots of desert to the east in the southern part.

Interesting thing about the fires is that the drop planes can scoop seawater while in flight and drop it on the flames.

I have no doubt that any type of crop can be grown small scale, anywhere. Even at the poles (in a controlled environment). I think that if farms were individualized, feeding local citizens and small individual gardens , that it would be much better for everyone. No more giant grow-for-profit farms. I am seriously contemplating a wall garden for my little place. One like this:

Amazon product
I could grow my own greens that I eat a lot like spinach and lettuce.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Overland One and I have a mild disagreement over Anthropogenic Global Warming. I think it's real, but no big deal, and he dismisses it completely. However, YouTube should not be fact checking every contrary video on the topic.

Really? I thought we were on the same side. :) I don't believe in anthropogenic global warming. I did not know you believed in it. I can respect that, but why do you think its real? You are a scientist.

I base my beliefs on the known climactic cycles of the earth, recorded in modern times, and recorded in the various ice cores and tree rings and strata. Perhaps you can explain the Eocene era which had no manmade emissions as a factor?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Even WITH the fires, California is still feeding most of the nation. :) At least the produce part. PA, at 46,055 sq mi, can fit 4 times in California with space left over. Also we have lots of desert to the east in the southern part.

Interesting thing about the fires is that the drop planes can scoop seawater while in flight and drop it on the flames.

I have no doubt that any type of crop can be grown small scale, anywhere. Even at the poles (in a controlled environment). I think that if farms were individualized, feeding local citizens and small individual gardens , that it would be much better for everyone. No more giant grow-for-profit farms. I am seriously contemplating a wall garden for my little place. One like this:

Amazon product
I could grow my own greens that I eat a lot like spinach and lettuce.

Some Vegas casinos grow their own vegetables on-site using hydroponics. Farms that supply the casinos also use the sterilized food from people's plates as cattle and hog feed.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
did you look at the link for the kiwi farm in PA? all grown in the open--no hothouse

the only thing one would need a hot house for here would be for citrus

Don't forget about the avocados for guacamole. Gotta have a greenhouse for avocados.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Really? I thought we were on the same side. :) I don't believe in anthropogenic global warming. I did not know you believed in it. I can respect that, but why do you think its real? You are a scientist.

I base my beliefs on the known climactic cycles of the earth, recorded in modern times, and recorded in the various ice cores and tree rings and strata. Perhaps you can explain the Eocene era which had no manmade emissions as a factor?

We were in a warming trend before industrialization, so the man-made component is going to be hard to identify. I think that the man-made component is real, but it must be small.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Really? I thought we were on the same side. :) I don't believe in anthropogenic global warming. I did not know you believed in it. I can respect that, but why do you think its real? You are a scientist.

I base my beliefs on the known climactic cycles of the earth, recorded in modern times, and recorded in the various ice cores and tree rings and strata. Perhaps you can explain the Eocene era which had no manmade emissions as a factor?

The Roman Warm and Medieval Warm Periods were probably the result of changes to Earth's orbit. Same with the Little Ice Age. Sunspots may play a role as well.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
We were in a warming trend before industrialization, so the man-made component is going to be hard to identify. I think that the man-made component is real, but it must be small.

I don't doubt that man can affect the climate, sometimes in a most impressive way. But not GLOBALLY. The current meme is that man's activities around the world are affecting the global climate and are the reason that floods and hurricanes happen, why there are heatwaves and why the polar ice is melting. There is no empirical evidence which supports that. At least none I have seen.
I'm against the Climate Change agenda but I'm all for genuine pollution control. The two are completely different issues. The Climate Change agenda is a vehicle for certain people to gain control over the population. Pollution control is not part of that agenda other than being used as lip service towards getting those people the control and power they so hungrily crave.

*Carbon credits are the biggest load of horse crap to come down the pike in a long time. They are a scam, pure and simple.