Lord Ba'al
Well Known GateFan
You are basing the quality of the game off a youtube quality video which is heavily compressed?
You are right to say that technology has come a long way which is why they are providing this in 4k 60 -120fps experience. They've improved the mechanics too. I love the original too but they haven't watered it down by dumbing it down. It's a nice refreshment. It's also not going to be a fully priced game of 60 dollars either. I think it's much better attempt than the half assed blizzard remasters or the remasters we see from Sony. I know when I see a game from the heart and not done to make money at the sole intent. Some of the programmers are from the original franchise so don't think that it's not them that are there either.
As for gaming. It's just gotten more complicated. Do you know how much blood sweat and tears goes into a game? A lot and a lot I mean an insane amount. I am happy to pay for games. Infact I pay for my games, but the only reason why gaming is not what it used to be is because, how fast the industry is moving. You are right to say that there are some games that are 'dumb' but I tend to avoid those.
You are basically making my point for me. Technology has advanced a lot and what do they do with it? Higher resolutions, faster frame rates, new music scores, et cetera et cetera. Nobody ever puts any effort and uses the tech where it's needed most. GAMEPLAY!
Forgot to add. 20 bucks is full price for a game as far as I'm concerned. Just because some games these days are priced at 50, 60 or even 100 bucks doesn't make 20 bucks cheap, those other games are just outrageously overpriced.
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