Verizon MiFi 4G tracking?



My connection is down. Had to order some stuff from Newegg (cheap prices! :) ). Until it arrives my bro lent me his MIFI hotspot so I can connect as he's off of work and doesn't need it right now. (He's deer hunting) It's his company's hotspot though and I didn't want them seeing all my personal info. I've been ordering all sorts of stuff from computer parts to vacuums and will be doing more since it's Thanksgiving time here which is when all the shopping deals are available. I always get a bit worried when doing so much ordering online with my credit card. I try to order from secure sites but wasn't sure how much info the IT people in between could see.

I also don't want them to see my emails which I don't know are encrypted to be honest. Since I'm not a monk I've got plenty of very personal email exchanges going on with certain people that I wish to remain private. The last thing I need is some stranger in an IT department reading my personal correspondence.

Plus like I said earlier I surf forums that some places block due to what they consider violent content and/or vulgar language. Not sure if they have it by you but when you surf wifi in places like Panera bread here they have filters on a bunch of pages you wouldn't think would be bad. Some places even block Facebook and Myspace. My point being, I just didn't want my bro getting hassled because I surfed a site that his company thinks is inappropriate even though you or I would find it benign.

Yeah I read all that. But why is your connection down, are you being punished? :D If not, then why don't you sue your provider? You need your internet, especially now coz like you said you need to order lots of stuff. ;)

Lastly, I'm sickitated by your accusations against the fine German people. Mein Gott, they don't even have donkeys in Germany. :facepalm:

Oh please! Your worrying about all the vulgar stuff you're spouting in your emails and the information on the hardcore websites you visit being compromised by third parties but you get sick of the thought of Germans doing donkeys. :rolleyes: Germans are people too you know with their own rights and desires. And are you saying they're too poor to afford donkeys? Ofcourse they have donkeys! And they have lots of other sorts of farm animals too as I'm sure you're well aware of from your rancid internet spelonking.


Well Known GateFan
Yeah I read all that. But why is your connection down, are you being punished? :D If not, then why don't you sue your provider? You need your internet, especially now coz like you said you need to order lots of stuff. ;)

Oh please! Your worrying about all the vulgar stuff you're spouting in your emails and the information on the hardcore websites you visit being compromised by third parties but you get sick of the thought of Germans doing donkeys. :rolleyes: Germans are people too you know with their own rights and desires. And are you saying they're too poor to afford donkeys? Ofcourse they have donkeys! And they have lots of other sorts of farm animals too as I'm sure you're well aware of from your rancid internet spelonking. ISP doesn't own the router, I do, so when it breaks I have to buy a new one, not them. Same with all my computer equipment. Just general equipment failure that needs to be replaced. It's not the responsibility of my ISP to provide me with equipment. Obviously you live in a Socialist paradise where the government provides for all your needs, computer and otherwise. ;)

As for us fine people of Germanic lineage, your attempts to paint us with a perverted brush reveals more about you, the Dutch, than you realize. And on a completely unrelated note I must ask how you manage to get donkeys up the spiral windmill stairs that lead to your dark lair?

ETA: Ordering computer related stuff is far cheaper online than going into a big box retailer I have found. I'm talking wayyyyyyyy cheaper. Plus it usually comes with free shipping which can't be beat. The downside is the wait time for it to be delivered but that's a small price to pay really. Right now I'm in love with a site called I'm just hoping they keep me satisfied. Fingers crossed!


As for us fine people of Germanic lineage, your attempts to paint us with a perverted brush reveals more about you, the Dutch, than you realize. And on a completely unrelated note I must ask how you manage to get donkeys up the spiral windmill stairs that lead to your dark lair?

It's easy. Since I live in the dark damp basement all I have to do is push them down the stairs. Sometimes, when I don't feel like making that effort I just light some firecrackers under its @$$.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Why are Germans from Deutschland and Dutch from Holland?