THE CLONE WARS new season

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Majority does not always mean correct. Look at Man made climate change and the 'majority' on that

and with SW's or any project, a majority would only matter if there was a way for the fans to play an active part to offer input in real time, to he production

like in a BLACK MIRROR:BANDERSNATCH kind of way, only in production

like post a question " do you want to see C3PO and BB8 get melted in a Lava flow on Mustafar?"

The majority of scientists do NOT support manmade climate change, but the media does not publish it. Just because you own something does not mean you understand or can successfully build on it. Many old men own collections of expensive supercars, but cannot even drive. People buy expensive artwork and hang it in their homes, and cannot paint a lick. The idea that showrunners are gods and whatever they say goes seems to be uniquely a Star Wars thing. Well, it is also an Apple thing.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
ok, so what show or movie have you influenced then?

Just for Star Trek alone, I was part of the fan groups who helped STMP to come to the big screen. Back then, there was no internet so that meant physically going to Paramount, writing and printing actual letters, meeting with other fans, and it was fun! The movie got made, and the Star Trek movie franchise owes it's existence to fans. I was also part of the fan resistance group AGAINST certain things I saw in The Next Generation, but then later joined the campaign to change things within the show. I opened fan websites (not just this one), wrote reviews, asked questions at the panels and continue to be part of the actively participating fandom in many other movie productions and TV shows. These little involvements added up equal CHANGE in the Star Trek product up until 2009 when CBS took over and gave that relationship the middle finger. Still, I have been an active, vocal fan for decades.

There are other shows and movies I have either worked on the actual productions as support personnel or participated in groups directly communicating with writers and executives. I have actively sought out and gotten jobs with the Industry to be close to the media productions I love. I opened Gatefans, I financially supported, hosted and designed SGUS and eventually I got my current job in the TV broadcast industry which one in a string of several Industry related jobs I have had and sought out. I even lived with one of my dream actresses from Star Trek. There is too much to go over to answer your question. Suffice it to say I have been part of influencer groups in the media Industry for the greater part of my life.

Star Wars just does not do any of that. There were never groups guiding the Star Wars story. Instead of getting Lucasfilm to respond to any requests (because SW fans did not make any), the fans created their own made up additions to the SW universe to explain plotholes and inconsistencies, and did not take any of that to Disney. George Lucas became aware of the EU early on, but the EU was not any sort of campaign. Star Wars fans are only now organizing because of what happened in The Last Jedi. The massive negative response is what has brought JJ back and removed Rian Johnson from Episode IX and possibly caused his trilogy to be canceled.

Star Wars fans have been passive and inert with Star Wars. They are kept in the dark and then the showrunners serve their product and SW fans simply start eating. The dynamic that exists with Doctor Who, Star Trek, The Expanse, Firefly and even Stargate with fans organizing and demanding changes and tweaks to the shows or revivals of shows is not there for Star Wars.

I hope I answered your question. :cool:


Well Known GateFan
the new season is all available for streaming on DISNEY+

12 EPS broken down into 3 chapters

the first is centered around a group of SF type clones- the BAD BATCH who help CPT Rex rescue a clone who has been captured by the Sep's and being used for tactical advantage

the middle eps you can skip--they are about Ahsoka and her leaving the Jedi and falling in with 2 sisters who run a less than legal smuggling trade

the last chapter deals with Ahsoka going to Mandalore with Bo Katan and going after Maul- the leader of Mandalore at this time- and the puppet ruler of Mandalore Maul installed and the Saxon clan

these last 3-4 eps overlap with Episode 3- revenge of the sith, and show us how Ahsoka and Maul survived Order 66. It also shows how Maul figured out what Palpatine has been up to, and of course we know from SOLO that Maul is also the elader of the Crimson DAWN CRIME syndicate as well..this plays in too.


Well Known GateFan
the last 2 eps of s7 were pretty good, even kind of great. i liked the way they transitioned with the escape of Ahsoka, Rex and Maul

also, sets backstory up for S2 of Mandalorian with Bo Kotan and the aftermath of Mandalore eventually betraying the Empire

we see darth vader in a moment of regret as well.. over only 1 of maybe 2 ppl he would be experiencing regret over
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