Star Trek: The Next Generation


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It gets better after this season.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E17 - Home Soil - 20/02/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41463.99. Those darn terraformers are deliberately conceiling stuff. We are nine minutes in and there is as of yet nothing worth writing about. I had that feeling from the start of the episode. A terraformer got killed by a laser drill. Now Data is in the same room. The drill attacks him. Thank god Data is Data. He is victorious. Destroying the drill apparently cost one of the terraformer people "a year's work". Lol. Not like you can't fucking replicate another drill, or the parts to assemble another drill. O look! They have discovered what appears to be, an LED! Uh oh, the LED is alive. Attack of the killer LED! No, I'm getting carried away. Apparently LED replicate through mitosis. Now there are two of them under the glass dome. Ugly giant bags of mostly water! Okay, now it's attack of the killer LED. Bloody microbrains. Lol. Come back in three centuries Picard, maybe then you'll be on a suitable level for the microbrains. Captain's log, stardate 41464.8. Velara III is under quarantine. The end.


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This episode is basically the TNG remake of the TOS episode "The Devil in the Dark".

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E18 - Coming of Age - 12/03/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41416.2. Wesley's going to be tested for entrance into Starfleet Academy. Some Admiral beaming aboard wanting to speak with the Captain alone. Seems Commander Remmick doesn't count though. There may be something very wrong on the ship. Inspection time! The academy apparently only takes one applicant. Weird for a school. Riker is frustrated! Good thing Wesley is cute, or he would be obnoxious. :drunk: Speaking of obnoxious, Remmick leads the pack. Didn't find anything wrong with the ship or crew though. He would love to serve on the Enterprise. Picard's face speaks. They want to make an Admiral out of him. Wesley wasn't good enough to beat a Benzite, even though no Benzite has ever made it into Starfleet. Picard looks ridiculous in that dress uniform.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E19 - Heart of Glory - 19/03/1988

A disturbance in the neutral zone. But of what nature? It's a battle! Riker wants to separate the saucer section. Picard denies him. Data says it might be the Romulans. They find a ship adrift. It's Talarian. Possible life signs. Picard and Riker agree, it smells like a trap. Captain's log, stardate 41503.7. Everyone on the bridge gets to see what Geordi sees for a change. Androids have auras. A bulkhead is losing structural integrity, but only Geordi can see it. There's toxic deuterium gas all over the place, so Data is going on by himself, as he can withstand the heat and toxic gas better. He strolls off. He returns shortly after. The life signs come from behind a door which is blocked. Now they all walk through the toxic gas. Turns out, they're Klingons. Picard sends Tasha to the transporter room, to be there when the away team returns. Probably to provide protection from the Klingons. :eyeroll: The ship explodes right after the away team returns. Picard interrogates the Klingons. The Klingons talk a load of shit. They don't want to talk anymore, because they are hungry and tired. How very Klingon-like. Sending a message to Starfleet through subspace will take 48 hours, or did he say it takes that long for the message to get there and for them to respond? Either way, seems like a long time compared to what seems to be the norm in Star Trek. These Klingons don't seem like real Klingons to be honest. They're pussies. The Klingons (including Worf) roar for the soul of the one that died. Klingons and Worf talking, building back story for the character. For fuck sake these Klingons bore me. A Klingon ship shows up. The Klingons on board are criminals. Who would have guessed. They're trying to play Worf. Klingons in the brig. Klingons escape the brig. (I'm trying to shorten this because it's all quite boring) Klingons try to take the ship. One of them dies. More screaming for the soul. Thank god this episode is done.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E20 - The Arsenal of Freedom - 09/04/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41798.2. Onwards to Mynos, to find out what happened with the USS Drake. The ship to which Riker had been offered command, but which he rejected to be first officer on the Enterprise. Sensors indicate no intelligent life forms. Those are some sensors, being able to detect intelligence in a life sign. There's no one on the planet, yet they receive an ad from a weapons systems manufacturer. There might be other active systems on the planet. It sounds dangerous. Let's send an away team, and let's include the captain, the first officer, the second officer, the chief medical officer, and the chief of security. Good thing they left Geordi, Worf and counsellor Troi on the ship. It's a heavily forrested planet, yet all we see is some scarcely dispersed plants from a garden centre. There's a fake person on the planet. Someone pretending to be the captain of the Drake. Riker tells him his ship is the USS Lollipop. He gets encased in a stasis field for his inconsiderate behavior. Later on Data and Tasha manage to free him from it with their phasers. Now the Enterprise is under attack. Mr. Logan does not like Geordi being in charge because he has a higher rank. Geordi tells him to piss off. The weapons systems on the planet keep evolving and getting harder to beat. Doctor Crusher is hurt from a fall into an underground facility. She tells Picard to chew some nearby roots. They taste bitter. Then she tells him to rub some on his hand. That seems like a test one would do before putting the stuff in their mouth. Now, let's put that root on the wound. No, instead, let's walk away in search for an exit and forget all about that root. Meanwhile, Geordi is losing the battle up in space. Mr. Logan tells him they can't keep up the power levels much longer. Geordi tells Logan to come to the bridge, because that seems like the exact right thing to do at this particular time. Once Mr. Logan is on the bridge, Geordi tells him that he will be in command of the saucer section whilst Geordi will command the battle bridge. Now it makes sense! He could have never relayed that information through the communication channels. Picard didn't find an exit. Time to talk some more about roots. The weapons sales person is back. Data has no trouble jumping down over 11 metres. Picard manages to stop the weapons demonstration by agreeing to buy the weapons. Somehow the battle up in space still continues though. Geordi has a nifty trick. Luring the drone into the atmosphere, thereby revealing itself due to the re-entry burn. Everyone is saved. Sigh, another terrible episode.


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Seems you're on a TNG bummer of late?

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I gotta work my way through the crap to get to the good stuff.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E21 - Symbiosis - 16/04/1988

Something something star phenomenon causing lots of magnetic interference. An unidentified freighter is in distress. It's the Ornaran freighter Sanction. Tractor beam is not working. Captain T'Jon doesn't seem to know much about his ship, or anything else for that matter. Let's beam the crew over to the Enterprise. Oh, they sent cargo instead. Well, four of the six eventually made it, the other two died with the ship. Apparently they are two separate parties. There's a dispute about the cargo, the medicine. The Brekkians claim they haven't been paid. The Ornarans need the medicine or they will all die. This episode might be better when watching it the first time, but knowing how it's going to end makes this another really hard to watch episode. Fabrication of the medicine is the only industry the Brekkians have. The Ornarans supply the Brekkians with everything they need. In return the Brekkians provide the Ornarans with the medicine. Dr. Crusher has figured it out. The Ornarans are all drug addicts. Riker received some complimentary electroshock therapy. The Brekkians are suddenly happy for the Ornarans to have the medicine.


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Symbiosis is actually not a bad episode.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E22 - Skin of Evil - 23/04/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41601.3. Oooo, Yar is going to participate in a martial arts tournament, wooptiedoo. Shuttlecraft 13 crashlanded on Vagra II. O wait! This is the one where Yar des! Yay! The blob. A super annoying character, but you gotta like him for getting rid of Yar. Lol, Picard asks what the status is, Crusher waves her tricorder over Yar for about 10 seconds, all the while it beeps faster and faster until she says "she's dead". Didn't even try to save her. Let's beam her to the ship and confirm she is really dead. Yep. So much for martial arts. I guess Worf lost the pool. But then he received a promotion to acting chief of security. Not a total loss. Picard orders everyone not to have feelings for Yar, at least not right now. She wasn't even wearing a red shirt. Troi is in the crashed shuttlecraft. She is trying to wear the blob down by talking to it. Uh oh, Riker got blobbed. The blob's name is Armus by the way, not that it matters. A bunch of talking later, Troi and the other guy on the shuttlecraft named Ben have been saved. We have to suffer through a bit more of Yar as apparently she recorded a hologram of herself, telling each individual crew member what she thought of them.

Shadow Mann

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S1E22 - Skin of Evil - 23/04/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41601.3. Oooo, Yar is going to participate in a martial arts tournament, wooptiedoo. Shuttlecraft 13 crashlanded on Vagra II. O wait! This is the one where Yar des! Yay! The blob. A super annoying character, but you gotta like him for getting rid of Yar. Lol, Picard asks what the status is, Crusher waves her tricorder over Yar for about 10 seconds, all the while it beeps faster and faster until she says "she's dead". Didn't even try to save her. Let's beam her to the ship and confirm she is really dead. Yep. So much for martial arts. I guess Worf lost the pool. But then he received a promotion to acting chief of security. Not a total loss. Picard orders everyone not to have feelings for Yar, at least not right now. She wasn't even wearing a red shirt. Troi is in the crashed shuttlecraft. She is trying to wear the blob down by talking to it. Uh oh, Riker got blobbed. The blob's name is Armus by the way, not that it matters. A bunch of talking later, Troi and the other guy on the shuttlecraft named Ben have been saved. We have to suffer through a bit more of Yar as apparently she recorded a hologram of herself, telling each individual crew member what she thought of them.
That was an odd episode to be sure, but yeah I was not sad to see Yar go.


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Denise Crosby was a victim of the show runners realizing that the show needed fixes and one of the issues was too many ensemble characters, resulting in it being very hard to service them all with adequate story time. The episode was kinda meh but it achieved the objective.

Shadow Mann

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Denise Crosby was a victim of the show runners realizing that the show needed fixes and one of the issues was too many ensemble characters, resulting in it being very hard to service them all with adequate story time. The episode was kinda meh but it achieved the objective.
I just never bought her as a security officer. She was too nice, too slim, and her character just did not say "security personnel" to me in the least. Worf was a great replacement. Perhaps if they had made her super strong (like Data, only biological). Maybe a special power or something? Otherwise, she was just not right for that role IMO. On another note, I might be in a minority of people who MUCH preferred Dr Pulaski over Beverly Crusher!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E23 - We'll Always Have Paris - 30/04/1988

Captain's log, stardate 41697.9. Ah... fencing. I used to do that when I was young. Started fencing when I was 8 years old and stopped just before I hit 18. This scene here, that is not how fencing works, lol. They're just banging their sabers together, not actually trying to hit the other and parry attacks. Anyway, back to Star Trek. Uh oh, deja vu. Some kind of time loop shit going on. Picard on the bridge in his fencing outfit with a towel around his neck, how nonchalant. Aha, a clue. It's probably the evil Dr. Manheim with his non-linear time experiments who has caused this incident. Why is Picard flogging his leg with his towel? That seemed oddly out of place. Before they get to Dr. Manheim, there is some time to visit a holodeck. Picard is wearing his regular uniform now, visiting the Cafe des Artistes in Paris. Interesting how they weave "Picard's story from when he was young" with the lady's story in the current, but then they suddenly cut it off abruptly, what a shame, it was a good scene. @Quetesh says Riker looks like he has shellac in his hair. From what I understand that's some kind of varnish, lol. Anyway, they beam the two people up from the planet, the Dr. and his daughter. I get the distinct impression that this is the girl that Jean-Luc was supposed to meet in the Parisien cafe when he was young and didn't show. @Quetesh tells me she is not, and she was about to tell me a different story, but I told her kindly not to do so, as I don't want spoilers. Not that I haven't seen this entire show a bunch of times before, but I'm still blessed with not remembering some parts of it, and I cherish those parts the most, unless they are shit parts of course. Wow, we are 17 minutes into this episode already, how is that even possible, nothing has happened? Dr. Crusher just entered the scene and had a startled look on her face as she saw the other woman, like a "stay away from my man" kinda look. We almost lost the away team of Riker, Data and Word there, as they tried to beam over somewhere. I was really worried for a moment. O look, I was right about Picard meeting the woman in Paris. Troi and Beverly have a conversation. It is obvious to Troi that Beverly has feelings for Picard. Beverly notes that she can't compete with a ghost from Picard's past. Clearly there is a thing between Crusher and Picard. Dr. Manheim tells Picard "take my woman, because I'm useless to her". Data beams to the planetoid and dodged some lasers. Data's grabbing a thermos with antimatter now. Problem solved. Dr. Manheim somehow reminds me of a musketeer, don't know why. The woman is going back with the Dr., to be alone on the planetoid with him again. But first, she will have a date with Picard on the holodeck.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
S1E24 - Conspiracy - 07/05/1988

First Officer's log, stardate 41775.5. Onwards to Pacifica. Data laughs awkwardly at Geordi's joke. Who could blame him. Worf says swimming is to much like bathing. A code 47 message, for captain's eyes only. Time to go to Dytallix B instead. Ominous things are apparently about to happen to the federation. A secret captains meeting. Then again onwards to Pacifica. A mysterious disturbance along the way. Seemingly it's the remains of the Horatio. Farewell captain Walker. Data has investigated all the records of the past six months, and has determined someone has been reshuffling command positions throughout the sector. Time to visit Starfleet command. The guy in the background on the Enterprise is wearing a miniskirt, it looks absolutely ridiculous. Riker gets knocked out by the geriatric Admiral Quinn, because vitamins. Geordi gets thrown through the door. Worf's a pussy. Good thing Dr. Crusher showed up with a phaser. Geordi makes another joke, "if I could see, I would be seeing stars". Oh no! It's the goa'uld! A laugh-inducing fight scene at Starfleet later, and all is back to normal. Captain Picard and Commander Riker don't hesitate to explode Commander Remmick, Raiders of the Lost Ark style. Soon followed by a scene that is reminiscent of a scene in Alien where something bursts out of someone's belly. Funny stuff. Captain's log, stardate 41780.2. Everything is back to normal. But Remmick managed to send out a signal before he died. A homing beacon! How ominous. Good thing we already know we will never see these creatures again.


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It was an early attempt at a galactic conspiracy story. It wasn't terrible but like most of season one forgettable.


Well Known GateFan
I really loved TNG, even it's bad eps in S1, We ALWAYS watched it live at time of airing here, Scifi in a TV medium has always got me more in the "feels" than Fantasy, even though I love fantasy more in the book arena. DS9 is my favorite, but that is because I like the more consistant storytelling (like B-5)