Saab files for bankruptcy


Sinister Swede
Swedish carmaker Saab Automobile on Monday filed for bankruptcy protection, ending two years of efforts to save the iconic Swedish brand.

The final desperate efforts to organise help in China were obstructed by former Saab owner General Motors (GM) over licences.

"They were here this morning and submitted the documents requesting bankruptcy," a clerk at the Vänersborg District Court told AFP, adding that the court was currently examining the request.

A statement on the court's website said three Saab companies had filed for bankruptcy: SAAB Automobile Aktiebolag, Saab Automobile Tools AB och Saab Automobile Powertrain.

"The court aims to handle the request and appoint a liquidator rapidly," the statement said.

Saab's owner Swedish Automobile said in a statement that "the company without further funding will be insolvent and that filing bankruptcy is in the best interests of its creditors."

"It is expected that the court will approve of the filing and appoint receivers for Saab Automobile very shortly."

The decision follows Saturday's announcement by GM that it cannot accept any of the proposed solutions presented so far to help save Swedish automaker.

"Each proposal results either directly or indirectly in the transfer of control and/or ownership of the company in a manner that would be detrimental to GM and its shareholders,” GM spokesperson James Cain said at the weekend.

“As such, GM cannot support any of these proposed alternatives.”

Citing sources within Saab, daily Svenska Dagbladet reported on Saturday that the company planned to present a plan to the court on Monday whereby the Swedish automaker would launch a technology development company in the Netherlands, half of which would be owned by Chinese Youngman.

But according to Swedish trade paper Dagens Industri (DI), Youngman, responsible for the last cash injection into the beleaguered Swedish carmaker, is now unwilling to send Saab any further funds.

The reason behind Youngman's decision is allegedly GM's categorical 'no' to any further Chinese involvement.

In a statement, Swedish Automobile confirmed Youngman pulled out of the talks following Cain's remarks.

"After having received the recent position of GM on the contemplated transaction with Saab Automobile, Youngman informed Saab Automobile that the funding to continue and complete the reorganization of Saab Automobile could not be concluded," it said in a statement.

On Monday Saab saw no other solution than to file for bankruptcy.

News agency TT had the news confirmed from Saab CEO Victor Muller himself outside of the Vänersborg District Court on Monday morning.

Muller had been due to appear before the court on Monday as judges had been scheduled to decide whether to lift or prolong the three-month bankruptcy protection Saab had been placed under while it was attempting to negotiate a deal to rescue the company.

Muller has been struggling to put together a deal to save Saab from bankruptcy, primarily negotiating in recent months with two Chinese groups, carmaker Youngman and car distribution company Pang Da.

The attempts to sell Saab to Chinese partners have been seen as the last chance of saving the Swedish carmaker, which was already on the brink of bankruptcy when GM sold it to Swedish Automobile -- at the time called Spyker -- in early 2010 for $400 million.

It has been a rocky road since then.

The carmaker -- which began life in 1937 as an aircraft manufacturer, something which became evident in the aerodynamic, sporty shape of its first concept car designs -- was forced to halt production in April as suppliers stopped deliveries over mountains of unpaid bills.

Saab's some 3,700 employees, whose salaries have been delayed five months running, did not receive their November paychecks. Once the bankruptcy filing is approved, they will be paid through a state wage guarantee.

Saab built its first prototype cars in 1947 with the first production version rolling off the assembly line two years later.

Well thanks a lot GM. Not only did you sell the car brand to the most unsuitable buyer there was, but then you made every effort to try and prevent Saab from having either the slightest chance of surivival when it actually was a "independent" entity. And now because of your fear of having a little competition on the Chinese market, almost 4000 people will lose their jobs just six days before christmas.

No matter how you feel about the company (omni), you can't disagree that GM grossly mismanaged the company and just grabbed all the technology ever developed by it, slapped a GM (or in most cases, Opel) sticker on it, and then left what little remained of the once fun and quirky car company to rot away.


What ship is this?
Staff member
GM is the garbage dump of automobile makers, so its utter mismanagement of Saab is unsurprising.


What ship is this?
Staff member
And since they became Government Motors" it has gotten worse not better - lest we forget them publishing lying ads claiming they had paid off their bailout money when what they really did was use monies from the government to pay off the government. Plus this is the same band of idiots who mismanaged themselves into bankruptcy and destroyed Saturn to boot.


Sinister Swede
And since they became Government Motors" it has gotten worse not better - lest we forget them publishing lying ads claiming they had paid off their bailout money when what they really did was use monies from the government to pay off the government. Plus this is the same band of idiots who mismanaged themselves into bankruptcy and destroyed Saturn to boot.

Wait- the same guys who ran the company into the ground are still kept in charge after the bail out!? That's just... :facepalm: I get that the gov't thought that it was necessary to rescue to the company (but whether it was is a discussion for a whole other place), but why the hell do they keep the same morons who frakked up the company in the first place? That just doesn't make any sense.


What ship is this?
Staff member
That's the stupidest part.

The Government stepped in and basically overrode the bankruptcy process (causing those who had invested in and lent money to GM to not get repaid as they would have in a bankruptcy) and resulted in the US Government having 61% stock ownership, Canada has roughly 12% and the UAW got 17% despite having no monetary investments in GM. Meanwhile the company has had several new CEOs since this all happened but the basic decision makers who caused the mess over the years are still in place.


The Belle of the Ball
Brought to you by Obama!

Be sure to thank's his crony capitalism that bailed out Government Motors and screwed everyone over! The GM officials (good democratic contributors all) and the Union Bosses (also democratic contributors) kept ther jobs and millons of US taxpayer money! this I why support Fordthese days...they didn't ask for or take tapayer money. :P I do not beleive in too big to fail. :rolleyes:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Be sure to thank's his crony capitalism that bailed out Government Motors and screwed everyone over! The GM officials (good democratic contributors all) and the Union Bosses (also democratic contributors) kept ther jobs and millons of US taxpayer money! this I why support Fordthese days...they didn't ask for or take tapayer money. :P I do not beleive in too big to fail. :rolleyes:

Yeah, maybe we should let that one rest. Bush started the bailouts.


I worked in the car business for 12 years. The unions and mismanagement is what killed them. In other words, greed and more greed. I don't blame the govt for the fall.


The Belle of the Ball
Yeah, maybe we should let that one rest. Bush started the bailouts.

No fear my friend, you are right, Bush was suckered into bailing out the banks. personally I have opposed bail outs since the chrysler and New York City bail outs in the late 70's. I despise AYTHING that smacks of bail outs! :P


Sinister Swede
Be sure to thank's his crony capitalism that bailed out Government Motors and screwed everyone over! The GM officials (good democratic contributors all) and the Union Bosses (also democratic contributors) kept ther jobs and millons of US taxpayer money! this I why support Ford these days...they didn't ask for or take tapayer money. :P I do not beleive in too big to fail. :rolleyes:

Personally, I'm never ever gonna support Ford in any way, because of one reason only: the Ford Scorpio. If you need it that badly it'd be more practical to just buy a ton of rust straight away instead of buying the car.

I love my Pontiac Grand Prix GXP.

Meh. :daniel_new_anime012

But back to Saab, they haven't really made any really good car since GM got involved either. It's like that company automatically ruins everything it comes in contact with. The last really great Saab was the original 900 Convertible. *sigh* What a wonderful little car.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I always was kinda partial to this car:



What ship is this?
Staff member
We seemed to be wandering off topic a bit so I figured why not?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Ah, gotcha. Well as for the Countach, it is a beautiful and absolutely bonkers car, but never in a million years could I imagine owning one. It'd be an absolute nightmare to drive.

Just imagine driving it cross country, kind of like "The Dukes of Hazzard"....


The auto industry was thriving when I first worked for it. Each year they gave the factory employees thousands of dollars in bonuses. Even more, like 15,000 off a car purchase. In the meanwhile they dumbed down their quality and creativity and cut back on administrative staff. Entire zones were shut down.They even got desperate enough to force all dealership employees to take a selling course. My dealership refused to spend money to compete and went under 3 years ago. It was an ugly mess. They should have not oversaturated the market with rebates and learned how to save for a rainy day when they were rolling in the dough.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
No fear my friend, you are right, Bush was suckered into bailing out the banks. personally I have opposed bail outs since the chrysler and New York City bail outs in the late 70's. I despise AYTHING that smacks of bail outs! :P

Too true. Most Americans opposed the bailouts. I'm still in awe that the majority didn't rule and the people had no voice.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Personally, I'm never ever gonna support Ford in any way, because of one reason only: the Ford Scorpio. If you need it that badly it'd be more practical to just buy a ton of rust straight away instead of buying the car.

Meh. :daniel_new_anime012

But back to Saab, they haven't really made any really good car since GM got involved either. It's like that company automatically ruins everything it comes in contact with. The last really great Saab was the original 900 Convertible. *sigh* What a wonderful little car.
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I always found Ford's European counterparts to their American offerings were far superior. The Escort was lower, wider and had more pep. The Scorpio was sleeker and more powerful than the Taurus. If you hated the Scorpio and it was superior to its American counterpart, imagine how bad Fords used to be here. :icon_lol: