Problem Charging IPhones ?


Well Known GateFan
Over the last few years or so I have had a bugger of a time being able to charge my 4s iPhone . What happens is I have been using an over the counter charger with the apple docking cable . Sometimes it would charge , other times it would not . From what I could find online it seemed to be a software problem and not a cable or charger problem . I will say yes to both and here is how to fix this problem if you find your iPhone won't charge with non apple cables and chargers .
Let your phone run itself down to zero battery and let it shut itself off . Now the simple trick here is to have a factory apple iPhone charger and apple docking cable and let the phone come to a full charge . Your phone will now charge correctly with any charger or compatible cable . The reason being here is that the iPhone reset its charging software back to its factory settings . I am guessing that with using multiple chargers and cables , the software gets confused and by doin the full dead battery to full charge with apple products , the phone charging system is reset and ready for whatever cable you happen to have lying around . Since I have done this , my phone has had no trouble connecting to aftermarket cables or chargers .
Also prior to having the battery die , i also did a complete reset of the phone which is holding down the home button and the top case button for 30 secs or more . The apple logo will pop up after a while telling you the phone has reset to factory settings . I then let it drain all its power and then charged it with the Apple charging system ...
I also want to point out that when I searched for a charging issue fix I had also tried every other method to find a cure . The aforementioned method works for me and I am no longer wanting to toss my iPhone far far across the universe into a black hole . I almost kinda like my phone now ... almost ...
PS ... I also have all the latest updates installed ... iPhone 4s

:) :) :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
As much as I rant about iPhones, I still think they are very capable smartphones and I would take one over a Windows or Blackberry phone (but not Android :)). The Samsung phones (all of them) use a very soft metal for the charging port and every single one of them I have owned would eventually not be able to be charged. I had to buy a spare battery and charge those outside of the phone :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
Hmmmm after totally and entirely reading your entire post ( I swear :angel:;)), I've figured out what your problem is: it's an iPhone.


Well Known GateFan
True , I agree but it charges now without any problems . I was ready to toss it very very far into an abyss . There are a ton of fixes out there that do nothing regarding iphone charging issues . One is to change out the friggin docking port on the phone . ...

:) :) :)


Council Member & Author
Sometimes, the off-brand charging cables just suck. Not all of them, but a fair number of them.

When I need a replacement charging cable for an iThing, I usually buy one from Monoprice.


Well Known GateFan
Sometimes, the off-brand charging cables just suck. Not all of them, but a fair number of them.

When I need a replacement charging cable for an iThing, I usually buy one from Monoprice.

Well all of my aftermarket chargers will work with my iphone since I did the run till it's dead , then charge with apple charger , then plug into anything chargers step . I have yet to find one now that it won't charge on , unlike before when it would'nt sometimes even charge with an apple charger ...

:) :) :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
The older Apple chargers were problematic, but the lightning chargers they have used since the iPhone 5 are nice. They make a good connection consistently and do not have the contact surface bending issues Micro USB has had before.


Well Known GateFan
image.png This started happening 2 updates ago ... I was hoping this last update would cure this . Guess not . It only seems to happen at Gate Fans .
iphone 4s 9.03

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
View attachment 31889 This started happening 2 updates ago ... I was hoping this last update would cure this . Guess not . It only seems to happen at Gate Fans .
iphone 4s 9.03

Really?....what about the forums pages and threads? Are you using split screen (is there such a thing on iPhones?)


What ship is this?
Staff member
I've seen this occur in Mobile Safari also - I usually refresh my way out of it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I've seen this occur in Mobile Safari also - I usually refresh my way out of it.

What causes it? This site is 100% responsive except the Flame Hell theme.


Well Known GateFan
It seems to be just the home page . Once I finally get logged in which takes forever , all pages after that are normal size ... Very strange indeed ...


Well Known GateFan
And here is another wtf . Why is my phone like my car . I must be a magnet for crappy stuff or something or I'm just being punshished by the cosmic god of wtf ,,,
This stupid camera icon pops up while I am texting and blocks my veiw to text ... How to hell do I get rid of this . Also my son was hooked up to my linux puter charging his phone so when his phone was done I plugged into my linux puter with his cable . My iphone wiped itself and made a copy of his phone on my phone ... wtf apple ... Sheese ... I dont have any apple software onthe linux puter and his phone was not even connected . All I did was use his docking cable ... Damit ... image.png

;) ;) ;)


Well Known GateFan
WTH eh ,,,another update !!! ... jeepers creepers its becoming a weekly habit worm in an apple ,,,
