Problem Charging IPhones ?


What ship is this?
Staff member
You have people who both like frequent updates (and get upset when the OS update is delayed) and those who do not. So the OEM is stuck either way... )


Well Known GateFan
Well so far the latest update looks good . The phone is still slow to load pages with safari but the battery actually stayed at full charge for the last 1/2 hr of non use . Usually it has used 15% of battery just sitting for the 1/2 hr . Probly it's looking for wi-fi signals even tho its connected to mine in my home . Gatefans homepage and a few other web pages I visit are still comimg up small sized . Maybe next weeks update will fix that lol ...

:) :) :)


Well Known GateFan
Well I'll be . My battery usually has to be charged by noon but its 7 pm and I still have 30% of battery . I notice it does a cool thing now . When you want to use the phone the screen is dim and gets brighter slowly . Guess that helps by not going full bright right away . Safari browser is still slow and the chrome app browser keeps crashing

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well I'll be . My battery usually has to be charged by noon but its 7 pm and I still have 30% of battery . I notice it does a cool thing now . When you want to use the phone the screen is dim and gets brighter slowly . Guess that helps by not going full bright right away . Safari browser is still slow and the chrome app browser keeps crashing

How cool that Apple is catching up! Most Android smartphones have had auto-brightness for several years now. :)


Well Known GateFan
The web pages now show full size and correctly tho still a bit slow
Battery charge is better than a new phone
;) ;) ;)