Is This Good or Bad?


Sinister Swede
As I understand it Border Collies are at the top of the list for intelligence in dogs. As dogs go they are "smart". They do great in obstacle course competitions and tasks that require "thinking" (which is to say the writing staff for SGU could have used a Border Collie).

Yep, that's correct. And judging from the Border Collies I've come across, they're also a lot calmer. The ones I've seen usually don't go off and bark or try and run towards unfamiliar dogs. Usually those Border Collies have barely even taken any notice of the other dogs being there. Then again, this might not be true for all of them.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
As I understand it Border Collies are at the top of the list for intelligence in dogs. As dogs go they are "smart". They do great in obstacle course competitions and tasks that require "thinking" (which is to say the writing staff for SGU could have used a Border Collie).

For a dog to get on a surfboard and STAY on it requires skills that I dont even have as a human! One of the surfer dudes has a border collie that can ride the surfboard with him all the way through a wave. And the grin on the dog is almost creepy to see. :) The same guy rides a skateboard to the beach to surf, and his Border Collie rides on it with him. Sometimes, the dog pulls him on the skateboard. I am going to get a picture of him when I see it again. I was unaware of the intelligence levels of the Border Collies.

Interesting stuff about this dog!


Well Known GateFan
Yep, that's correct. And judging from the Border Collies I've come across, they're also a lot calmer. The ones I've seen usually don't go off and bark or try and run towards unfamiliar dogs. Usually those Border Collies have barely even taken any notice of the other dogs being there. Then again, this might not be true for all of them.

I think a lot of that comes from being bred to herd sheep/livestock. Of course I'm sure there are some exceptions to this rule.


I almost got an Bordie Collie. She is an Siberian Husky and is very intelligent and loves to play fetch like it is life's blood.
She is full of energy and much pickier when it comes to what she put in her tummy then most other breeds. She does not bark, she only howls in most extreme situations.

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Council Member & Author
Lots of cats and dogs are best buddies. I think some people dont realize that. The cats will usually make friends with the dog first, and the dog is like WTF? But they can become the best of friends, even with one protecting the other.

I just found out why my cat Siete has his name. He is a "polydact", and he has 6 fully formed toes and fingers on each leg, and one stunted one for a total of 7 appendages on each foot! I had no idea this was so common, but evidently it first appeared in the Maine Coon cat which was imported. Siete has some Maine Coon in him which is why he is such a big cat. Man, what I could do with 7 fingers and toes!
2012-10-08 14.38.24.jpg

Note that the Chihuahua (Ms Abydos, the subject of the original post), has one leg over Jeff's back. They're best buddies and will often wrestle together.

It's kind of cool (to me) that Jeff never actually hurts her, even though the wrestling matches look like a knock-down, drag-out fight.

Not even a scratch on the dog when it's all over.


Transmural feline
Yes, Border Collies are smart. Some people in our neighborhood have a Border Collie, and it's the only dog my son will allow to approach him. The dog knows his place in the family, it's funny to watch their one year old daughter completely dominate him. Of course, the parents are smart and have taught their kids never to approach the dog when he's sleeping, resting on his bed or eating.

I must admit that while I'm much more a cat person than a dog person, I do have a soft spot for a well-trained Border Collie. All of the pix in this thread are cute!

My parents have two cats, one of them is a stumpy-tailed polydactyl with 6 toes on his front paws and 7 on the rear ones.