Happy new year everybody!



For some of people 2012 has already arrived, those poor souls. :P Even though I still have about 10 hours to go before I join them I thought I'd extend my best wishes for them in the new year. Ofcourse the same goes for all of you who haven't yet reached the deadline. :D

So without further ado...

Happy frakking newyear everyone!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
For some of people 2012 has already arrived, those poor souls. :P Even though I still have about 10 hours to go before I join them I thought I'd extend my best wishes for them in the new year. Ofcourse the same goes for all of you who haven't yet reached the deadline. :D

So without further ado...

Happy frakking newyear everyone!

Since you're in the future, would you mind sending back some lottery numbers?


So what's everybody planning for tonight? (or did you have planned if you're already done celebrating)

I just purchased two nice bottles of wine. A "Fleur de Puisseguin" 2005 from Saint-Emilion and a "Lalande de Pomerol" 2008 from Chateau de Musset. I think I'll enjoy these tonight and if my father is nice he may get some of it too. :P Then perhaps later I'll go into town to see if there's any action.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Happy New Year Everybody!



Objects may be closer than they appear


Sinister Swede
So what's everybody planning for tonight? (or did you have planned if you're already done celebrating)

I'm doing a bad movie rewatch with my buddy (we're currently on Speed 2). But don't worry, there's obviously plenty of alcihol involved as well! ;) Unfortunately there's no Jägermeister, but I'll get over it...

But now 2012 has finally arrived over here in Sweden so I can finally say....




What ship is this?
Staff member
I'd suggest watching 2012 in your bad movie rewatch but the amount of alcohol needed to drown out the awfulness would likely cause death from alcohol poisoning...


The moment has arrived! It's 2012 here now. Once again happy newyear everybody and enjoy your evenings. :)

I'm doing a bad movie rewatch with my buddy (we're currently on Speed 2). But don't worry, there's obviously plenty of alcihol involved as well! ;) Unfortunately there's no Jägermeister, but I'll get over it...

But now 2012 has finally arrived over here in Sweden so I can finally say....


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There was a Speed 2? Come to think of it I vaguely remember there was one but I don't know anything anymore about it, which frankly says enough. :) You should have saved that and suggested it for a Facepalm Film Fest. :D But we can always do that anyway. ;)


Sinister Swede
There was a Speed 2? Come to think of it I vaguely remember there was one but I don't know anything anymore about it, which frankly says enough. :) You should have saved that and suggested it for a Facepalm Film Fest. :D But we can always do that anyway. ;)

Yeah, and it was a giant disappointment.

It'd be a great choice for a Facepalm Film Fest, so we should definitely watch it sometime. :D


Sinister Swede
I'd suggest watching 2012 in your bad movie rewatch but the amount of alcohol needed to drown out the awfulness would likely cause death from alcohol poisoning...

Oh yeah don't even get me started on that one... :facepalm: If only I had some Jäger, then I might be able to stomach it. But on second thought, I think Catwoman (which we watched earlier) is probably bad enough for one night.


Objects may be closer than they appear
So what's everybody planning for tonight? (or did you have planned if you're already done celebrating)

I just purchased two nice bottles of wine. A "Fleur de Puisseguin" 2005 from Saint-Emilion and a "Lalande de Pomerol" 2008 from Chateau de Musset. I think I'll enjoy these tonight and if my father is nice he may get some of it too. :P Then perhaps later I'll go into town to see if there's any action.

I'm staying in and watching the Chick-Fil-A Bowl. After that's over I get to watch some idiot try to jump a snowmobile 362 feet. I'm rooting for a horrible crash... :P

New Years Eve is drunk amateur night on the roads around here so I usually try to avoid it. And I have to get up early tomorrow for an NFL tailgate. :D


I just got home. Had some whisky (single malt ofcourse) and two bottles of decent red wine before I left and about 10 beer while I was out. Now the time has come to finish off the evening nice and quiet with some more whisky. :D


Objects may be closer than they appear
I just got home. Had some whisky (single malt ofcourse) and two bottles of decent red wine before I left and about 10 beer while I was out. Now the time has come to finish off the evening nice and quiet with some more whisky. :D

That is an impressive booze count. Good job! ;)

It is 2012 here now and no one perished in the stupid snowmobile/motercycle jumps. :P

Happy New Year Gatefans! :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Im building an ark! :P