For Those Of You Who Like Starbucks...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Small shops receive them freshly delivered 1-2 times a day. Larger stores cook them on premises.

Here's a blog post from an ex-employee:

If you pull out any articles contradicting this, I will concede I'm wrong, although the donuts I tried recently were really, really fresh tasting. I won't argue myself into a deep, deep hole, ignoring mountains of indisputable facts presented to me while giving my rebuttal supported by secret documents of which I possess the only copies in existence. :icon_lol:
--- merged: Jan 6, 2015 at 11:12 AM ---

What's a phone number gonna do? You call, record your convo and post it up. Or, present me some fact-based article that shows you're right.

The facts came from the horses mouth. Call Dunkin Donuts Customer Service at the number I posted and ask the question "Does Dunkin Donuts bake their donuts on premises?". Let them answer you. The you can clarify and explain to them what part of "No" you are having trouble with. :anim_59:

The unglazed, undressed donuts are baked fully and then frozen.
The frozen donuts get shipped out to the stores
The stores heat them up, and glaze them/dress them as necessary.

This is hilarious! You can call me clear across the country from your phone, but not DD? :)
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Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The donuts are fully baked then frozen. They dont get raw ingredients.
--- merged: Jan 6, 2015 at 11:05 AM ---

CALL THE NUMBER. :icon_rotflmao:

And do what? Waste my day on hold to ask them if they distribute frozen shit to their stores and pretend they're "fresh"? :icon_lol:

Dunkin: "Welcome to Dunkin Donuts, home of the frozen donuts, how may we help you today?"
Me: "Yes, well, my friends said your donuts are now delivered frozen to your stores where they are thawed and sold."
Dunkin: "Is there a question in there sir?"
Me: "Is this true?"
Dunkin: "Why, yes. In fact, we hoard donuts in manufacturing much like the oil industry. At our main warehouse in downtown, China, we have a 20 year supply of frozen donuts, many of which date back decades in preparation for this day. The vintage donuts go out first while our freshly baked ones are hoarded for future Dunkiners. Does that answer your question?"
Me: "Umm ... I guess."
Dunkin: "Now that we've revealed this to you, two black helicopters will be landing in your front yard to take you away. Please don't resist."
Me: "You bastard, OM1! You did this to me!!!!!!!!!!!"
--- merged: Jan 6, 2015 at 11:17 AM ---
Actually the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Provide proof they send frozen donuts to their stores.

As to number of DDs by state:

Current as of September 2014. It is THIS year that they plan to greatly expand their footprint in CA.

As to DD distribution, here is an example of a "mass bakery" that services 300 locations in a close radius. Note from the article that they supply DAILY and it is NOT frozen:

And here is an example of the other type - they do their own cooking of donuts and such on premises:

It's like I said, some bake the stuff on site and others have a common site.

After the last debacle, his new strategy is "prove I'm wrong otherwise I'm right". :icon_lol:
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Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The facts came from the horses mouth. Call Dunkin Donuts Customer Service at the number I posted and ask the question "Does Dunkin Donuts bake their donuts on premises?". Let them answer you. The you can clarify and explain to them what part of "No" you are having trouble with. :anim_59:

The unglazed, undressed donuts are baked fully and then frozen.
The frozen donuts get shipped out to the stores
The stores heat them up, and glaze them/dress them as necessary.

This is hilarious! You can call me clear across the country from your phone, but not DD? :)


Some larger stores still bake on premises. Quit making an ass of yourself.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Provide proof they send frozen donuts to their stores.

As to number of DDs by state:

Current as of September 2014. It is THIS year that they plan to greatly expand their footprint in CA.

As to DD distribution, here is an example of a "mass bakery" that services 300 locations in a close radius. Note from the article that they supply DAILY and it is NOT frozen:

And here is an example of the other type - they do their own cooking of donuts and such on premises:

It's like I said, some bake the stuff on site and others have a common site.


Nowhere does Dunkin Donuts say they bake their donuts fresh on premises. They dont, because they are NOT baked on premises. :) I gave you guys the number and I called it. You can believe whatever you wish.

You are posting all this stuff from websites when you have a telephone number (toll free at that!) to Dunkin Donuts? Did you guys not pay your phone bills or something? Do you read Gateworld when you want to find out something about the corporate practices of Sony, or do you call Sony?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Some larger stores still bake on premises. Quit making an ass of yourself.

Where are those? :) The "larger stores" may be the place where the standard donuts are baked before shipping. This thread devolved into the "does DD bake their donuts fresh" thread (they dont bake them fresh at most all of their locations). I thought we were talking about coffee, but since I mentioned I dont like dunkin donuts because they dont bake onsite and Joe disputed it, this is where we are. Since it derailed, I called DD. Im right, you guys are wrong, period. Dunkin Donuts locations do not bake their donuts on premises. But since they have to be baked somewhere, the "larger stores" may be the ones doing it. I can call them again to clarify. :) SO CAN YOU.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Really, go look at the link where it literally states "Dunkin' Donuts™ offers fresh-baked donuts and bakery goods, baked daily on our premises for your enjoyment". And that site is Dunkin Donuts in NJ - in other words Dunkin Donuts.

I said they employed a split production setup where some places cook onsite and others get it delivered fresh daily. And then posted material saying exactly that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Some larger stores still bake on premises. Quit making an ass of yourself.

Actually, you are the one making an ass of yourself this time. :) Of all the Dunkin Donuts stores in the US, the vast majority of them receive their frozen pre-baked donuts from a central Dunkin Donuts bakery. Those are the facts. If you find one or two "larger stores" that bake them you are still wrong. :) Krispy Kreme bakes all their donuts fresh on premises at EVERY location.
--- merged: Jan 6, 2015 at 11:29 AM ---
Really, go look at the link where it literally states "Dunkin' Donuts™ offers fresh-baked donuts and bakery goods, baked daily on our premises for your enjoyment". And that site is Dunkin Donuts in NJ - in other words Dunkin Donuts.

I said they employed a split production setup where some places cook onsite and others get it delivered fresh daily. And then posted material saying exactly that.

Why didnt you include the link? I CALLED THEM ON THE PHONE. :) Im going with what they told me directly, but thanks anyway!
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Where are those? :) The "larger stores" may be the place where the standard donuts are baked before shipping. This thread devolved into the "does DD bake their donuts fresh" thread (they dont bake them fresh at most all of their locations). I thought we were talking about coffee, but since I mentioned I dont like dunkin donuts because they dont bake onsite and Joe disputed it, this is where we are. Since it derailed, I called DD. Im right, you guys are wrong, period. Dunkin Donuts locations do not bake their donuts on premises. But since they have to be baked somewhere, the "larger stores" may be the ones doing it. I can call them again to clarify. :) SO CAN YOU.



I'm not arguing that all of them bake on premises. They have facilities that make and distribute them to their stores that don't. Here:

Please refrain from quoting the comment by X-Ray at the bottom of that article claiming to have "heard" they flash-freeze their donuts.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Okay, I called.

First, you posted the wrong phone number. That is Customer Service for their web store where they sell stuff like cups, K-Cups and the like. The correct number is:

1-800-859-5339 - This is their product feedback and store visit customer service unit.

I spoke to a delightful lady named Florence. She stated flat out that no Dunkin Donuts locations receive any of their Donuts, Croissants, Muffins, Cookies or any baked goods frozen. They are ALL baked daily - it is an explicit requirement in their franchise agreements.

Some cook onsite, others have the arrangement where the smaller places get their freshly prepared foods from larger ones and still others band together and use larger bakeries. In all cases deliveries are daily (or more frequently) and nothing is flash frozen it is all fresh.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay, I called.

First, you posted the wrong phone number. That is Customer Service for their web store where they sell stuff like cups, K-Cups and the like. The correct number is:

1-800-859-5339 - This is their product feedback and store visit customer service unit.

I spoke to a delightful lady named Florence. She stated flat out that no Dunkin Donuts locations receive any of their Donuts, Croissants, Muffins, Cookies or any baked goods frozen. They are ALL baked daily - it is an explicit requirement in their franchise agreements.

Some cook onsite, others have the arrangement where the smaller places get their freshly prepared foods from larger ones and still others band together and use larger bakeries. In all cases deliveries are daily (or more frequently) and nothing is flash frozen it is all fresh.



Wait for it ... :icon_lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Provide proof they send frozen donuts to their stores.

As to number of DDs by state:

Current as of September 2014. It is THIS year that they plan to greatly expand their footprint in CA.

The store in Long Beach has been there for a very long time. Your map shows only 2 locations for California when there are already 4 open and operating in Los Angeles County, and those are listed on the Store Locator on the DD website.

As to DD distribution, here is an example of a "mass bakery" that services 300 locations in a close radius. Note from the article that they supply DAILY and it is NOT frozen:

EXACTLY, and it's very existence alone is enough to debunk your original statement that they bake on premises. At least 300 of them do not, just from that link alone.

And here is an example of the other type - they do their own cooking of donuts and such on premises:

It's like I said, some bake the stuff on site and others have a common site.

The point is that the vast majority of all DD locations do not bake donuts fresh in the stores. That is the fact. In California, even the smallest neighborhood donut shops make them fresh every day. Krispy Kreme does too. Nothing in the food display at Starbucks is made onsite.

But people are not buying the donuts as much as the coffee, which is the reason they do not bother baking the donuts fresh. The problem with DD is it's name. Dunkin Donuts is a reference to dipping donuts in coffee or milk before eating them. They want to be known as a beverage company? Then drop the word "donuts" from the name.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I just proved they are baked fresh. Some locations do it onsite and others get them delivered fresh baked daily (or more).

You said they got them frozen and not daily and so on - this was disproven.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
EXACTLY, and it's very existence alone is enough to debunk your original statement that they bake on premises. At least 300 of them do not, just from that link alone.

Ok, dude. Now you're just being a jackass. I've been saying all along that major stores bake on premises and smaller ones receive fresh deliveries up to several times a day. It doesn't "debunk" anything.

Those links along with Joe's phone call to Dunkin Donuts has left you looking like a clown right now.

Just admit you f'ked up and have a face full of egg and move on. Don't turn this into yet another thread where you run off with your toys like a whiny little bitch proclaiming your proof is some made-up documented evidence that exists only in your own mind.

I said I would freely admit I was wrong if shown and it seems I was not. Man-up and do the same. This is becoming a pattern of ridicule.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Matters not...I called them and spoke to a human whose job it is to answer questions about Dunkin Donuts. :) That store is one of the very few exceptions. The vast majority of them do not bake onsite. It isnt that big a deal, I just dont like them because of wasnt meant to become its own thread. :) I want to know that every donut I ever buy (because such events are rare), is baked fresh.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just proved they are baked fresh. Some locations do it onsite and others get them delivered fresh baked daily (or more).

You said they got them frozen and not daily and so on - this was disproven.

LOL! You showed me a bakery that supplies THREE HUNDRED LOCATIONS. That means 300 dont bake fresh :) I called them.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Matters not...

Oh, but it does. None of their baked goods are delivered frozen to any of their stores that don't bake on premises. Everything is delivered fresh daily. Joe confirmed with his call to the CORRECT number, which he detailed, that it is a stipulation in their franchise agreement.

So, for the second time now, just admit your assertion was wrong and move on. Or, do as you do every time you're faced with mountains of real-life, verifiable evidence contradicting your imagination, proclaim your imaginary evidence as your vindication and run off with your toys, eyes closed, fingers fixed deep in your ear canals singing "lalalalalala".

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I just proved they are baked fresh. Some locations do it onsite and others get them delivered fresh baked daily (or more).

You said they got them frozen and not daily and so on - this was disproven.

Matters not what you say, my good man, for OM1 has the power of "LALALALALALALA" on his side, thus proving, once and for all, that he is correct.
