Well Known GateFan
Who's resposible for it?
Lets take each point one at a time:
1: Syfy
Hmm, the only thing I can blame Syfy for is not structuring a better deal with MGM at the time SGA was ended. IF the movies were part of the package (drop SGA, pick up SGU and movies) then I don't think I would be blaming Syfy for anything at all. At the end of the day, Syfy is merely a "shopfront" in order for studio's to sell thier products. Did they advertise it poorly? I don't think so. In fact the largest complaints about poor advertising come from people seem to only watch Syfy for SGU and, shockingly enough, you generally don't do too much advertising for a show while it is airing......
Moving the night it was shown on, nope. I firmly beleive that it was done to give SGU a better shot at new viewers. Tuesday may not have been the best night, but I don't feel it was sent there to die. So, perhaps a little blame there as well for not thinking it through better.
MGM's greatest failure imo is what I give Syfy a total pass on, advertising. It is up to the Studio to hype it's product in locations other than Syfy, no one else. I've heard that there was significant advertising for it before it aired, but unless you continue the campaign, joe public is just going to forget any product, So, blame on them for that aspect.
Unsuprisingly, this is where the bulk of the blame should lie. TPTB produced the product, and if the product does not appeal to the public, the product gets dropped. This is simple business practice and TPTB are not "nebies", but old hands. They know the way the game is played. I won't even go into the whole attitude of TPTB as it's not nessesary
4:Neilson System
Umm, it's a system designed for advertisers and networks to arrange a "fair price" for advertising costs and revenue, It's not a popularity meter. Blaming the nielson sytem is only done because people cannot understand why it exists. No blame at all.
5: Downloads
Legal or otherwise, this is a level playing feild for the makers of any product that can exist in digital format, be it movies, tv or music. The current systems in place for tracking usage of these things may be a problem, but, like I said, it's everyones problem.
6: The viewers
I honestly don't know how you can blame the viewers at all except to make a case for them not understanding the impact of online viewing. Viewers are the end user and the only decison they truly have is weather they find a product interesting or not and where to obtain it.
7/8 Online forums & "angry SGA/SG1 fans
I'll combine these two as they are IMO directly linked. While the online community may be small, for every person who takes the time to post and discuss a show, there are probably hundreds, if not thousands that share a similar viewpoint. To me, forums are what the people blaming the neilson system are really looking for, a way to guage popularity of a product. GW as the largest SG site around firmly jumped on the SGU bandwagon and as such created the dominant online culture of the coming of SGU being a positive thing. In response, well, you had Counterculture (SGUS) The mere existance of a site for people to go and vent about the problems of a show should have raised red flags, Instead it was dismissed by the GW culture as the rantings of "fringe lunatics". As the site (SGUS) grew however DESPITE GW's efforts to not advertise it, it should have not only raised red flags, but been a bonfire to TPTB and MGM. Can forums really "change stuff"? Probably not, but in this day in age, I would consider it foolish of anyone making a product to ignore what amounts to free market reaserch in you target audience.
Lets take each point one at a time:
1: Syfy
Hmm, the only thing I can blame Syfy for is not structuring a better deal with MGM at the time SGA was ended. IF the movies were part of the package (drop SGA, pick up SGU and movies) then I don't think I would be blaming Syfy for anything at all. At the end of the day, Syfy is merely a "shopfront" in order for studio's to sell thier products. Did they advertise it poorly? I don't think so. In fact the largest complaints about poor advertising come from people seem to only watch Syfy for SGU and, shockingly enough, you generally don't do too much advertising for a show while it is airing......
Moving the night it was shown on, nope. I firmly beleive that it was done to give SGU a better shot at new viewers. Tuesday may not have been the best night, but I don't feel it was sent there to die. So, perhaps a little blame there as well for not thinking it through better.
MGM's greatest failure imo is what I give Syfy a total pass on, advertising. It is up to the Studio to hype it's product in locations other than Syfy, no one else. I've heard that there was significant advertising for it before it aired, but unless you continue the campaign, joe public is just going to forget any product, So, blame on them for that aspect.
Unsuprisingly, this is where the bulk of the blame should lie. TPTB produced the product, and if the product does not appeal to the public, the product gets dropped. This is simple business practice and TPTB are not "nebies", but old hands. They know the way the game is played. I won't even go into the whole attitude of TPTB as it's not nessesary
4:Neilson System
Umm, it's a system designed for advertisers and networks to arrange a "fair price" for advertising costs and revenue, It's not a popularity meter. Blaming the nielson sytem is only done because people cannot understand why it exists. No blame at all.
5: Downloads
Legal or otherwise, this is a level playing feild for the makers of any product that can exist in digital format, be it movies, tv or music. The current systems in place for tracking usage of these things may be a problem, but, like I said, it's everyones problem.
6: The viewers
I honestly don't know how you can blame the viewers at all except to make a case for them not understanding the impact of online viewing. Viewers are the end user and the only decison they truly have is weather they find a product interesting or not and where to obtain it.
7/8 Online forums & "angry SGA/SG1 fans
I'll combine these two as they are IMO directly linked. While the online community may be small, for every person who takes the time to post and discuss a show, there are probably hundreds, if not thousands that share a similar viewpoint. To me, forums are what the people blaming the neilson system are really looking for, a way to guage popularity of a product. GW as the largest SG site around firmly jumped on the SGU bandwagon and as such created the dominant online culture of the coming of SGU being a positive thing. In response, well, you had Counterculture (SGUS) The mere existance of a site for people to go and vent about the problems of a show should have raised red flags, Instead it was dismissed by the GW culture as the rantings of "fringe lunatics". As the site (SGUS) grew however DESPITE GW's efforts to not advertise it, it should have not only raised red flags, but been a bonfire to TPTB and MGM. Can forums really "change stuff"? Probably not, but in this day in age, I would consider it foolish of anyone making a product to ignore what amounts to free market reaserch in you target audience.