Objects may be closer than they appear
The Genii or the Lucian Alliance?
The LA without a doubt. Laughably bad thanks to SGU.
Poll fail. No "Dutch" option.
Anyway, I voted Genii as their silly decision to not form an alliance with the Atlantis team made no sense whatsoever. They were at 1940's tech level and even if they did manage to take control of Atlantis they did not have the expertise to do anything with it. Just about every episode with them was awkward - but they did give us Todd.
The Leather Fetish Alliance. I'm sorry, how can you honestly take anyone in leather seriously, especially when they had the propensity to use cattle prods and Lugers, even though they had the technology of the Goa'uld.
the genii -- once they lost Kolya they were horrible! (the LA at least had Mike Dopud going for them! )
Ergh.............why so?Right now I'm considering founding a Mike Dopud Sucks fanclub.