Corporations are going to become socialist entities like the Bureaus are in the US government. Capitalism cannot work without expanding and the peoples of the (today) Third World like South America, Africa and to a great degree...China, will not support and perpetuate the Capitalist system. The type of system I see in the Expanse is a trope to me. It assumes that the future will run on the values and principles which run today's society when today's society is giving way to something much more fair and balanced (socialism and communism). Thinking that a biased and unbalanced system like Capitalism is going to be perpetuated by those who have been oppressed by it is sorta naive.

It's like assuming that slaves would voluntarily perpetuate the system which enslaves them.
but for your idea to work, the third world oppressed need to currently be on a path to some sort of power
and, ultimately, the immigration route (now changing the future demo's of Europe for example) will not work, because once that immigrant group spawns a 2nd generation, they will encourage them to follow in the paths of the former majority and their capitalistic ways
without some type of great military strength in the third world, they will never over power the first world nations of today
-one reason,we sell them our weapons ("our" meaning us, china,sweden,germany,france, russia,etc) but they are inferior to ours
example-the exported M1 tanks and APACHE helos DO not carry the same systems for targeting or the same armor that our versions do
we do nearly everything to make them inferior short of installing a Go'ald homing system!
IMO, the system shown in the expanse is pretty much following the path we our currently on
spacex and other private corps as well as brazil and india are only in space exploration for profit-not for the greater good of man's future
the current third world population are now and have long been "in training" for becoming the future "belters". that is, our exportation of our industrial system to the third world-where they gladly work for pennies on our labor dollars-has been the perfect training tool,a generational one, for the future space workers; the asteroid miners, the ice cutters, the support industry and society we see on Ceres in THE EXPANSE, all of those ppl are being acculturated to becoming a generational work force for the future
all of whom will gladly leave EARTH on the promise of greater opportunities-the "america dream" in space
the corporate world is now drooling over the plans they have for space exploitation-even though they may not personally see the profits, they are earning their huge salaries today by building the promise for investors of a wealthy future for their investments-also generational
do i agree with this? no. but I think it is the path of mankind. we have seen that "greed is good". Gordon Gecko as pro(f)phet for the future religion of 'Euro-dollar-yuanism' is a growing reality!
the only thing THE EXPANSE gets wrong is the ethnic composition of those we see on ceres; it should be a blacker and browner one. a population of those Africans,south asians and south americans whose first space faring ancestors came from those areas and not Europe, America or North Asia
<<i am going to paste this into the EXPANSE thread as well so it doesn't derail the ST squee fest here