The Fall of the Stargate Franchise

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
This article is worth re-posting:

They say big people make big mistakes, and this is what happened to the Stargate franchise.

Everywhere we look, from forums, video sites to Amazon reviews, SGU received massive outcry, even affiliated fan sites are finding it hard to contain all the negative responses.

While the producers of SGU publicly stated they don't care about the old fans, going as far as calling old fans "morons" and "idiots", what they were afraid to admit is they needed the old fan base as a crutch just incase people found out how much they sucked. After all, why use the Stargate brand if they didn't need the fan base at all?

What really happened is the producers of SGU have lost the touch, the world changed so much, they look at other shows and wonder why they're not making as much money as well, so they thought it's time to change something, fix something that's not broken.

They didn't have the balls to create something entirely new, so they used the Stargate brand as a blanket, looked at Survivors, American idols, Lost, Greys anatomy, Cloverfield etc, took what they thought was making them popular and combined them base on BSG, a framework they were comfortable working with.

The end result was a gigantic fail, what they ended up producing is exactly what you get when you take everything out of your fridge, blend them into a paste, cook it in microwave then put it in a used Coca Cola cup from McDonalds and call it the new Coke.

Now normally when someone create a pile of crap, people simply ignore it and move on, but what the producers of SGU did, was on top of producing a pile of crap, they also betrayed an established fan base, destroyed an established franchise, and spent more money per episode doing so.

The producers are too insecure to admit it, but anyone with basic business skills knows it was simply a bad business decision. There's simply no excuse.

And it's too late to turn back, the cat is out of the bag and not even Cooper & Wright's massive ego can contain this mess.

Goodbye Stargate.


Well Known GateFan
Check out the title of the first related hub while you are at it, should provide some lols :)


GateFans Noob
Except for the fact that the people involved in this aren't big people. They are the power players, but they aren't big. Big people step up and admit they raped the pooch by mistake. Then they try and fix it. These clowns stood around and had a circle jerk while telling each other it was the fans that screwed it up by not watching there wonderfully artistic and masterfully created soap opera.


GateFans Noob
Except for the fact that the people involved in this aren't big people. They are the power players, but they aren't big. Big people step up and admit they raped the pooch by mistake. Then they try and fix it. These clowns stood around and had a circle jerk while telling each other it was the fans that screwed it up by not watching there wonderfully artistic and masterfully created soap opera.

come on wonderfully artistic and masterfully is to kind dont you think?

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
Our newest braindead troll...

Where can I watch this show for free? it is really good!
If the show were so good you'd be willing to pay to watch it, not looking for free.
That's why SGU DVDs are bombing big time. As a matter of fact, the show is so bad, fewer and fewer people are even willing to watch it for free, as the TV ratings have also steadily tanked since the pilot.


GateFans Cadet
The piracy scapegoat

If the show were so good you'd be willing to pay to watch it, not looking for free.
That's why SGU DVDs are bombing big time. As a matter of fact, the show is so bad, fewer and fewer people are even willing to watch it for free, as the TV ratings have also steadily tanked since the pilot.

Even Uwe Boll has used that one to explain his bombs. :roll:

As I said to a friend who got a cable de-scrambler way back when, only to find that most of the stuff on the channel consisted of crappy films being replayed in a loop: "Well, can't say you aren't getting what you payed for, can you?"


GateFans Noob
Dear Josh plz face palm yourself. and then look to the top of your screen at the website url. I refuse to waste any more of my time to try to educate you about your target audience...the fact that they are not here seems to have eluded you. Have a nice day.


GateFans Noob
Dear Josh plz face palm yourself. and then look to the top of your screen at the website url. I refuse to waste any more of my time to try to educate you about your target audience...the fact that they are not here seems to have eluded you. Have a nice day.

why you waste your time saying this is pointless

The Doctor

GateFans Noob
If the show were so good you'd be willing to pay to watch it, not looking for free.
That's why SGU DVDs are bombing big time. As a matter of fact, the show is so bad, fewer and fewer people are even willing to watch it for free, as the TV ratings have also steadily tanked since the pilot.

It has to be said that I myself just used to watch it online. Actually, I'd be interested on the UK ratings for Stargate Universe. Anyone know where I could find this?