I am such a huge fan of Space X! Huge fan. Like I used to be for NASA. I stopped being a fan if NASA when they became a bloated, inefficient lame-duck Agency no longer concerned with the advancement of aeronautical pursuits. Space X is far FAR more advanced than NASA, and they want the job. I have toured their facility in Hawthorne CA (close to me), and it is way beyond anything NASA has anywhere in terms of technology and efficiency. Very. Little. Waste. And not much ostentation. At NASA, there is a hierarchy, and the old men have fancy offices with oak desks and lots of awards and stuff on the wall signed by presidents. Big deal. At Space X, you don't see any of that. Everybody works as a team from the bosses to the line workers.
Space X does in a warehouse sized building and perhaps 150 people, what NASA uses hangars the size of several large city blocks and hundreds of people to do. Time to dump NASA. Assign them to something else.