Terra Nova: Allison Miller (Skye) and Faye Grant (Original V). almost identical...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I was watching Terra Nova the other night and throughout the entire series I have been seeing something very familiar in the Sky character and could not put my finger on it. Now I remembered. This is scary!:


The one at left is Allison Miller, at right is Faye Grant. They could pass EASILY for blood sisters.


The Belle of the Ball
freaky! Now I know why she looks sooooooo familiar! They could be mother and daughter (given the current age difference.) I know they aren't but it is a freaky resemblance.


To be honest, I don't find them all that similar looking. Apart from the fact that they're both women. Though they have about the same eye colour, the shape seems different. Faye appears to be more square-jawed. The hair is rather different. Ofcourse women do have a habit of making themselves look different. Perhaps in a few years Allisson will look more like Faye on this picture. :)