How many movies can you say that about?
Even look at A New Hope.
How stupid is Tarkin to let 4 people and 2 droids off the death star?
How stupid are they to send 30 tie fighters to stop the rebels, when they have thousands?
How stupid is the design of the Death Star to have a port, just the right size for a few missiles to fit into that leads to the main reactor?
How stupid are they to not have a few star destroyers level the base on Yavin, or at least support their giant death star? You don't send out an Aircraft carrier with no support ships.....
Point being, ALL movies make these kinds of BS "common sense" errors, and if you want to pick apart one movie (or 3) you should do the same to the other three, yes?
Right, cause a good way to cloak yourself it to put up a sign saying "nothing to see here" over an empty patch.
I am not gonna defend the bad writing of them, it was bad. TCW is better written. What I am taking issue with is the vague "but it's dumb" when there is stuff in the movies to counter that dumbness. It's not well written, sure, but that does not mean it is not there.
Yoda and the force.
Praytell, what do we -see- Yoda doing in TESB that is so different to what he does in 1-3?
Yoda throws rocks? Sure, Yoda moves a spaceship. OMFG!! it's SOOOO DIFFERENT!!
Limited to the mental and not the physical, hmm, I dunno, training? umm, waving your hands around or closing your eyes to draw on the more esoteric parts of the force (casting spells
) is harder than effecting your own body?
Yoda and Anakin, Yoda warns Anakin he is straying into elements of the dark side, and he is not raging with frustration, he is seeking guidance. In fact, the argument being made in the video is so baseless in that section that Plinkett is not only making shit up, he needs to pull in a few lines from his own fake backstory to make it slightly amusing.
That is section one of the review (on the dumb factor), and while funny, when you -really- look at it, there is no substance to his comments and it's nothing more than an echo chamber for people who have already made up their mind, and has no comparative critical thinking elements. A debate team member, Mr Plinkett is not.