Star Trek VOY: General Discussion Thread


Well Known GateFan
Eh, I don't really like most of the characters, Doctor and Seven are all right. Honestly, the only character I like is a minor one, Naomi Wildman. lol, she's awesome with her curiosity and actual emotions. I like her and 7's interactions:
Naomi Wildman, subunit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions.

I think my problem with the show is sorta what the actor that plays Kim says in here, especially the last two paragraphs:

Garrett Wang:
Kim was probed, beaten, tortured and held the distinction of being the first Voyager crew member to die and come back to life. What more does a guy have to do to get promoted to Lieutenant for frak’s sake? To add further insult to injury, other crew members such as Tuvok (Russ) and Paris were being promoted, demoted and then re- promoted throughout the seven-year run of Voyager.
I’m not trying to be negative here; just saying it like it is. During the fourth season, I called writer/producer Brannon Braga and asked him why my character hadn’t received a promotion yet. His response? “Well, somebody’s gotta be the ensign.” Geez, thanks. Thanks for nothing.

When casting ended on Voyager, all the actors were invited by executive producer Rick Berman to attend a congratulatory luncheon. It was during this lunch that Berman informed us that he expected all actors portraying human roles to follow his decree. He told us that we were to underplay our human characters. He wanted our line delivery to be as military — and subsequently devoid of emotion — as possible, since this, in his opinion, was the only way to make the aliens look real.

My first thought was, “That’s not right! What the heck was Berman talking about? Was he pulling our legs? The human characters shouldn’t be forced to muffle their emotions. We were human, not androids!”​


Well Known GateFan
I liked Naomi as well :)
Sometimes the "kids" are right for things.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I liked Naomi as well :)
Sometimes the "kids" are right for things.

I loved Naomi. :) I did NOT like the Naomi they first used, but the second one was a whip. :) I loved her facial expressions, her directness and her interactions with Seven of Nine and Neelix and Captain Janeway.
Eh, I don't really like most of the characters, Doctor and Seven are all right. Honestly, the only character I like is a minor one, Naomi Wildman. lol, she's awesome with her curiosity and actual emotions. I like her and 7's interactions:
Naomi Wildman, subunit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions.


I think my problem with the show is sorta what the actor that plays Kim says in here, especially the last two paragraphs:

Garrett Wang:
Kim was probed, beaten, tortured and held the distinction of being the first Voyager crew member to die and come back to life. What more does a guy have to do to get promoted to Lieutenant for frak’s sake? To add further insult to injury, other crew members such as Tuvok (Russ) and Paris were being promoted, demoted and then re- promoted throughout the seven-year run of Voyager.​
I’m not trying to be negative here; just saying it like it is. During the fourth season, I called writer/producer Brannon Braga and asked him why my character hadn’t received a promotion yet. His response? “Well, somebody’s gotta be the ensign.” Geez, thanks. Thanks for nothing.​
When casting ended on Voyager, all the actors were invited by executive producer Rick Berman to attend a congratulatory luncheon. It was during this lunch that Berman informed us that he expected all actors portraying human roles to follow his decree. He told us that we were to underplay our human characters. He wanted our line delivery to be as military — and subsequently devoid of emotion — as possible, since this, in his opinion, was the only way to make the aliens look real.​
My first thought was, “That’s not right! What the heck was Berman talking about? Was he pulling our legs? The human characters shouldn’t be forced to muffle their emotions. We were human, not androids!”​

Hmm...Kim should have been promoted to Lt...that would have been right. But his idea that Voyager should have made it to the big screen, I disagree. I do not think that Voyager lent itself to the big screen. I give this show 5 stars for ending with the crew making it back home. I never forgave Gilligan's Island (even with the lame movies where they got rescued), or Lost in Space where the Robinsons never got home. Once home, then what? I would love to have seen a continuance of the lives of the characters in a more dramatic setting on earth (ala Caprica) only involving Starfleet and earth of the 23rd century.

But as far as Voyager, I think they did a good job. I was hoping you would LOVE this show. Have you done DS9 yet?


Well Known GateFan
Voyager *could* have had a "big screen" ending, but I think at that point the ST movie ship had sailed with TNG.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Voyager *could* have had a "big screen" ending, but I think at that point the ST movie ship had sailed with TNG.

Yes, and rightfully so I think. Yeah, they could have perhaps had their time on the big screen, but somehow aftwer Endgame, I felt the end without a continuance of the story beyond them getting home. I also expected TNG to go to the big screen to replace the aging TOS crew.


Well Known GateFan
Ahh, I was referring to what Berman told the actors to be, devoid of emotion. I already watched ds9, pale comparison to and knockoff of Babylon 5, but for a star trek show, it was pretty good. I liked tng and the original series way more.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ahh, I was referring to what Berman told the actors to be, devoid of emotion. I already watched ds9, pale comparison to and knockoff of Babylon 5, but for a star trek show, it was pretty good. I liked tng and the original series way more.

I loved Babylon 5. :) I am almost 100% sure that DS9 ripped off the idea from B5...there was even a lawsuit.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Have you done DS9 yet?

For the love of all things natural, PLEASE don't push him down that path!!
--- merged: Apr 5, 2013 at 9:27 PM ---
Anyway, the series was cut short, just before introducing 36 of 38, Quaternary Adjunct of Unimatrix FFF and Seven's arch nemesis.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
For the love of all things natural, PLEASE don't push him down that path!!
--- merged: Apr 5, 2013 at 9:27 PM ---
Anyway, the series was cut short, just before introducing 36 of 38, Quaternary Adjunct of Unimatrix FFF and Seven's arch nemesis.




Well Known GateFan
I loved Babylon 5. :) I am almost 100% sure that DS9 ripped off the idea from B5...there was even a lawsuit.

I think originally JMS approached Paramount in order to make his 'show' come on, it was rejected however the idea (draft of the show) was still taken and used to make DS9 before Babylon 5 went into production, which in my thoughts when I first watched DS9, it felt like the show didn't know what it wanted to be, then in later seasons found its path and became good for the most part.

Back to Voyager.

To me it was a show that played it safe way to often, the magical reset button was always a huge issue as one episode they don't have any power and the next everything is functioning fine and dandy, there was no lasting conflicts or issues, no real consequences to their actions previously. When Voyager was good it was really good (The Borg Alliance against Species 8472) but then you got episodes where a lot of the time something stupid would happen, like Neelix's cheese infects the ships biogel thingies so the ship nearly explodes. Sounds like I'm cherry picking but just remembering stuff off the top of my head.

Though some people dislike DS9 and that is fine, but at least it took chances (pale in the moon light is a perfect example of this, using deceit to gain an ally in the war).


Well Known GateFan
Ahh, I shouldn't have started reading this thread from the beginning...first page: love voyager, loved voyager, janeway's the best. Second page: Shipping characters, ship, ship, 12" dildo, ship, ship. Me: lets out the puke I've been holding back from page one.

Anyways, been reading other forums on voyager. One interesting question came up that I'm sure most of you have thought about before:

What would science fiction be like in Trek-verse?

To me, honestly, after all the crazy wacky stuff that goes on in the shows, the only thing I can think of that would be their science fiction is just plain fantasy, magic, all that stuff. Maybe they have some futuristic stuff, new engine on ships or galaxy exploration, who knows. I wish they did explore certain things like that on the shows.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ahh, I shouldn't have started reading this thread from the beginning...first page: love voyager, loved voyager, janeway's the best. Second page: Shipping characters, ship, ship, 12" dildo, ship, ship. Me: lets out the puke I've been holding back from page one.

Anyways, been reading other forums on voyager. One interesting question came up that I'm sure most of you have thought about before:

What would science fiction be like in Trek-verse?

To me, honestly, after all the crazy wacky stuff that goes on in the shows, the only thing I can think of that would be their science fiction is just plain fantasy, magic, all that stuff. Maybe they have some futuristic stuff, new engine on ships or galaxy exploration, who knows. I wish they did explore certain things like that on the shows.

When your tech advances by leaps and bounds as it does in Trek, there's hardly any room left for fiction per se. :icon_lol:

Did you notice that the characters in the Trek universe are nearly always fascinated with the past? Maybe that's the twist with being so advanced and practically having the universe at arm's length. You're left with imagining what it would be like to visit the past when shit was simpler.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually Voyager didn't push the reset button often at all. I can only think of three times off the top of my head and in one at least it was only a reset from Braxton's POV (the end of the S3 Two Parter where they went back in time). Overall I agree with Overmind - the show was well done.


Well Known GateFan
Would you prefer the term "returned to status quo"?

I love voyager, but I'm not willing to give it a pass on the amount of times that the ship has been all but written off and next ep it's back in one piece looking like it just came out of spacedock.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Would you prefer the term "returned to status quo"?

I love voyager, but I'm not willing to give it a pass on the amount of times that the ship has been all but written off and next ep it's back in one piece looking like it just came out of spacedock.

Yep, and even the paint is tidy. :facepalm:. I really love that the Delta Flyer was destroyed in Unimatrix Zero, but then it was "all better" in the next episode? Also, in the episode where Seven was compelled to follow a Borg homing signal (The Raven), she was able to take out 15 Bowmar vessels with a normal shuttle which was not the flyer, but Janeway was dealing with those same ships and she was tucking her tail when they threatened to overpower her? :facepalm:.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually that was 2 episodes later and they built a new one....

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
So, they had no power to replicate food but they can spare plenty to build super shuttles? Cool.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually that was 2 episodes later and they built a new one....

And you dont find that odd?

So, they had no power to replicate food but they can spare plenty to build super shuttles? Cool.

BLAM. Why not simply push the old weak shuttles out the freakin airlock and build a fleet of flyers? In Endgame, when Admiral Janeway showed up in her shuttle from the future with new technology, where did Voyager get all the resources to install the armor deployment tech? They damn near re-hulled the ship in emitters. Well, all you have to do is hit the big red button.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
And you dont find that odd?

BLAM. Why not simply push the old weak shuttles out the freakin airlock and build a fleet of flyers? In Endgame, when Admiral Janeway showed up in her shuttle from the future with new technology, where did Voyager get all the resources to install the armor deployment tech? They damn near re-hulled the ship in emitters. Well, all you have to do is hit the big red button.

View attachment 28035

I'm sure we all wish we had a button like that in real life.


Well Known GateFan
There is no way around it, it was a plot-hole of VOY.

Plot holes do not make a show "bad", being bad makes them bad, P.H. just give you something concrete to hang your hat on :P