Star Trek: Picard

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

OM First Contact precedes Voyager Endgame in the canon - in fact the only Trek film to be after the return of Voyager is Nemesis.

MY BAD! I meant Nemesis. The scene I had in my mind was Admiral Janeway talking to Picard...then I remembered she was remarking that a Reman had become the leader of the Romulan Empire...that was Nemesis, not First Contact. Thanks!

Still, the rest of what I said would be true. All Borg connected to the Collective would have been infected with the neurolytic pathogen.


Well Known GateFan
It’s interesting that they ultimately had to sell it to Amazon because (likely) they knew no one wants CBS AllAccess. As to the trailer.....meh. While it was not as obviously wrong as STD was it still felt off.

only out of the US amz prime viewers can watch it there, in the US we are stuck with CBS, but you can by a subscription to cbs through your amz pr acct if that makes you feel less 'dirty' :)


Well Known GateFan
MY BAD! I meant Nemesis. The scene I had in my mind was Admiral Janeway talking to Picard...then I remembered she was remarking that a Reman had become the leader of the Romulan Empire...that was Nemesis, not First Contact. Thanks!

Still, the rest of what I said would be true. All Borg connected to the Collective would have been infected with the neurolytic pathogen.


and the more than one queen thing (died in first contact died in voyager too)

are there any more out there? if so, are they 'firewalled'? that is multiple queens (clones?) each based around their own 'sub hive'?

so yes, all connected when no threats, but easily could firewall their own hive if a threat was detected. we have seen how fast a queen can act- about a second to send a command

i mean, it has never been said this isn't how it is (by omission), and tptb's have a hell of knack for filling in between the lines 'holes' from previous material and still be "good"


Well Known GateFan
All Borg connected to the Collective would have been affected.

well yes, of course. but remember when the queen (first time we saw her in VOY) lured 7 back with setting up that so called disabled borg sphere?

at that time she acquired all that 7 knew since being on VOYAGER. so she would have found out things like how that one alien race was trying to infect the collective by infecting the viniculum of a Borg cube. the one that had 7 hearing voices and switching personalities between her victims

so, it is fair to posit that after the queen (the one we see) got this info then firewalled compartmentalization protocol could have been set up in case of emergency


Well Known GateFan
found this on YT, i guess it is on the DVD

this scene just seems very slow-even for TNG, and bit strange. really kind of gives a preview of a retired Picard.

i wonder what the actual reason for not using it was?



Well Known GateFan
right, but so do other species and their space faring and the tech and knowledge that would come with that

what earth century do the romulans (to stay with the topic) go back to? they had space travelling tech when they sundered themselves from Vulcan

yes, but were they utterly defeated in VOYAGER?

all we see VOYAGER and Janeway doing (future janeway) is infecting and destroying a Borg hub base

we cannot know if all of their worlds (Which we have never seen other than from orbit) were affected.

and then there are the neo borg or the collection of Free Borg (the ones who chakotay discovered). they may have stepped in a grabbed up some ships and free tech after Janeway's attack

the thing is-which as been sticking with me for awhile- is that seemingly show runners have wanted to tell the Borg origin story for awhile now

a planned 5th season of ENTERPRISE was to include an arc that was going to show this. they even had the actress who played the borg queen to play the original non borg humanoid that became the Queen (in flashback i think )

s5 was also to include the events of the earth romulan war. perhaps the two stories were to be relatred? who knows, it will never be know

but tptb's (sane or otherwise) seem intent on telling the story. i dont see why PICARD won't tell it, it is certainly a viable, in canon theme for them to pursue, one that would be popular as well

and then there is General Korok and his Free Borg Rebels

we know what a happened to them?


What ship is this?
Staff member
There’s was at least one Borg sphere that the pathogen did not affect - the one that pursued Voyager into the conduit. The effect of the pathogen was to break the Borg ability to communicate collectively even with their own cybernetic implants.

Arguably the worse impact to the Borg was imploding the transwarp conduit network. That location was the central hub for the entire network so it meant no Borg cubes using transwarp for the foreseeable future.


Well Known GateFan
i am sure the borg-having the knowledge of the peoples of about 25% of the galaxy, had a 'plan b' in case they lost trans warp

maybe not installed in their ships but easily done if needed

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i am sure the borg-having the knowledge of the peoples of about 25% of the galaxy, had a 'plan b' in case they lost trans warp

maybe not installed in their ships but easily done if needed

The pathogen would have continued to propagate into the Collective perhaps for YEARS after the original infection. The Borg only know how to assimilate and adapt, not analyze and create. The act of attempting to assimilate the pathogen would spread it even more.


Well Known GateFan
The pathogen would have continued to propagate into the Collective perhaps for YEARS after the original infection. The Borg only know how to assimilate and adapt, not analyze and create. The act of attempting to assimilate the pathogen would spread it even more.

just talking about installing other then trans warp drive engines in their ships.

i didn't get to the end yet
(rewatching s7), did Gen Koroks (unimatrix zero 1 and 2) free borg ships get infected by Janeway's pathogen? they were disconnected from the hive and every free borg was an individual again

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
just talking about installing other then trans warp drive engines in their ships.

i didn't get to the end yet
(rewatching s7), did Gen Koroks (unimatrix zero 1 and 2) free borg ships get infected by Janeway's pathogen? they were disconnected from the hive and every free borg was an individual again

The pathogen should have also affected them too, and even was a bit of a deus ex machina. How could the pathogen transmit anywhere? Was it physical or digital?


Well Known GateFan
The pathogen should have also affected them too, and even was a bit of a deus ex machina. How could the pathogen transmit anywhere? Was it physical or digital?

and how is it verified that it affected the entire collective?

SF doesn't have sensors that could reach all the way to the other side of delta or gamma quadrants

how do we know (or rather what could we say if some new show revealed the borg had bases deep inside of planets and were in their own sub collective or what ever may be in the new scripts) that all of the borg were affected?

the story of the borg has evolved since they were first introduced in tng. if we only went by what we saw in tng, then the borg would be entirely uninteresting

so, i think if tptb's wanted to make the 'borg box' larger, then many fans would appreciate that. clearly, the borg play a role in PICARD already, just wondering how big of one.


Well Known GateFan
i guess it is Data!

this tweeted today by the actor who plays Hugh

looks like Data and Hugh will have scenes together



Well Known GateFan
was it ever revealed what species Hugh originally was?

more importantly, will he be wearing a Lycra stretch 'cat suit' in this show?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
was it ever revealed what species Hugh originally was?

more importantly, will he be wearing a Lycra stretch 'cat suit' in this show?

I think they will not put any males in stuff like that for obvious reasons. :daniel_new023: But you do bring up an interesting question about his original species. He appears to be human but we aren't ever told.


Well Known GateFan
and aren't they going to owe us some backstory on hugh? like how he got from when we last saw him to this new series?

surely he is not still a drone- connected to the hive or otherwise


Well Known GateFan
i am just going to drop this here

in CBS' quest for cash and the search to fill CBS offerings (content, content, content), the CPT WORF show gets a new look

i'd be fine with this. he was a pretty major character in 2 shows, and the films. but if they get nutty with a ST:BASHIR or ST:LWAXANA, they'd I think id have to draw the line

<and the f'ing nerve of the guy who wrote this article. saying stuff like "with the new Klingon look and story being established in ST-D, a CPT WORF may have a hard time fitting in" :smiley-015:>>

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i am just going to drop this here

in CBS' quest for cash and the search to fill CBS offerings (content, content, content), the CPT WORF show gets a new look

i'd be fine with this. he was a pretty major character in 2 shows, and the films. but if they get nutty with a ST:BASHIR or ST:LWAXANA, they'd I think id have to draw the line

<and the f'ing nerve of the guy who wrote this article. saying stuff like "with the new Klingon look and story being established in ST-D, a CPT WORF may have a hard time fitting in" :smiley-015:>>

Meh...a Captain Worf show? Why? Last we saw, Worf was some kind of Lieutenant Chancellor along with Martok in the Klingon Empire. Why would there be a Captain Worf?


Well Known GateFan
Meh...a Captain Worf show? Why? Last we saw, Worf was some kind of Lieutenant Chancellor along with Martok in the Klingon Empire. Why would there be a Captain Worf?

only one reason

cbs maximizing the exposure net on their streamer in the hopes of catching more fish

also known as "they are going to "disney (verb- to exploit)" the F^ck out of star trek"