

My avatar speaks for itself.

--- merged: Nov 20, 2012 at 1:30 AM ---
minor spoilers.


My avatar speaks for itself.
A quick fraps look at my skyrim character my manslave Erik* (he carries all my loot and gets in my way more then he helps), my housebitch Lydia* (no you cant F her :rolleyes:), a tour of my house and me buying a new horse (they keep dying on me) ending with a view of my hometown Whiterun.​
(lowrez fraps as i didnt want to wait a couple hours for the file to upload to youtube)​
Game runs at an avrage 45-65FPS on my Nvidia GT 530.​
(also a tip is to do what i did set the FOV to atleast 80 as at the default FOV my eys get tired and i tend to get headaches)​
also game is perfectly playable in either 1st person mode or 3rd person mode (i prefer the latter)​
Lydia*: she is given to you as part of the game story when you become Thane of whiterun, every time you tell her to carry loot she moans about how she is sworn to carry my burdens... gets a bit too annoying and tedious hence i left her ass at home :D
Erik*: i found his ass in a little farming town bitching about how he wanted to become an adventurer and wanted me to convince his father to let him do that so i did and had him join me... still waiting on him to get himself killed and his father to put a bounty on my head for letting that happen.. :rolleyes:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Skyrim Forsaken cave speedrun.​
Far from a perfect run though as i get caught on som inamate objects,shot with poisonous darts, lit on fire and disarmed by the "Haal Viik" shout leaving "Erik The Obvious" to have all the fun, i did get the word and some loot, thats all that counts.​


Well Known GateFan
Looks very cool! I soooo need a new game like this! Bethesda rocks! (Damn I sound like a cheerleader twat don't I? :( )

*I know you said we can't F "Lydia" but how about "Erik"? :smiley-laughing021:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Looks very cool! I soooo need a new game like this! Bethesda rocks! (Damn I sound like a cheerleader twat don't I? :( )

*I know you said we can't F "Lydia" but how about "Erik"? :smiley-laughing021:
"bethesda rocks"? carefullt here bud the games are usually quite buggy ive been lucky so far tho..

and hmm.. donno maybe ill have that as the topic of my next video :rotflmao:


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, Fallout New Vegas by Bethesda is buggy as shit. I love that game series but that one is particularly bad in terms of glitches. Plus the load times for simply walking through a door are insane.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yeah, Fallout New Vegas by Bethesda is buggy as shit. I love that game series but that one is particularly bad in terms of glitches. Plus the load times for simply walking through a door are insane.
in comparisen skyrim is pretty polished id say and you saw how fast i walked through doors in those clips.