
Well Known GateFan
In S1 I couldn't watch the show; very slow, dark (like the sets in the 'outie' / real life world always dark) , kept falling asleep.

So I put it aside.

Now that S2 is back, I finally made it through S1 and I am up to date on S2

S2 is much better, more focused on the plot, no time needed for character introduction, a bit faster paced.

I got to ask though, if anyone else is watching it- do you think the TPTBs are passively mocking Scientology with this show? I am cool with that if they are. I ask because so much of the 'innie' work day is so much like Scientology (as presented via documentaries and auto biographical shows on people who have been in Scientology). From the ideology of a founder myth, to 'we do important work for the world here', to the use of machines and procedures that resemble Scientology's 'auditing'