Sanctuary Ratings Discussion


What ship is this?
Staff member
Hopefully we get it back in late fall on Fridays. That is where it always did well.


Council Member & Author
Hopefully we get it back in late fall on Fridays. That is where it always did well.
From the ads I've been seeing lately, it seems that the majority of their scripted "original" programming will be shown on Monday nights from now on.

Gotta make sure the "reality" (barf) shows have the decent time slots, ya know.


What ship is this?
Staff member
From the ads I've been seeing lately, it seems that the majority of their scripted "original" programming will be shown on Monday nights from now on.

Gotta make sure the "reality" (barf) shows have the decent time slots, ya know.

I suppose it could work if they only have a total of 6 scripted shows. But it just shows stupidity - you put your costliest shows in the primo slots not reality sludge. And while Sanctuary is inexpensive it still likely is more than a reality show.


GateFans Noob
Hello, I'm new here.

Seeing those low ratings only fuels my frustration for Syfy, and breaks my heart for the show. I'm disgusted that Syfy would do that to Sanctuary, how they'd ruin the show, only to help another show that did way worse. Syfy is not only hurting the shows reputation, but the cast and crew, and us fans. I hope Syfy knows what they did was wrong, and I hope they move the show back home in S4, or else there will be no S5.

What Syfy is doing is beyond insulting and disgusting. Amanda came off at GttS as not to impressed that Syfy had the Sanctuary theme cut a bit for the US audience. I wouldn't be surprised if she also isn't happy about this. Syfy is killing not only the show, but what sci-fi means/is. Sanctuary was doing well, no problem o Fri, and 5 eps on Mon, and it crashes. This is not the shows fault, but Syfy. Unless they want another fan uproar on their hands, like they did with Caprica and SGU, they’d better put Sanctuary back on Fri, in it’s normal time slot.

Syfy is ruining the show, embarrassing the cast and crew, and hurting us fans. If Syfy cared one tenth about the fans, as they do about money, they'd be better off.


Council Member & Author
Hello, I'm new here.
Seeing those low ratings only fuels my frustration for Syfy, and breaks my heart for the show. I'm disgusted that Syfy would do that to Sanctuary, how they'd ruin the show, only to help another show that did way worse. Syfy is not only hurting the shows reputation, but the cast and crew, and us fans. I hope Syfy knows what they did was wrong, and I hope they move the show back home in S4, or else there will be no S5.

What Syfy is doing is beyond insulting and disgusting. Amanda came off at GttS as not to impressed that Syfy had the Sanctuary theme cut a bit for the US audience. I wouldn't be surprised if she also isn't happy about this. Syfy is killing not only the show, but what sci-fi means/is. Sanctuary was doing well, no problem o Fri, and 5 eps on Mon, and it crashes. This is not the shows fault, but Syfy. Unless they want another fan uproar on their hands, like they did with Caprica and SGU, they’d better put Sanctuary back on Fri, in it’s normal time slot.

Syfy is ruining the show, embarrassing the cast and crew, and hurting us fans. If Syfy cared one tenth about the fans, as they do about money, they'd be better off.
Welcome to GateFans.

As you can see from our posts now and in the past, we are also concerned about the scheduling issue, and that Siffy apparently plans to put their other shows, such as Warehouse 13, Eureka and their new show, Alphas, on Monday nights.

It's not a good idea in the least, especially as they are "battling" established and widely watched (though not by me) shows such as Dancing With the Twits and American Phule.

One would hope they would come to their senses, but then, no one said they have anything resembling common sense.


Well Known GateFan
Hello, I'm new here.

Seeing those low ratings only fuels my frustration for Syfy, and breaks my heart for the show. I'm disgusted that Syfy would do that to Sanctuary, how they'd ruin the show, only to help another show that did way worse. Syfy is not only hurting the shows reputation, but the cast and crew, and us fans. I hope Syfy knows what they did was wrong, and I hope they move the show back home in S4, or else there will be no S5.

What Syfy is doing is beyond insulting and disgusting. Amanda came off at GttS as not to impressed that Syfy had the Sanctuary theme cut a bit for the US audience. I wouldn't be surprised if she also isn't happy about this. Syfy is killing not only the show, but what sci-fi means/is. Sanctuary was doing well, no problem o Fri, and 5 eps on Mon, and it crashes. This is not the shows fault, but Syfy. Unless they want another fan uproar on their hands, like they did with Caprica and SGU, they’d better put Sanctuary back on Fri, in it’s normal time slot.

Syfy is ruining the show, embarrassing the cast and crew, and hurting us fans. If Syfy cared one tenth about the fans, as they do about money, they'd be better off.

Hey Rocky, welcome to Gatefans!!


I did answer this post over at GW, and yes, I feel your pain.:( Sanctuary is an excellent show with strong concepts and a proven cast and production crew and to see it stumble like it is now is sad to see. With any luck the L+7 figures will hold on till the end of season, so it can return to a more friendly spot and stop being an "experiment". Then again, as much as I love Sancutary, if it can only survive in one spot on one day, it's got problems anyway :(


GateFans Noob
Maybe it will do better now that DWTS is over until Sept. I scheduled my rehab not to be on Monday or Tuesday since I need to be more adventurous. I'm thinking my sequin and tassel withdrawal is going to be ruff. My that doesn't even sound flattering. That's my joke for the week guys. Back on topic I think maybe Santuary will find an audience over the summer since WH13 and Eureaka did well earlier in the week last summer.


GateFans Noob
Welcome to GateFans.

As you can see from our posts now and in the past, we are also concerned about the scheduling issue, and that Siffy apparently plans to put their other shows, such as Warehouse 13, Eureka and their new show, Alphas, on Monday nights.

It's not a good idea in the least, especially as they are "battling" established and widely watched (though not by me) shows such as Dancing With the Twits and American Phule.

One would hope they would come to their senses, but then, no one said they have anything resembling common sense.

Hey Rocky, welcome to Gatefans!!

I did answer this post over at GW, and yes, I feel your pain.:( Sanctuary is an excellent show with strong concepts and a proven cast and production crew and to see it stumble like it is now is sad to see. With any luck the L+7 figures will hold on till the end of season, so it can return to a more friendly spot and stop being an "experiment". Then again, as much as I love Sanctuary, if it can only survive in one spot on one day, it's got problems anyway :(

Maybe it will do better now that DWTS is over until Sept. I scheduled my rehab not to be on Monday or Tuesday since I need to be more adventurous. I'm thinking my sequin and tassel withdrawal is going to be ruff. My that doesn't even sound flattering. That's my joke for the week guys. Back on topic I think maybe Sanctuary will find an audience over the summer since WH13 and Eureka did well earlier in the week last summer.

Thank you for the welcome. :)

What Syfy is doing is wrong, very, very wrong, they took one of the bets shows, and turned it upside down, and just to help a show that was doing worse? The fact that Syfy moved the show only days after a new episode, switched it with an even worse show, just so they can experiment, tells me Syfy cares NOTHING for the fans or their shows. As long as they bring in the money, that's all they care about it.

With the way UL started, and how it's doing now, you think it'll be renewed?


I do doubt Syfy is happy about the ratings. Wonder what Briangate thinks? :confused:


Well Known GateFan
Urban legends has grown its audience quite a bit, so I doubt they are too disappointed with it. I'm glad they didn't start Sanctuary off on tuesdays like they planned, no doubt SGU would have been blamed for its untimely demise had that been the case. Incidentally these numbers make me wonder about how little chance SGU actually had not airing on friday when it came back.

I hope Syfy doesn't plan to launch any other sci-fi shows outside of summer or friday though - not a viable option it would seem.


GateFans Noob
Sorry, Sanctuary, but I bet they would not be happy about either
Yes, he is.

Oh, OK, thank you.

Urban legends has grown its audience quite a bit, so I doubt they are too disappointed with it. I'm glad they didn't start Sanctuary off on tuesdays like they planned, no doubt SGU would have been blamed for its untimely demise had that been the case. Incidentally these numbers make me wonder about how little chance SGU actually had not airing on friday when it came back.

I hope Syfy doesn't plan to launch any other sci-fi shows outside of summer or friday though - not a viable option it would seem.

Part of me is hoping UL is canned, so it can give Sanctuary a shot at getting their home back. :(

It's funny you should bring up Tuesday, because for a while now, I've been following news articles from GW, and I find them VERY insightful for this situation.

To me, those say it all, and I hope Syfy sees them.


For me, I find it hard to believe the day of the week and time of the year have that much to do with how a established show preforms. People still work all year, the 18-30 crowd still goes out at night (even more so during the summer months). If Monday is the problem day for syfy we will see it reflected in W13 and Eureka in a couple weeks when they start.


Well Known GateFan
For me, I find it hard to believe the day of the week and time of the year have that much to do with how a established show preforms. People still work all year, the 18-30 crowd still goes out at night (even more so during the summer months). If Monday is the problem day for syfy we will see it reflected in W13 and Eureka in a couple weeks when they start.

So you think that Sanctuary would be doing these kind of figures on a friday?


Well Known GateFan
For me, I find it hard to believe the day of the week and time of the year have that much to do with how a established show preforms. People still work all year, the 18-30 crowd still goes out at night (even more so during the summer months). If Monday is the problem day for syfy we will see it reflected in W13 and Eureka in a couple weeks when they start.

People follow habits though. Friday night has been established as the sci-fi night for some years now. For some reason it's just easier to watch a show live on Friday night for a lot of people than on a Monday night.

I managed to catch Sanctuary this Monday but that was a fluke. Monday is the day when all the week's stuff hits me so watching TV isn't really on my list. I'm usually "in motion" all day long and can't stop to sit down in front of the TV. By Friday I've handled most stuff and then I can relax a bit. I think a lot of people are that way, they get busy early in the week and then have more time come Friday night. This is totally unscientific though and simply off the top of my head.


So you think that Sanctuary would be doing these kind of figures on a friday?

At this point in time, not sure, look at the first two ep's this season, they are in the 1.1 mil range then drop off suddenly. Why? Is it really Mondays? If you like a show you will follow it to the new day and time slot, right? If Fridays are the only day of the week syfy can place scifi related show on air, that means the rest of the week will be filled with even more wrestling and reality shows further pushing syfy out of the scifi business.


GateFans Noob
So you think that Sanctuary would be doing these kind of figures on a friday?

I DO NOT believe that Sanctuary would still be doing this bad if they were still on Fri, not one bit. In S1, they had SGA as their lead-in, in S2, they had SGU, and for the first half of S3, they had WWE, and for a couple of episodes in S3.5 and they always got good ratings, regardless of the lead-in.

Then 5 eps on Mon, and it goes down hard. :( The Mon night slot is the problem here, and Syfy should have known that with what was happening with UL. I have no doubt ratings for the last 5 eps would have been much better had they stayed on Fri, a night the show must return to.


Well Known GateFan
At this point in time, not sure, look at the first two ep's this season, they are in the 1.1 mil range then drop off suddenly. Why? Is it really Mondays? If you like a show you will follow it to the new day and time slot, right? If Fridays are the only day of the week syfy can place scifi related show on air, that means the rest of the week will be filled with even more wrestling and reality shows further pushing syfy out of the scifi business.

What if there are a lot of casual viewers who like the show but simply aren't interested enough to follow it? That seems to be the case here. I'm talking convenience. I'm not going to change my schedule to follow a show anywhere. TV is just not that important to me. Am I alone in this? Probably not.

And yes, people DVR shows but that ratings count isn't that important yet unfortunately.