Not much is better than classic RUSH. =) That Quarterflash tune was good, though. They've got another good one from that same LP, "Find another fool" too.
I really feel sorry for the young'ns today. They really have very little if any really good music that is created by people in their age group, like we did back in the 70's and 80's. Back then, you could see the biggest acts live for between $7 & $10 bucks/ticket. Some of those shows I can remember as clear as if it was last night, which is saying something, considering the amount of intoxicants consumed during some shows. (back then, a DWI stop was a minor annoyance, no more than a legal slap on the wrist)
There were shows in smaller venues that you could catch a buzz just by breathing the air around you.
Intoxicants aside, there is nothing similar to the music and entertainment environment which existed back then; going to concerts every weekend.