Rewatching Farscape - what did you think?


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I have been rewatching Farscape on YouTube as they seem to have it on continuous spool along with other shows like Space: 1999 and Space Precinct. Some thing I have noticed more this time around:

1) The weirdness. This show is plain weird and apparently that was intentional. Weird characters and strange stories. And yet it is entertaining despite this because the weird elements do not overpower the characters - who are the main attractions to me.

2) GREAT characters. Okay I admit I didn't care totally for Jool or Sikozu. But all the rest are well conceived and developed. There are of course Crichton and Aeryn who are the main coupling and they work very well together. But also there is D'Argo who starts antagonistic but becomes John's BFF. Chiana is also well realized as is Rygel. Pilot is also a layered character and even Moya has depth - and she is the ship.

3) It has one of the GOAT villains in Scorpius. In fact I'm not 100% sure he is a pure villain and he has a complex character and there are times you wind up agreeing with him. Grayza is more of a true villain and also harder to respect. Braca I don't think is a villain per se - he is exactly what Crais described him as...a consummate Peacekeeper. And Crais was a good bad guy with redemption arc situation.

I do think the first three seasons were the strongest. Season 4 felt kind of disjointed. But Peacekeeper Wars is one of the better series finales out there.

What were your impressions of Farscape?
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Well Known GateFan
I'm biased as it was done out here.
Scorpius is a villain, but Harvey (the one in John's brain), is a little more questionable in motivation.
I did really enjoy Farscape, In fact, it a series I try to watch every year (along with Babylon 5) I have both on DVD so it's easier that way. I feel my fave "non main character of farscape has to be Rygel. To get that depth of character from a puppet is simply outstanding. I do think Chiana lacked some depth and was used more as eye candy, which was a failing of the show (unless you are looking for eye candy) Pilot was brilliant as well, the deep connection between him and Moya was extremely well done. D'Argo I always want to like, but something always put's me off. I can't say what it it is, there is just............. something.
If you are looking for a good sci-fi series though, Farscape is hard to pass up on.


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Staff member
I always have had Scorpius listed as a GOAT (Greatest of all Time) villain because of his complexity. He has goals (and his main one is not that bad as it is protecting everyone from the Scarrans) which he will do or say anything in pursuit of - no matter how morally questionable the words or deeds.


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Staff member
I should note rewatching Farscape helped me see more just what a sleazeball Grayza is, which made me cheer when Braca relieved her of duty. It also increased my appreciation for Braca. He is not a villain, just a true and true Peacekeeper. His loyalty is to the organization and the principles it stands for. I think this is why Scorpius early on took Braca under his wing and groomed him for higher rank - he likewise is loyal to the organization. And remember that even when Grayza had Scorpius in chains and then shot him Braca was secretly still working with Scorpius - in the books after the Peacekeeper Wars Braca is one of those who ultimately works with Aeryn to get Grayza expelled and to start guiding the Peacekeepers back to what the Eidelons intended them to be.
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