Jim of WVa
Well Known GateFan
This is silly, Jim. ONLY the IQ test taken when you were a child is recorded in your cumulative records. Mine is WAAAAY higher than yours (more than 10 points). The only other one recorded (if taken) is the ASVAB test for the military or the other aptitude tests given by the CIA which are classified. That sparkly looking online certificate means nothing. Take that to some employer or college and you will be laughed out of the zip code.
Im looking at your DEMONSTRATED intelligence, and you are not impressing anyone here with it. I really do not think anyone would be talking about it if you weren’t bringing it up, but since you have..... What sort of people are talking about "race is real" in the US? Not intelligent people. Not educated people. Which group in the US most closely resembles your ideas about "race" and crime (as a result of race)? I see it over at Stormfront and the rest of it in the lower socio-economic classes of the deep south. The scientific community and most all of the general population is aware that "race" is nothing but a social construct having no scientific basis. You spend time searching for others who believe as you do, and you only seem to find backwards little blogs or white guys over 70 years old who still believe that nonsense.
Care to document these spurious assertions?