No, they are not. IQ tests are Eurasian-centric because intelligence is Eurasian-centric. Mathematics and science are Eurasian-centric.

Neither mathematics nor science was created by Eurasians. They were created by Africans, long before Eurasians ever civilized.

Intelligence is realizing that humans are a single group which has differentiated from a central root in appearance and minor structure, but NOT genetically. Intelligence is displaying behaviors which are inclusive and aware of reality as it exists. Thinking that one group of Humanity is better or worse than another without any empirical evidence is not intelligent. It is sociopathic. Having cultural prejudices is a different matter, given that there is no consideration for "race" or ethnicity. Disliking a religious group with a diverse following is an example. Disliking meat eaters or vegans is another couple of examples. But hating "black people" is just dumb, because you cannot define them as a "race" group. You can define the segment you dislike, and that group is a cultural group not a "race". The Ghetto culture.
Are you a chess player Jim? Im betting you are not...but Im asking.

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