Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Den of Geek reports about new Star Trek series with Michelle Yeoh but the link turned out to be useless.

Just the link is useless? :) I love Michelle Yeoh, and even though I hate the show I thought she made the best of what she was given. However, she is not enough to carry her own show. Who she is in Discovery makes her a villian, actually. Her character is dark and secretive because it was kept a secret that she is from the Mirror Universe. Also, there would be heavy Section 31 stuff.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Just the link is useless? :) I love Michelle Yeoh, and even though I hate the show I thought she made the best of what she was given. However, she is not enough to carry her own show. Who she is in Discovery makes her a villian, actually. Her character is dark and secretive because it was kept a secret that she is from the Mirror Universe. Also, there would be heavy Section 31 stuff.


Well Known GateFan
Wait....a new Rocky movie? :facepalm:

i guess it came out in the fall, i have not seen it


<< BTW I hate boxing but for some reason I find movies about boxing entertaining (rocky's, million dollar baby, etc). weird huh? >>

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i guess it came out in the fall, i have not seen it


<< BTW I hate boxing but for some reason I find movies about boxing entertaining (rocky's, million dollar baby, etc). weird huh? >>
Yes, weird. :). I hate boxing. Therefore I hate any boxing movies or stories. But to each his own!


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

My guess is that Netflix didn't pay a dime for them or that they even received money for them to show these on Netflix, as a promotional effort for the new season.

Nobody bought them from what I hear. CBS was marketing them as a separate entity (LMAO!) They tried to get $40 million for them from Netflix. I can just see the expressions on the faces in that meeting!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
My phone was sent off today for replacement. It takes getting used to not having my phone. It's not like it was malfunctioning, I just called support to say that the charging cable sometimes falls out. They offered me the option to replace it. I figured I'd take them up on that. Although it might mean that I might get a refurbished one, it might also be a brand new one. Either way, I should get one which functions properly, otherwise I'll be back in their hair. :)

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
That's an interesting looking phone. Not interesting enough for me to want to have it, but I can see people being attracted to it if they have money to burn.


Well Known GateFan

This is so true shanks is a total ass in real life.

i read where TPTB's of SG1 had to change the pronunciation of the name of Daniels's wife from the way it was pronounced in the SG movie

seems he couldn't pronounce the name "Sha'uri" and had to change it to "Sha're" since he refused to learn how to pronounce the canon name

that does sound pretty Prima Donna like