Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
There are references, but not a thread for it. Go ahead and start one! :)
if there is at least one other person here watching it then i will

not that crazy about it, only watching it because it is available on netflix

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just had a good chuckle over a movie review I read. The title of the movie is "Free the Nipple". The review reads a lot like the style of someone here. I'm looking at you @PussyGalore.

This would be a good thing! But they have to make a rule: Breasts. Must. Be. Natural. Not "enhanced, not implants. Thankfully (I hope), that era has passed. :)
Seriously??? Wynona Earp??? I never even heard of that bitch!!!
Expanse ROBBED ! What a friggin joke . Beat out by a wtf western about who the fook knows who stepped in fresh horseshit !!!

OMG! :icon_e_surprised:

There is no way that turd of show Wynona Earp legitimately won. This whole thing is so fake. What a waste of my time voting.


Well Known GateFan
just a one off here, since one off's are ok :)

i have been meaning to look it up for a while and finally did. Now if I wanted a Med MJ cert card I'd have to go over 60 miles to the nearest Dr certified by the state to do so!

I am just wondering; why does any Dr need MORE certification to write for med mj when any Dr or PA can write for narcotics or benzo's--all far more and actually dangerous drugs then med mj would ever be!-- already just because they are licensed as medical practitioners?

and there only like 3 or 4 med mj dispensaries IN THE ENTIRE STATE!!!

its kind of like the state is saying "ok, you can have your med mj BUT just you try and get it! muuhahaha! "

and, it pretty much looks like no major medical group- where a hospital has huge staff of Drs and PA's who work fort hem in local family practice and other specialty offices- is allowing their Dr's to apply for this certification. Hmm?


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This tweet is quite funny. And the responses to it have quite funny ones in there as well.



Well Known GateFan
Move to the Netherlands and you won't have to worry about being nice while you traipse from one pot dispensary to the next one just down the block. ;)

if i were still single, "some" things about the NETHERLANDS would get my attention


Well Known GateFan
You gotta move to Canada.

Where you have to be nice.

I suspect few people here have ever seen a hockey, lacrosse, or football game.

As for Wyonna winning: Sci - fi is big in Canada, where as fantasy is bigger in the States. Speaking of Dr. Who and Star Wars here of course.

All those pesky young boys and girls were doing as much clicking away as much if not more than your "Expanse" compatriots.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
just what are "they" testing now?

the b2 bomber and the f117 fighter (before we knew what they were) generated a lot of UFO reports back in the 80's

I was treated to a secret air show at Yuma AFB along with my entire battalion, and watched an entire squadron of them flying in formation. In 1982! It was surreal. :)