Random Banter

for a colonoscopy prep (routine over 50 one)

next time they say i am going to try some Witches Brew of "something" and too much gatorade

never knew that too much gatorade and "something" (is that a medical term?), could cause bowel activity

ironic thing is normally, with just regular everyday activity, i'd have gone 4 times naturally in the 2 days of the prep. taking this stuff and dulcalax has made me NOT GO.

my patience with the med community barely exists any longer

When I did a colonoscopy they gave me a choice of the Dulcalax pills or the gallon jug of Miralax. I went with the gallon jug believe it or not and it worked like a charm. Yeah it sucked drinking that much liquid but I knew the pills would only upset my stomach. (Dulcalax sucks donkey balls. I'll never take that stuff again.)

As for the "Gatorade witches brew", it's basically generic Miralax powder in Gatorade, that's it. You can add the powder to plain water if you want. (I think the powder they gave me was lemon-lime flavor but I can't remember exactly.) The reason they suggest Gatorade is because it supposedly replenishes electrolytes. You can accomplish the same thing by adding some natural sea salt to your drink.

I've tried Dulcalax and magnesium citrate in the past and didn't care for the results. Dulcalax is garbage and I'll never touch the stuff again. And mag citrate is rather rough in how it works. I've found that Miralax powder works best. That's really all you need to turn your digestive tract into a water slide. ;)

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Looks like there's finally some cracks appearing in Monsanto's facade. Of course they're going to appeal...

https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/world-europe-45167906?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1#amp_tf=From %1$s

I am 99% certain that the fellow would have avoided getting cancer, if he had used Roundup in a reasonably safe manner. The problem is that too many people think that if something is sold over the counter, then it must be absolutely safe. Well, nothing is that safe.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I must have missed this on the news somehow.


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I am 99% certain that the fellow would have avoided getting cancer, if he had used Roundup in a reasonably safe manner. The problem is that too many people think that if something is sold over the counter, then it must be absolutely safe. Well, nothing is that safe.
The biggest problem with the junk which Monsanto produces is that this shit gets into the food chain. There's no telling how many people have already been affected by it over the years. Probably hard to prove any of them got sick and/or died because of Monsanto's crap.
The biggest problem with the junk which Monsanto produces is that this shit gets into the food chain. There's no telling how many people have already been affected by it over the years. Probably hard to prove any of them got sick and/or died because of Monsanto's crap.

There's something of a "social contract" involved in the issue. As a civilization we want cheap produce delivered to us fast on a year round basis. Monsanto products make that possible. Most people don't think about the larger aspects of such a system. Most people just want produce when they want it and they don't think any further than that. (This includes giant food corporations that use produce for their packaged products like jars of spaghetti sauce or even powder mixes made with dehydrated produce.)

I'm not defending Monsanto, I'm just pointing out the issue is systemic and involves more than just this one company.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
There's something of a "social contract" involved in the issue. As a civilization we want cheap produce delivered to us fast on a year round basis. Monsanto products make that possible. Most people don't think about the larger aspects of such a system. Most people just want produce when they want it and they don't think any further than that. (This includes giant food corporations that use produce for their packaged products like jars of spaghetti sauce or even powder mixes made with dehydrated produce.)

I'm not defending Monsanto, I'm just pointing out the issue is systemic and involves more than just this one company.
Oh yes of course. But they sure got their fingers into a lot of pies and use every dirty trick in the book (and tricks that aren't in any books) to control many things for their maximum profit with absolutely no regard for negative consequences for anyone or anything else. Seriously, fuck Monsanto.
Oh yes of course. But they sure got their fingers into a lot of pies and use every dirty trick in the book (and tricks that aren't in any books) to control many things for their maximum profit with absolutely no regard for negative consequences for anyone or anything else. Seriously, fuck Monsanto.

I don't disagree, but this is the modus operandi of most corporations in every industry.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I don't disagree, but this is the modus operandi of most corporations in every industry.
To make profit. Yes. To intentionally make profit on things which harm nature and people. No.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
There's something of a "social contract" involved in the issue. As a civilization we want cheap produce delivered to us fast on a year round basis. Monsanto products make that possible. Most people don't think about the larger aspects of such a system. Most people just want produce when they want it and they don't think any further than that. (This includes giant food corporations that use produce for their packaged products like jars of spaghetti sauce or even powder mixes made with dehydrated produce.)

I'm not defending Monsanto, I'm just pointing out the issue is systemic and involves more than just this one company.
Oh yes of course. But they sure got their fingers into a lot of pies and use every dirty trick in the book (and tricks that aren't in any books) to control many things for their maximum profit with absolutely no regard for negative consequences for anyone or anything else. Seriously, fuck Monsanto.
They need to be busted up. They have a racket going with patenting plants they did not create, squeezing fees out of farmers for (unintentionally) growing GMO crops dropped by birds, and if they could they would patent marijuana strains just to make money on fees. California is going after them by trying to ban Roundup, forcing GMO labeling, giving them bad press and spearing the company's reputation.