Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan

At more than 60 billion revolutions per minute, this machine is more than 100,000 times faster than a high-speed dental drill.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I have had candy from Japan that was green tea flavored. It was good. Less good was the red bean flavored candy, but tastes differ, and very sweet food items were not part of China and Japan's culinary history.

They always jump ship before the inevitable crash. And they always cash out their stock to the tune of hundreds of millions, usually shortly after leaving the company. I guarantee you there's no way this bastard is gonna keep the majority of his portfolio in Netflix stock. (As CFO he definitely knows better.)

Can't wait to see how much "philanthropy" he ends up doing. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan

I know for many over here its not just about the content but the manner of delivery. So many areas just do not have good cable options.

In our town, we have comcast and windstream. I dont know what if any, tv service may be on windstream, its mainly phone and internet

The "city" up the road- St Mary's, pa, has a lot more people and only has one crappy option because the city council signed a deal with Zito Media to give them exclusive rights to run cable and they do not have to (and don't) allow other companies access to their cable within city limits (and it effects a lot of ppl there as the city limits are huge. the borough was consolidated with a township a long time ago making it a city and technically, by sq miles, it is like the 4th or 5th largest city in PA)

Zito, all agree, sucks

So we who can get comcast love it and get great service.

Satellite is an option for TV and internet but many ppl do not have it unless they have no choices (out of cable area). But I hear the speed for sat internet is barely faster then good dial up


Well Known GateFan
so last night and today, found out--the hard way--that i am allergic to magnesium citrate

once again, another reason to be so in live with the medical communities "throw shit against the wall and see what sticks" method of guessing

i threw up--violently--from about an hour after taking it at 5pm last night until about 6 this morning. and the stuff never did what it was supposed to do
so last night and today, found out--the hard way--that i am allergic to magnesium citrate

once again, another reason to be so in live with the medical communities "throw shit against the wall and see what sticks" method of guessing

i threw up--violently--from about an hour after taking it at 5pm last night until about 6 this morning. and the stuff never did what it was supposed to do

Did you take it as a dietary supplement or as a laxative? In other words, did you take a pill or did you drink a bottle of the stuff from the pharmacy? Magnesium citrate and oxide affect the digestive tract. (Mag oxide is the main ingredient in Milk of Magnesia for instance.)


Well Known GateFan
Did you take it as a dietary supplement or as a laxative? In other words, did you take a pill or did you drink a bottle of the stuff from the pharmacy? Magnesium citrate and oxide affect the digestive tract. (Mag oxide is the main ingredient in Milk of Magnesia for instance.)

for a colonoscopy prep (routine over 50 one)

next time they say i am going to try some Witches Brew of "something" and too much gatorade

never knew that too much gatorade and "something" (is that a medical term?), could cause bowel activity

ironic thing is normally, with just regular everyday activity, i'd have gone 4 times naturally in the 2 days of the prep. taking this stuff and dulcalax has made me NOT GO.

my patience with the med community barely exists any longer