Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
so since the electric company installed a 'smart meter' on my house, they know seem to know we have 2 refrigerators and multiple a'c units

they say we should get rid of some..even offer $25 to come pick up one of the working fridges

i say it is an invasion of privacy, what other devices can they deduce we have with these meters?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so since the electric company installed a 'smart meter' on my house, they know seem to know we have 2 refrigerators and multiple a'c units

they say we should get rid of some..even offer $25 to come pick up one of the working fridges

i say it is an invasion of privacy, what other devices can they deduce we have with these meters?

Do you really want to know? Its a rabbit hole.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so since the electric company installed a 'smart meter' on my house, they know seem to know we have 2 refrigerators and multiple a'c units

they say we should get rid of some..even offer $25 to come pick up one of the working fridges

i say it is an invasion of privacy, what other devices can they deduce we have with these meters?

Read this:


No, it isn't snooping, and no there are not secret transmitters hidden in your appliances, if that is where you are going...:hide;


Well Known GateFan
Read this:


No, it isn't snooping, and no there are not secret transmitters hidden in your appliances, if that is where you are going...:hide;

no,no..nothing so nefarious

i just chalked it up to very good guessing on their part

reading that link though-- i see them trying very hard to show it is useful for home owners/ 'the bill payers' but i think most americans are just bottom liners -- "how much is my bill?"

i see no explanation given as to why the electric company needs to differentiate between appliances used in my home. its just another example of the "we need your data" quest by corporations. they will find a way to monetize this knowledge as well

and, if it is SOOOOOO useful to consumers then WHY don't we have the choice of whether we want that info or not? if i have no use for the info--because I KNOW what appliances are in my home after all, then why couldn't i choose not to have it installed on my property?

this is yet one more small step in the ever eroding personal freedom issue. steps that so many people accept "in the name of..." till one day they find they have no privacy or personal choice left to them.
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Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
hey, you must be natural management material!!!!
It was a joke really, but I suspect your comment is too.

It wasn't meant literally but more like "I'm sorry for saddling you up with work and thanks for looking into it". ;)
no,no..nothing so nefarious

i just chalked it up to very good guessing on their part

reading that link though-- i see them trying very hard to show it is useful for home owners/ 'the bill payers' but i think most americans are just bottom liners -- "how much is my bill?"

i see no explanation given as to why the electric company needs to differentiate between appliances used in my home. its just another example of the "we need your data" quest buy corporations. they will find a way to monetize this knowledge as well

and, if it is SOOOOOO useful to consumers then WHY don't we have the choice of whether we want that info or not? if i have no use for the info--because I KNOW what appliances are in my home after all, then why couldn't i choice not to have installed on my property?

this is yet one more small step in the ever eroding personal freedom issue. steps that so many people accept "in the name of..." till one day they find they have no privacy or personal choice left to them.

It's not so much a "Big Brother" scenario as much as it is the electric company pretending to provide helpful info to their customers. Think of it the same way as when your health insurance company sends you those lame newsletters with "helpful" advice on how to eat healthy and crap like that. (Surely I'm not the only one who gets junk mail from my insurance company or doctor's health group?) In this situation the electric company can claim that their invasive-ness is really to help guide you with suggestions on how to save power and lower your monthly bill, blah blah blah.

You have to understand that your electric company is a for-profit organization. Even if they claim to be a "public utility" they are still, most likely, a privately owned corporation. You can actually buy stock in utility companies. I own stock in mine and it's clear to me that it's a for-profit corporation. But being a "public utility" they have to pretend to care about the little guy so they will make a show of using the data they collect on you to offer "helpful suggestions". This is all intended to keep the government oversight board from looking too closely at them and possibly fining them for some infraction in the future. In short, it's a self-serving charade on the part of the electric company.

*And yes, they probably collect your personal data for other reasons too, like to sell that info to other companies so they can advertise to you also. Don't be surprised if you receive junk mail for power-saving appliances in the future.

**BTW, utility stocks aren't the greatest in the short run but they do continue to rise over the long run I have found. If you think about it everyone needs electricity and natural gas and water. We have a ton more electrical devices now compared to 30 years ago. It only makes sense that the demand for electricity is continually going up and so does the corresponding share value for utility stocks. I bought into the energy company years ago via a DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan). So every quarter the dividends my stock has earned are reinvested into purchasing more stock. It hasn't made me rich by any means but it's kind of nice to know I've got this small account that is slowly growing without me even thinking about it. Years down the line it will be nice to cash out and buy a new car with the money. :beckett_new049:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

A Lord of the Rings....TV SHOW? Hobbits and orcs and elves and heroes running around and having adventures and getting into mischief, whilst some evil overlord (TBA) threatens peace and love in the realm? Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah....Stargate SG-1. Time to head up to Renaissance Fair for filming! :)


Sounds cute, but we have seen it in GoT, so many other places. It's too generic to have long term potential, even with the LotR name on it.
A Lord of the Rings....TV SHOW? Hobbits and orcs and elves and heroes running around and having adventures and getting into mischief, whilst some evil overlord (TBA) threatens peace and love in the realm? Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah....Stargate SG-1. Time to head up to Renaissance Fair for filming! :)

View attachment 34339

Sounds cute, but we have seen it in GoT, so many other places. It's too generic to have long term potential, even with the LotR name on it.

Plus it's going to be earlier in the timeline and involve characters whose fates we already know. Personally this gimmick bores me to tears. If they're going to do it they really should do it with new characters and a new story line. (Although truth be told this didn't work for Star Wars so take this suggestion worth a grain of salt.)


Well Known GateFan
It's not so much a "Big Brother" scenario as much as it is the electric company pretending to provide helpful info to their customers. Think of it the same way as when your health insurance company sends you those lame newsletters with "helpful" advice on how to eat healthy and crap like that. (Surely I'm not the only one who gets junk mail from my insurance company or doctor's health group?) In this situation the electric company can claim that their invasive-ness is really to help guide you with suggestions on how to save power and lower your monthly bill, blah blah blah.

You have to understand that your electric company is a for-profit organization. Even if they claim to be a "public utility" they are still, most likely, a privately owned corporation. You can actually buy stock in utility companies. I own stock in mine and it's clear to me that it's a for-profit corporation. But being a "public utility" they have to pretend to care about the little guy so they will make a show of using the data they collect on you to offer "helpful suggestions". This is all intended to keep the government oversight board from looking too closely at them and possibly fining them for some infraction in the future. In short, it's a self-serving charade on the part of the electric company.

*And yes, they probably collect your personal data for other reasons too, like to sell that info to other companies so they can advertise to you also. Don't be surprised if you receive junk mail for power-saving appliances in the future.

**BTW, utility stocks aren't the greatest in the short run but they do continue to rise over the long run I have found. If you think about it everyone needs electricity and natural gas and water. We have a ton more electrical devices now compared to 30 years ago. It only makes sense that the demand for electricity is continually going up and so does the corresponding share value for utility stocks. I bought into the energy company years ago via a DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan). So every quarter the dividends my stock has earned are reinvested into purchasing more stock. It hasn't made me rich by any means but it's kind of nice to know I've got this small account that is slowly growing without me even thinking about it. Years down the line it will be nice to cash out and buy a new car with the money. :beckett_new049:

yes. this is in the gist of what i mean..not big brother, tin foil hat stuff

just like that health ins company dumb stuff--like who would that info be news to anyhow?--it is useless info

and, yes, i know they are for profit, so why can't they just stick with billing me and then me paying?

what if we went to the grocer and, though they tally everything up, before you pay they gave you a lecture on every item you buy?

"Mr Pussygalore, i see you have chosen whole grain bread! Whole grains are so wonderful for you!!!!" "Mr Pussygalore, I see you have chosen some really bad for you, bacon. bacon is full of triglycerides and other harmful fats, you should limit your use of bacon or eliminate it. Given your current body composition, this choice may be very harmful to your health....your total is $85.99 please"


Well Known GateFan

there is a thread on this somewhere here....


it is clear no one knows what the hell the show will be about as every story written on the show so far really has no info

this article contradicts itself. first it states that 'it will be all new original material' then it states that "...younger versions of some of the LOTR characters and will explore previously untold stories from the universe."

the Tolkien estate has always held firm that no one will ever (of course 'ever' is quite a long time...) be able to add new material to the stories already out there on middle earth. ESPECIALLY after the Jackson abomination of HOBBIT and the little bit he added to that

so, even newly published stuff by chris tolkien are all just edits, re-edit or inclusion of more of the stuff his father wrote but got cut from first editions of things like THE SILMARILLION and all of its books

and the time they are talking of here, the character's young lives-well, a lot of that exists in the appendixes of LOTR's.

it is Amaz,and so far most of Amaz's originals are pretty good and well made. there is no need to write new stuff, there are many,many stores left untold from the published source material


Well Known GateFan
there is a thread on this somewhere here....


it is clear no one knows what the hell the show will be about as every story written on the show so far really has no info

this article contradicts itself. first it states that 'it will be all new original material' then it states that "...younger versions of some of the LOTR characters and will explore previously untold stories from the universe."

the Tolkien estate has always held firm that no one will ever (of course 'ever' is quite a long time...) be able to add new material to the stories already out there on middle earth. ESPECIALLY after the Jackson abomination of HOBBIT and the little bit he added to that

so, even newly published stuff by chris tolkien are all just edits, re-edit or inclusion of more of the stuff his father wrote but got cut from first editions of things like THE SILMARILLION and all of its books

and the time they are talking of here, the character's young lives-well, a lot of that exists in the appendixes of LOTR's.

it is Amaz,and so far most of Amaz's originals are pretty good and well made. there is no need to write new stuff, there are many,many stores left untold from the published source material

I don't want to ruin your parade, but the guys who wrote Star Trek Beyond are the writers for that show :P

Over the weekend, the e-commerce site-turned-streaming giant announced it had hired two showrunners, JD Payne and Patrick McKay, to develop the series. Payne and McKay have worked together for more than two decades, most recently, writing the big-budget script for Star Trek Beyond.


Well Known GateFan
I don't want to ruin your parade, but the guys who wrote Star Trek Beyond are the writers for that show :P


oh, i have no hopes or good expectations for it at all

not after the hatchet job done on HOBBIT

just saying that 'original material' is in no way needed as so much source material is out there already

one would hope the Tolkien family would keep things in line...they have been pretty tight so far and were pretty damning of the HOBBIT and Jackson's work

i dont think they would want the same thing to happen again---but who knows for sure until it airs



Well Known GateFan

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
those canadians are so sensitive :)

they should get some hidden video of how their people drive down here through PA!!!!! you'd swear they were from a third world nation with no DL trng or testing... its like they cross the border and lose their driving minds or something
They probably did lose their minds. Imagine how much ludicrous USA driving they would have had to endure before arriving down in PA. It's enough to drive one mental.

Seriously though, I fucking hate drivers who would intentionally drive through a puddle in order to splash a pedestrian. I have to constantly be on the lookout for that type of assholes around here when I walk along the road. Actually got splashed last Saturday not two minutes after I took that snail picture.
They probably did lose their minds. Imagine how much ludicrous USA driving they would have had to endure before arriving down in PA. It's enough to drive one mental.

Seriously though, I fucking hate drivers who would intentionally drive through a puddle in order to splash a pedestrian. I have to constantly be on the lookout for that type of assholes around here when I walk along the road. Actually got splashed last Saturday not two minutes after I took that snail picture.

And let me tell ya buddy, buying that plane ticket to Ireland then renting that car just to drive around until I found you standing near that puddle was worth every penny!
