OMNI's Art Thread


My avatar speaks for itself.
Indeed, the foreground esp has a more "miniature" quality as opposed to a "photorealistic rendering"

Guess your new toy is working out for you :P
the bokeh helps to add to that miniture feeling, and other people have said it looks real as in a real miniature model and to me thats a great compliment :)

and yes my new toy is working out PERFECT!
btw why did you ask if i had those models? i dont have am but i know where to find em..


Well Known GateFan
the bokeh helps to add to that miniture feeling, and other people have said it looks real as in a real miniature model and to me thats a great compliment :)
I assumed it would be. The background still looks like a pic (A very good pic mind you), but the parts surrounding the hex DO have a more "model-ish" quality.
and yes my new toy is working out PERFECT!
btw why did you ask if i had those models? i dont have am but i know where to find em..
I'm just a spaceship junkie dude :D
I'm just been re-watching DS9, so thats why the interest in the Defiant. As for the X-wing, thats more because I was discussing SW ships with a mate and that was his fave, Personally I prefer the Firespray class (Slave 1)


Objects may be closer than they appear
I would like to see a rendering of the original Romulan ship from Star Trek TOS. Somehow the original model was lost and in future episodes the Romulans were using "Klingon design". :tongue:


Well Known GateFan
I would like to see a rendering of the original Romulan ship from Star Trek TOS. Somehow the original model was lost and in future episodes the Romulans were using "Klingon design". :tongue:

The original "Bird of Prey" you mean?



After they lost the model, you are right, they started to use the "K'Tinga class" D-7



My avatar speaks for itself.
startrek designs... = facepalm

tho the green romulan ships are kinda neat :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
The original "Bird of Prey" you mean?



After they lost the model, you are right, they started to use the "K'Tinga class" D-7


Exactly - the old bird of prey model went AWOL and money was tight so they adjusted the story to bring the Romulans back. Otherwise the Romulans could have been the Furlings of Star Trek. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The original "Bird of Prey" you mean?



After they lost the model, you are right, they started to use the "K'Tinga class" D-7


The remastered release of TOS got rid of the D-7 and put back the original bird of prey.


Objects may be closer than they appear
The remastered release of TOS got rid of the D-7 and put back the original bird of prey.

Really? Which ep(s)? What did they do with that Scotty line that had "the Romulans now using Klingon design"?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Really? Which ep(s)? What did they do with that Scotty line that had "the Romulans now using Klingon design"?

The episode was called, "The Enterprise Incident", if I'm not mistaken. I don't recall Scotty's line but that's a nifty way of pointing out the obvious before the viewers bitch about it. :D


Objects may be closer than they appear
The episode was called, "The Enterprise Incident", if I'm not mistaken. I don't recall Scotty's line but that's a nifty way of pointing out the obvious before the viewers bitch about it. :D

OK, now I need to digest this before tonight's new Falling Skies. :tongue:


Objects may be closer than they appear
They lack the cool flaming side-decals and racing stripes to make their high speed more believable.

Stop making me spit up my drink! :lol:


Objects may be closer than they appear
The episode was called, "The Enterprise Incident", if I'm not mistaken. I don't recall Scotty's line but that's a nifty way of pointing out the obvious before the viewers bitch about it. :D

OK, now I need to digest this before tonight's new Falling Skies. :tongue:

OK, that didn't take long. Netflix is awesome! :)

In the remastered version they left the dialog alone and had two Klingon ships popping up first with a remastered Romulan bird of prey vessel showing up after Spock claimed that the Romulans were using the Klingon design.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Don't like Trek ships dude?
Why not?

You mean the D'Deridex class?


It is far mare "Astheticly pleasing" true.
naw they look so stupid and flimy to me tho i have seen some concept and fan designes that make more sence imo.

and yes those green ones are purdy to look at :)


Well Known GateFan
naw they look so stupid and flimy to me tho i have seen some concept and fan designes that make more sence imo.

and yes those green ones are purdy to look at :)

Looking at it closely, do ya think the "front" of the ship looks a bit like a NuBSG Cylon head?!? :lol: